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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX


Boyd and Raylan team up to take Markham down and everyone lives happily ever after on Loretta's magic weed farm, and no one cool dies. Right?


Sepinwall mentions it in his review but I have to say: I hope they do something with Markham soon. For as scared as everyone is of him, he really hasn't done jack shit to justify that reaction. Elliot feels kind of wasted as a bad guy.


I shot people I like more for less.
-Yahoo TV: 'Justified' Postmortem: Graham Yost Talks the Rat and the Rise of Loretta in 'Burned'
-EW: Justified postmortem: Walton Goggins talks Boyd's worst fears and his obsession with Raylan

Sepinwall mentions it in his review but I have to say: I hope they do something with Markham soon. For as scared as everyone is of him, he really hasn't done jack shit to justify that reaction. Elliot feels kind of wasted as a bad guy.

I like him quite a bit, but yeah, not too threatening I guess. That feeling is kind of amplified since most of his goons are gone too.
Every time Markum is on screen I just laugh at how he tilts his head. I think he's about to have a stroke and they added the footage just because.
Why in the fuck would you give Boyd Crowder an open floor and an audience?

The only thing that made that better was Loretta's yanking that floor out from under EVERYBODY.
Great episode tonight. Boon is a strange man and a quick draw, so he'll fit right in. I fear that Loretta has bitten off more than she can chew, but leaving Harlan in her hands in the end might be an appropriate way to go. Boyd is taking too many unnecessary risks. Wynn was hilarious.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just for Ratsky:

See, tonight's episode was good, but was it really so far above the last few episodes that it warranted an "amazing, amazing, amazing" hype tweet? Nope.

Reminded me a lot of the mining company scene in season 2. Good stuff.

Me too. She learned well from Mags.

Edit: Also, for a brief moment, I thought Boyd was going to cut off his foot to escape. Thank god that didn't happen.

Same, haha.

Boyd and Raylan team up to take Markham down and everyone lives happily ever after on Loretta's magic weed farm, and no one cool dies. Right?


The guy they got to play the hitman was so good

He really was. I don't know how they keep finding all these actors who fit so well in this very specific universe.

She needs a spinoff. Fucking killed it with the speech at the party. I'm not a drug guy, ever, and I'm on board with her plan for those people in that county.

Loretta SLAYED this week. I'm so glad they decided to bring her back into the fold for the final season. Re-vitalizing the character of Harlan by way of Loretta was a masterstroke.

That entire party scene was just great.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Great episode. Everyone's drawing lines and getting backed into corners. This is going to get messier.

I want so much for Kaitlyn Dever to end up having a career trajectory similar to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. That'd be fantastic.


See, tonight's episode was good, but was it really so far above the last few episodes that it warranted an "amazing, amazing, amazing" hype tweet? Nope.

Well, I think it would be an amazing episode by any other shows standards. We're just spoiled by Justified and especially this season where every episode is amazing :)
- Quotes and GIFs from last night's episode via Warming Glow


The intro of the new guy was so fucking creepy. Knowing how close we are to the end my skin was crawling and tingling thinking Loretta was gonna die.

Loretta could be a criminal mastermind if her bravado doesn't get her killed first.
- Matt Zoller Seitz on this week's episode
This Elmore Leonard–Graham Yost potboiler has always been obsessed with exorcising childhood demons, outrunning the past, escaping untenable situations, and starting over — all aspects of the show’s dual lineage, the Western and the crime thriller; Avery even referred to Boyd Crowder as a “ghost” during a community gathering this week. But in “Burned,” we saw inklings of a different philosophy, and maybe intimations of a different, more hopeful wrap-up — though not for Raylan, I fear. (More on that in a bit.) For weeks now, we’ve heard that Harlan is dying, dying, dying, that there’s no hope for anyone, that it’s just a place for one-percenters like Avery to exploit the locals naïve enough to care about roots and traditions, and that the only smart move is to get out while you can. Loretta’s hard-nosed visionary quality shook the series out of its mournful frame of mind. She hatched a plan to buy up property that Avery was eyeing and become, essentially, what Avery wanted to be: a powerhouse in the legalized-marijuana business and one of the most important property owners in Harlan, but without Avery’s two Achilles’ heels: his crude gangster tactics and carpetbagger aura (Avery only recently moved to Kentucky after years in Colorado). There’s a touch of Macbeth in this development. If Avery and Katherine are Lord and Lady Macbeth, scheming and killing their way toward ruling this shit-apple redneck kingdom, Loretta may be its Macduff, the good and rightful heir marching into the final act to set things right.

