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Just finished Tales of Symphonia rant/rave thread


Trav said:
Ok, so I haven't fully started the game yet (just got up to the first few fights to see what it was like before I really get into it). My question is how are you guys playing out the battles, as in, are you only playing one character at a time or do you switch? I'm a bit concerned over the real time nature of the combat. I'm afraid I'm not going to have the control over the fights like I'd want, unless I played one character exclusively (which I also don't want).

So, can someone who's made some progress give me an idea of what happens in a typical fight?

In the menu screen change the AI of the characters so that they'll either attack certain types of enemies or use certain types of attacks, then with your own guy you can just mash or string combos. The AI is fairly good at taking combat into its own hands but sometimes has a tendency to not run from monsters or die if they run out of TP if monsters are too aggressive.

I never change characters mid-fight since it's a waste of time and you can just issue commands on the fly from the battle menu anyway


So, let the AI control your other characters, which you pre-setup, then mash out combos with one guy? Sorry for the skepticism, but this is the battle system people are clamoring about? :confused


Trav said:
So, let the AI control your other characters, which you pre-setup, then mash out combos with one guy? Sorry for the skepticism, but this is the battle system people are clamoring about? :confused

Try it before you knock it. Think more along the lines of playing a fighting game with HP/MP instead of a turn based RPG with auto controlled guys


Yeah, I hear you, my statement was both skepticism AND ignorance. I'll be playing it here shortly. It's just discouraging that it sounds like I won't be controlling the magic users when I'm slicing it up with the melee guy. I'm afraid I'll be missing out on some strategy. You know?


belgurdo said:
Why do Raine and Genis
call themselves half-elves when they are captured and taken across the bridge early into Tethealla?
Are they trying to fool Zelos or did the writers forget the distinction?
Are you talking about how they were considered pure elves earlier on? That confused me at first too, but appearently they just lied about being pure elves and are really half elves. I think.

Trav - Belguro's right that you still have to think of it as more light a fighting game with HP/MP. But there is some strategy in regards to setting up the AI, and you can still bust out direct orders regarding what spells you want your teammates to use, it's just that the AI does a decent enough job that it's often unnecessary.


Trav said:
Yeah, I hear you, my statement was both skepticism AND ignorance. I'll be playing it here shortly. It's just discouraging that it sounds like I won't be controlling the magic users when I'm slicing it up with the melee guy. I'm afraid I'll be missing out on some strategy. You know?
well, you try controlling four characters at once and get back to me.

you can always manually cause them to input whatever spells you wish them to at any time. moreover, you can control what spells they use and what approach they take through the interface, which is a hell of a lot more convenient than manually telling them what to do constantly.


Eric-GCA said:
The same type of peeps who cast her in an almost identical role in Grandia 2, and while not identical, she was the lead in Eternal Darkness.

Nope, that was Jennifer Hale. Jennifer Hale was NOT the voice of Collete. She was Sheena.


belgurdo said:
Why do Raine and Genis
call themselves half-elves when they are captured and taken across the bridge early into Tethealla?
Are they trying to fool Zelos or did the writers forget the distinction?

Because apparently they ARE half-elves. I was kinda surprised that they just kinda revealed it and the rest of the party just said, "Oh. So they aren't pureblooded. Sucks for them." Especially when Lloyd doesn't know, I thought there'd be a little more to that scene.

Trav said:
Yeah, I hear you, my statement was both skepticism AND ignorance. I'll be playing it here shortly. It's just discouraging that it sounds like I won't be controlling the magic users when I'm slicing it up with the melee guy. I'm afraid I'll be missing out on some strategy. You know?

You can use the menu screen by pressing X and select what magic spell you want your magic users to do at any time, but I never had a problem with it because they're all pretty good at it. Or if you have friends over, or siblings, or a roommate, you can have them be your magic users.


Another thing you can do to semi command other characters is map them to your cstick shortcuts. I usually use those more moves on the char I'm using though.


Kiryogi, I just thought of something... why would Lloyd rename the tree Yggdrasil when Mithos was trying to kill their party?
Did anyone else go North when you're supposed to take the boat in Izoold? I triggered some event up there, and its not letting me take the boat. Any suggestions?


Yes, you'd wonder why, especially after all that. I thought it was just simply in memorial to him. Lloyd was basically the same as Mitos, but he made the right decisions.


BobbyRobby said:
Did anyone else go North when you're supposed to take the boat in Izoold? I triggered some event up there, and its not letting me take the boat. Any suggestions?

Go talk to Lyla in the house. Then talk to Max, then talk to Lyla, then talk to Max. Just keep doing it until he lets you on.

Otherwise, I dunno.

To Kiryogi:
I guess that makes sense. He was a friend of the party for a short while
AniHawk said:
Go talk to Lyla in the house. Then talk to Max, then talk to Lyla, then talk to Max. Just keep doing it until he lets you on.

Otherwise, I dunno.

Max ain't there anymore. The guy at the dock said he left on business or something. Thanks anyway though.


