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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX


Noooooooooooooo. How dare he, go down in flames Boyd.

You were the chosen one Dewey. :( You were supposed to be the last man standing not the first man down. :(((((

Other than that, pretty great first episode. A return of the jackass Raylan, snappy dialogue with the added sprinkle of bleakness and finality to it all.

Oh bonus points for Winona showing up.

"Halt. US Marshal's."

This was just glorious.
- Warming Glow with a few more gifs and commentary on last night's episode


This was amazing.


Unconfirmed Member
Fantastic premiere. RIP Dewey :(

Garret Dillahunt as the well dressed guy with a beard buying pieces of land, the role he was born for!


I shot people I like more for less.
- Promo for next week's episode (please spoiler tag discussion as appropriate)

You told me last season that you had that classic Wade Messer line, "Hey, Raylan… Can I get you a blowjob or somethin'?" written on James LeGros' goodbye cake. What did Damon's say?

I'm trying to remember... I think we used a line from last year, which was one of Damon's favorite lines, which was, "The anus is on you." I can't remember if we got into trouble or couldn't do that — it's all kind of blurry. We also got a coffee truck for him. We did a few things. It was really hard saying goodbye to Damon and that character.

Fan-fucking-tastic episode. He had it coming for a long time, but I'll be damned if Dewey Crowe isn't my favorite character of the entire run of Justified. RIP in peace.



So good

do I really need to say what this gif needs to be turned into

Think I'm gonna need to edit a little bish in here

Thoughts on the episode:

Good to see it back first of all. Art was sure as hell not looking fine, great scene that was. The bankjob was tight. I liked the quality time with Raylan and Gutterson. The scene with Dillahunt was pretty good too. You could feel the tension. And well, our last bit of Dewey Crowe. They gave him great material this episode. The setup for his death was pretty obvious, but executed very well.


So good

Think I'm gonna need to edit a little bish in here

Thoughts on the episode:

Good to see it back first of all. Art was sure as hell not looking fine, great scene that was. The bankjob was tight. I liked the quality time with Raylan and Gutterson. The scene with Dillahunt was pretty good too. You could feel the tension. And well, our last bit of Dewey Crowe. They gave him great material this episode. The setup for his death was pretty obvious, but executed very well.


I honestly didn't see it coming (my girlfriend, on the other hand, was completely unsurprised) and I think it has a lot to do with what Matt Zoller Seitz mentioned, in that the show has traditionally shied away from taking out it's longer-running characters.


Sorry for the pun

To me the whole set-up was a bit obvious. Boyd out of nowhere sitting him down to talk like they're pals while it's pretty clear he doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. And then saying stuff like everything's coming to an end and saying those days never come back. And well yeah, having Dewey distracted by a picture while Boyds steps out of the frame and you know it's over.


Sorry for the pun

To me the whole set-up was a bit obvious. Boyd out of nowhere sitting him down to talk like they're pals while it's pretty clear he doesn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. And then saying stuff like everything's coming to an end and saying those days never come back. And well yeah, having Dewey distracted by a picture while Boyds steps out of the frame and you know it's over.

Oh yeah, it makes total sense. Looking back on it now, it seems really obvious. I just didn't think they would go and do it. It is the final season though, and with that in mind I think I won't be so quick to dismiss the idea of characters being offed.


Oh yeah, it makes total sense. Looking back on it now, it seems really obvious. I just didn't think they would go and do it. It is the final season though, and with that in mind I think I won't be so quick to dismiss the idea of characters being offed.
Yeah, when Dewey came back the second time, I was sure he was dead.


You could see it coming too after he points to the picture if you've see another classic "Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" which I felt like it was a callback or how his death allegedly actually went down.


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought that was a very good premiere.

I was a bit wary of the fact that they were bringing Dewey Crowe back this year after having satisfactorily wrapped his story up last year, but now I'm glad they did. I saw it coming (the "Look at the flowers..." kind of death has been done so many times at this point that it's no longer a surprise) but I still thought it was very well done. They're not messing around this year, that's for sure.

I always thought Dewey Crow was too dumb to die. Last thing I was expecting from that scene. RIP.