He also pointed out something that really caught my attention during the show:

"That headless snake could be a harbinger of Avery’s fate: Art once cautioned Raylan, in reference to Avery, that “there’s always one more snake,” and Macbeth climaxes with the title character’s beheading.)"

...but I don't think that's a reference to Avery's fate, so much as Raylan's. Is Boon the "one more snake" that finally does Raylan in? The one Art tried to warn him about? He's certainly got the properties for it...that screw-loose unpredictability, that quick-draw. I can see Raylan being distracted with his eyes on the bigger fish, that this kid manages to take a piece out of him. :(

That's probably me just reading too much into it...I'm kinda locked in on a bad end for Raylan...so for me, I've been seeing everything as a sign for that, haha.
I do wonder if Seitz reads, or is familiar with Leonard beyond his more successful film adaptations. He keeps noticing, if not jumping at, shadows that I just don't see this show really casting, especially considering how close it tries to adhere to Leonard's style and tone.

I mean, they did break with the Arlo ghost, but even then, it was pretty damned subtle, considering. It wasn't Jack having a bull session with Christian, or Luke and Obi-Wan sitting on a log.

I would be really surprised if Raylan dies at the end of this.
Because Raylan's not the bad guy, basically. Leonard almost NEVER kills his protagonaists, and honestly, I can't think of a lead in any of his books who ends that book getting killed for whatever reason. The lead may not get exactly what they want, and they might not be 100% happy with how things go at the end of it, but Leonard never really went for tragic endings, and he usually doesn't kill genuinely good people for the sake of tugging on a heartstring or two.

The show has more or less (and way more, than less) stuck to the basic rules of tone and morality as found in Leonard's books. I could be wrong, and maybe Yost, Olyphant etc are looking to make their one real deviation a really big one, but I'd have a hard time looking at the rest of the show, and their claims as to what principles guide their show, and seeing Raylan getting killed at the end in some sort of sad heroic sacrifice as being in keeping with all of that.


Maybe when it comes to Netflix...
You will probably have to wait til the series wraps because i don't think Netflix got the Damages DTV seasons till the series was over and Netflix optioned the final season.

As for Raylan, there isn't a reason for him to die and it would feel like pure shock value for the purpose of getting people talking and not for story/closure reasons. I hope Boyd lives, gets the money and moves to a beach somewhere to live out his days or if he has to die i want it to be by Ava's hands and not Raylans.
Because Raylan's not the bad guy, basically. Leonard almost NEVER kills his protagonaists, and honestly, I can't think of a lead in any of his books who ends that book getting killed for whatever reason.
Nice, that's pretty interesting insight. I haven't read his work before...didn't realize there's a typical way things go for his protagonists.

I don't mind either way whether Raylan lives or dies, so long as it's done well within the scope of the show. And given the track record, I trust that will be the case. I just think there's been a few hints, moments of foreshadowing by the showrunners that's nudging toward a fatal end for Raylan. But yeah, I'm probably guilty of reading the tea leaves too deeply. :p

He should lose his quick draw hand and becomes a desk jockey in Florida

I'd still watch a spin-off of that.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Wow, fantastic episode. This season has been so solidly written. Even the setup episodes are good.

Boyd is going to make a sloppy move for the cash now, things are getting fairly desperate on his end. He either makes a move for the cash, or stay in Harlan and face off against Markam directly.

Always glad to see Loretta back, she is one of my favorite characters from easily my favorite season of the show.

Boon vs Raylan showdown has to happen at this post. One last formidable gunfighter for Raylan to put down.
I like Boon's character; he reminds me of a wild west fanboy - looking at Raylan as his equal. you can tell from his conversations with Raylan.
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