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Just got MK Deception, first impressions


Seriously, I know that reviewers have been treating it very kindly and I actually thought that Deadly Alliance was okayish... for a MK game. But this is worse in every way. Can anyone tell me with a straight face that the fighting engine in this game is even average?

Chess Kombat is interesting... but SLOOOOOOOOOW. Puzzle Kombat is kind of fun in a Puzzle Fighter Lite way, but SLOOOOW. It took me five minutes to beat the first opponent... and then there's more? No way, back to menu.

And then we have Konquest, which is just the old "learn every move of every fighter while struggling with the horrible game engine" from DE, but with a horrible Zelda 2-esque world of trees, houses with tables inside, and more trees.

Please, tell me I can unlock the awesomeness somewhere. Maybe a hidden option? "Unlock game engine".

The game has one thing going for it: the story. Some characters are actually interesting (like Ashrah), but again, rehash rehash rehash (Kira is Sonya's and Kano's lovechild, etc). Whee, Kabal is back and replaces Mavado, stealing his blades and a win pose back. Whee, now there's two telekinetic guys (Kenchi and Ermac). Whee, every returning fighter has EXACTLY the same moves as in DE.

Or maybe I'm not doing it right. Maybe I need to be 14 years old again and feel excited that I'm playing a forbidden game? Oooooh blood...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I just can't get into the game. It looks so...hokey.

It just sits there...
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