Honestly, I feel like Snyder should get a ton of credit for the fact that his movies look visually distinct and interesting. He would do a really good job as the director of cinematography. Anyone being mean to him can go fuck right off. I think you can acknowledge that his strengths are in visuals, and that its to his credit that Joss Whedon was brought on at all.
Joss Whedon I feel gets that any story is about the characters. If you don't care about the characters, then you don't care about the story (a story is what happens to/involving the characters).
Honestly, I feel like given all that has gone on, that it will ultimately work out for the best. Say what you want about Warner (and there's a lot to say), but at least once they've decided 'this is our guy', they give them the budget to do something. The visuals for DC's movies have been on point, the casting has been pretty good, but thus far, the writing and editing in a lot of these movies is the big problem in the room.
Given Whedon's track record, I think he can fix those, and WB is clearly giving him the budget and leverage to do it. If Whedon succeeds, then Snyder succeeds, because I don't think Whedon would be on the project without Snyder.