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Just finished the X TV series...

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I really liked this one, and could possibly be one of my favs. Great, great characters (Kamui makes Squall look like a cheerleader,) tons of backstory, lots of nice twists, and some gorgeous fight scenes. Episode 13 was a HUGE shock to me, as
I thought Kotori would play actually a very big part in the final moments.
The music was really good, if a bit repetitive; it seemed like they only have 3 or 4 themes. Unfortunately, the ending was a bit of a cop-out, and I wasn't a big fan of it, but that was made up for the whole Arishi/Sorata arc.

I have a couple questions though (massive, massive spoilers):

1) Was Kakyo at all manipulating Princess Hinoto, or no? It seemed like all of the Dragons of Earth (even Kusunagi) had some dark side, except for Kakyo.

2) Speaking of Kakyo, he says that he lost someone important to him. When watching EP:0, I thought that it was Hokuto Sumeragi (Subaru's sister) but realized that was wrong at the end. Did we ever get more info on this?

3) What exactly was the relationship between Subaru and Seishiro? I realized they were both Yin-Yang masters, but aside from Seishiro killing Subaru's sister (which really wasn't explained all that well) we don't really know much. My friend tells me though that these two are in another of Clamp's series.

That's it. Again, a series that I really really liked. A little angst-y at times, but definitely one of the best I've seen.


Damn. I still need to finish purchasing the rest of the DVDs for this series. I think I have up to disc 5 or 6. I really enjoyed it up to that point but then I got distracted. I wonder if the DVDs still come with the slip cases? I'd hate to disrupt the look of the collection I've got going so far :-( Maybe I'll get the rest of the DVDs for X after I purchase the last DVD for the Witch Hunter Robin series... *sigh*
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