ToS is very literally impossible to obtain here, seriously Namco, what the fuck. The BB, CC and Toys R Us here claim they don't even carry it, and the GameStop says it'll be at least a few weeks before they get anymore in stock. The hell?

Bleh, guess I gotta order online. Pretty ridiculous though, even if it is a fairly obscure game, I've obtained stuff that should make ToS look like GTA avalibility wise without much effort many times before.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Anyone know the anwers to these two quick questions?

1) Do you get anything for clearing all the quests in the "Synopsis" menu? Because one of my entries (Wind Seal or something) is doubled for some reason, and one of the doubles is still yellow despite the fact that I'm waaay past that part. =(

2) Zelos has had some move called "Hurricane Thrust" or something in blue for hours. Both of his other thrust moves are past 50 uses, as well as both of his wind-type spells. WTF must I do to open it? My friend was telling me that your character can never use certain powers that are of the opposite type. Zelos is a T-type for me... is this a S-type move or something?


Buggy Loop

Gold Member
MrCheez said:
Anyone know the anwers to these two quick questions?

1) Do you get anything for clearing all the quests in the "Synopsis" menu? Because one of my entries (Wind Seal or something) is doubled for some reason, and one of the doubles is still yellow despite the fact that I'm waaay past that part. =(

2) Zelos has had some move called "Hurricane Thrust" or something in blue for hours. Both of his other thrust moves are past 50 uses, as well as both of his wind-type spells. WTF must I do to open it? My friend was telling me that your character can never use certain powers that are of the opposite type. Zelos is an S-type for me... is this a T-type move or something?


Hmm, i think, they cant use blue techs unless they're in over limit, but i wouldnt know for certain, i was also wondering that last night.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Well in my experience, when something is in blue it will open up when you've used it's "pre-req" tech enough times.

However, one of your characters does use a set of her techs (summons) only while in over limit. They appear in red otherwise.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Just beat it, 30 hours spent, 31 max combo, 7400 max damage, 330k gald used

Bottom line: My current Gamecube GOTY (although kind of by default)


Shit, that was pretty damn fast dude.

Wow, I'm usually proud of how quickly I do this stuff, but that's *quite* the better margin. I'm curious what could account for it. Did avoid a lot of regular enemes? Skip the Z conversations?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Skipped skit conversations, didn't allow the dialogue to play out (I can read those dialog boxes in 1-2 seconds), started to avoid battles at the last third of the game, didn't do side quests

This is my 3rd rpg I've beaten in a rental. The other two games took me about the same time as well (Kingdom Hearts, FFX) :p
Beat it last night. Incredible game, great gameplay, both fun and complex. It may have pretty trite story elements, but they are put together marvelously. My biggest complaint is the lousy summon system that requires your summoner to be in over-limit. I never saw half of the summons.

Probably the most all-around enjoyable RPG I have played this generation.

Around 50-55 hours to win.


Wario64 said:
Just beat it, 30 hours spent, 31 max combo, 7400 max damage, 330k gald used

Bottom line: My current Gamecube GOTY (although kind of by default)

There's still Pikmin 2, Paper Mario 2, MP2E, and possibly RE4, but yeah, ToS is pretty good.

For me, so far it's either MGSTTS or ToS (never played MGS before TTS, so that's why it's up there).


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
You skipped the skits?! But they are so great... half of them are hilarious. The characters have so much personality. =) I personally kick myself when I sometimes miss a skit by exiting an area or getting in a fight right as the Z icon pops up.

And yeah, the summoning system stinks. =( Plus they only get one hit off, they don't actually stick around during the battle. Ah well.
2) Zelos has had some move called "Hurricane Thrust" or something in blue for hours. Both of his other thrust moves are past 50 uses, as well as both of his wind-type spells. WTF must I do to open it? My friend was telling me that your character can never use certain powers that are of the opposite type. Zelos is a T-type for me... is this a S-type move or something?

You need to be at lvl 28 and use Sonic Thrust over 50 times. You'll have to keep using Sonic Thrust until he learns it in battle.

By the way: Later in the game, the Item Getter EX Skill makes Colette a thief machine. I highly recommend getting it.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Wario64 said:
This is my 3rd rpg I've beaten in a rental.

The REAL Cheapass Gamer, indeed

It took me a while to figure out that sheena had to be in overlimit to use summons, kinda disapointing that its that limited, im not sure why i should even bother to have her in my party.


Buggy Loop said:
The REAL Cheapass Gamer, indeed

It took me a while to figure out that sheena had to be in overlimit to use summons, kinda disapointing that its that limited, im not sure why i should even bother to have her in my party.

About the only thing good about Sheena is her breasts. Every time I put her up against bosses or something big all she does is die. The stat sealing moves are kinda interesting though


belgurdo said:
About the only thing good about Sheena is her breasts. Every time I put her up against bosses or something big all she does is die. The stat sealing moves are kinda interesting though

I found Sheena pretty useful even for the really hard hidden bosses. IIRC my party was Lloyd, Sheena, Kratos/Zelos, Preshia for basically the entire game.


