hey dudes i just saw a screening for Hide and Seek with Robert DeNiro and Dakato whatever. I'll review it below AND mark it with spoiler tags, but i must warn you of spoilers now!
spoilers below if you care!!!!
ok, anyways the movie was excellent overall i feel. here is the good, bad and ugly as i saw it:
- DeNiro is the fucking man dudes.
which i will talk about in a sec.
- the little girl was also awesome. dont know how old she was but she is the real deal and has a bright future in front of her if she can act this well at such an early age.
- the story
-jean grey from xmen is in the movie an is pretty good. not a big role, even though
- the use of lighting (or lackthereof!) is awesome in the movie. its always pretty dark and it makes for added suspense in many of the scenes
- there is a whole thing with
- some parts of the movie just didn't make sense OR add up. for instance
- i didn't
the ugly -
from empire records (the movie) makes an appearance. haha its just funny to see that bum all grown up and in a movie. but seriously there was nothing terribly bad about the movie.
all in all i would have to recommend this movie. it just goes to show how much great acting can carry a movie. you take a movie like Saw, which arguably has the better premise and "ending", but its not even half as good as Hide and Seek because the acting was a fucking JOKE in Saw. go see hide and seek whenever it is out, especially if you want to see deniro on top of his game!
spoilers below if you care!!!!
ok, anyways the movie was excellent overall i feel. here is the good, bad and ugly as i saw it:
- DeNiro is the fucking man dudes.
he played a dual role in this movie
- the little girl was also awesome. dont know how old she was but she is the real deal and has a bright future in front of her if she can act this well at such an early age.
- the story
while somewhat predictable in the end, was good overall. basically, the movie starts with the little girls mom killing herself in the bathtub, and of course the little girl takes it pretty hard and her dad takes her away. eventually she makes a new "friend" named charlie. Charlie does a lot of bad things such as kill their cat, fill the bathtub with blood recreating the suicide scene of the little girls mother, and kills deniros new girlfriend late in the movie. shortly after his new gf is killed, we discover that infact deniro is both dr. calloway AND charlie. and as such he kills a cop and tries to kill his daughter, but fails
she is the one who kills deniro and saves his daughters life.
- there is a whole thing with
the next door neighbors and how they lost their child. towards the end before we find out deniro is charlie, there is a brief moment where the next door neighbor dad is made out to be charlie, and there is another 5 minute or so scene where the mom suggests the husband beats her and so on. i feel this was out of place because it wasn't expanded on AT ALL. they spend about 5 minutes total going over what happened in their lives, and it really has little relevance to what is happening in the movie. i kind of wish they took those parts out all together, but oh well
"charlie" kills dr. calloways GF and then puts her in the bathtub with her wrists slit and writes another message "can you see now". so he heads back downstairs to talk to his daughter. he talks to her, she says "wah wah you cant stop charlie" etc, then he locks her in the room and heads back up to the bathroom with a trashbag. now his GF is gone. when in the fuck did charlie have time to appear to take the GF out of the bathtub? it was a seamless scene
particulary like the twist because it has been done in a lot of movies like secret window and fight club, etc, but the acting still overcame the "predicatble" set of events
the ugly -
all in all i would have to recommend this movie. it just goes to show how much great acting can carry a movie. you take a movie like Saw, which arguably has the better premise and "ending", but its not even half as good as Hide and Seek because the acting was a fucking JOKE in Saw. go see hide and seek whenever it is out, especially if you want to see deniro on top of his game!