Shihna is an awesome member melee and support wise. Like for her skill that'll res you with 0hp, also her uattacks with lloyd can deal mad damage.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Jupiter Jones said:
You need to be at lvl 28 and use Sonic Thrust over 50 times. You'll have to keep using Sonic Thrust until he learns it in battle.

I'm in my high 40s level-wise, and I've used Sonic Thrust 117 times and he still doesn't have it. =( I've also used Super Sonic Thrust over 50 times. I have no clue what the problem is. The only thing I can think of is that I have to be S-Type to learn it. ><


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Two other questions I'm curious about:

1) What does the Luck stat do? The instruction booklet says something like "has an effect in battles" =P

2) I have a few accessories with vague descriptions that can be equipped, but do not visibly alter stats. One example is an Opal, and it's description says "A gem recieved from the Summon Spirit of Wind. DIfficult to handle and affects those who possess it." What do these do? o_O


Luck I believe affects critical hits and item gain, usual luck stuff.

I'm about 30 hours in and just hit disc 2, my normal party consists of Lloyd, Collette(her secret tech is just flat out amazing), Raine and Regal. Pretty kickass game thus far:)


MrCheez said:
Two other questions I'm curious about:

1) What does the Luck stat do? The instruction booklet says something like "has an effect in battles" =P

2) I have a few accessories with vague descriptions that can be equipped, but do not visibly alter stats. One example is an Opal, and it's description says "A gem recieved from the Summon Spirit of Wind. DIfficult to handle and affects those who possess it." What do these do? o_O

2) They give you that element on your weapon :I think your armor too..:


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Cool, thanks for the answers =)

36 hours in and still on disk 1... which is great, because I don't want it to end. =)

I always have Lloyd and Raine in my party, then tend to swap the other two characters based on who is about to learn a new tech. I've had Regal in there a lot lately too just because he's so leet. 8)


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Cool, there's a reocurring dragon in the Earth place. 800 exp (at level 40) and 10,000 gil per battle. It's got 10,000 hp, but really isn't that challenging, if you have Raine in there


works for Gamestop (lol)
I always thought Luck gives you a better chance at landing critical hits, like all other RPGs. Not sure if it does anything else

I changed my party throughout the game, having each character do some battling every now and then (except Genis, I didn't really like him at all). At the end, my final party lineup was Lloyd, Raine, Regal and Pressis, or whatever her name is


Genis can lay waste to everyone if you build his spells up haha. I've only used Presea in one or two battles, just too weird for me:p

And Kratos >>>>>>>> Zelos.


Tamanon said:
Genis can lay waste to everyone if you build his spells up haha. I've only used Presea in one or two battles, just too weird for me:p

And Kratos >>>>>>>> Zelos.

Talking to bitches and getting items for it>>>Master Miller with a sword


belgurdo said:
Talking to bitches and getting items for it>>>Master Miller with a sword

Zelos did what now?

But I agree Zelos was a better fighter (and character) for me than Kratos. Kratos just stood there the entire battle and healed the characters (which Raine was already doing).


If you equip Zelos with a Level 2 EX gem and his personal skill. Put him at the front of the party and he gets free items from all the women in towns.:p

Useful for stocking up haha.


Tamanon said:
If you equip Zelos with a Level 2 EX gem and his personal skill. Put him at the front of the party and he gets free items from all the women in towns.:p

Useful for stocking up haha.

I never knew that...


Running off of Custom Firmware
He also hits up little girls for money and loot, pedo bastard.

Even better, you can leave the town and go back in to milk them again. *swoon*


To be fair, he's just setting them up to be the man of their dreams come back to them 15 years later. I think he explains that in one of the Z-skits:p


Running off of Custom Firmware
He does, I wasn't being serious. Zelos is freakin' hysterical.

The fact that he has no compunction about hitting on little girls had me almost crying (from laughter) once or twice.


I had a convo with a guy who always takes the road not taken. He argued that the story was pretty good from what he saw of it, but the characters and dialogue sucked. He said it wasn't realistic, like when Collete got wings, that they just accepted it and moved on. Or when Kratos joined the party, nobody questioned why the Merc. should be there.

I argued that the Z skits made it even more realistic since people usually have doubts and hold things back and strike up conversations in the middle of travelling to discuss something on their minds, but he disagreed.

This guy also HATES SoA and LOVES KH and FFX.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Not the most original thing ever, but the way the character development was handled in this game is exemplary, imho. The skits are brilliant. Oh, some suck, and some are just there to be goofy/funny.

I think I first realized just how good of an idea they were about 10 or 12 hours in, when Lloyd started a skit asking the crew if something that they had done (which caused the loss of innocent lives) was the right thing to do. It was one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations, and his chagrin and regret over the results of his very necessary decision almost ruined him for a moment there.

Good stuff. Very good stuff.
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