Haha, same here. Early on in the episode I was thinking about which characters could die this year and when I got to Dewey I thought "Eh, he'll probably outlive them all". XD

I already feel much better about this season than last season.

Same here. This season is off to a much better start than last year for sure.

I like that the episode simultaneously had a feeling of nostalgia (with lots of nice references to the first season) and a sense of finality. Characters reminiscing about the past and the way things were but also realizing that the end is near and they are ready to move on with the next chapter in their lives, but not before finishing off one last piece of business.

I liked that too - it's a very fitting mood for the final season. Though, what Boyd said to Ava about Harlan dying (jobs drying up, people selling their land and moving away, etc.) didn't quite land for me. The last time I've really felt that Harlan County was properly represented as a character was back in season two with the Bennetts and their town council meetings and whatnot. There was a palpability with regards to the county's characterization that I feel has fallen by the wayside in these later seasons. It would have been nice to have actually seen some of these developments taking place instead of just finding out about them via an expository line in the final season. As it is, it kind of feels to me like they killed Harlan off screen.

Ava gonna get shot.

Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think Ava will have a happy ending. She seems more like a tragic character to me. I'll be okay with it too, as long as it's done well. Plus, it's not like I'll be sad that she won't be around anymore (the primary reason one gets upset when characters die) because this is the final season. So.

Pretty ironic innit. Ava working at a beauty salon...

u r better than this
Goddamn, that was a good opener. So fucking excited for this season. The best show on any medium today.

Hyped for Elliot and Dillahunt. Limehouse better get one more appearance, also.
Finally watched the episode and this season is off to a great start.

Could anyone clear up for me exactly what the luminol did for Boyd? I guess I'm stupid but I couldn't figure out how seeing the finger prints helped him figure out which deposit box to take.


I shot people I like more for less.
Finally watched the episode and this season is off to a great start.

Could anyone clear up for me exactly what the luminol did for Boyd? I guess I'm stupid but I couldn't figure out how seeing the finger prints helped him figure out which deposit box to take.

Well they grabbed all the boxes with fingerprints, but yeah, it seemed like Boyd knew the specific one. I wasn't sure. All I could think of was maybe somebody actually came in after Boyd was there and marked that specific one in a specific way (like a specific finger configuration), and that's how he knew. The other ones they took were just decoys I assumed, but it might have worked better if they didn't know which of the boxes with prints was the correct one. I really thought that was the case since you could see the other open boxes when they opened the one with the deeds, but I wasn't sure. I'm probably overthinking this. This probably isn't helpful.
Finally watched the episode and this season is off to a great start.

Could anyone clear up for me exactly what the luminol did for Boyd? I guess I'm stupid but I couldn't figure out how seeing the finger prints helped him figure out which deposit box to take.

The boxes probably aren't accessed frequently and they likely were informed that the mark they were after access his on X day every week or month, so they are looking for the boxes that were accessed in that timeframe.
Seriously, that scene between Dewey and Boyd at the end was just so sad. Dewey expressing real emotion and just being tired of life, and Boyd trying to give him a glimmer of hope before coldly killing him.


Shit man, I feel sad for Dewey. I kind of knew it was coming once Boyd asked him to look closer but still, no more Dewey Crowe.

Vert boil

Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think Ava will have a happy ending. She seems more like a tragic character to me. I'll be okay with it too, as long as it's done well. Plus, it's not like I'll be sad that she won't be around anymore (the primary reason one gets upset when characters die) because this is the final season. So.
I love the smell of back peddling in the morning. Smells like . . . victory.

u r better than this



Aw man, towards the end I saw Dewey's end coming. My lady was like: "Aw baby, I'm sorry you called it".

Me too. Me too.

From here on out, they should show Boyd constantly playing with the Turtledog :(

I do hope you realize a 'sign' is commonly a predictor of a death. Dewey really was a dumbass till the end.

RIP you magnificent dumbass.

I don't really like the way Boyd has gone from complex to simple maniac over the seasons, but the banter between Raylan and Tim is worth it. "let's follow dewey"
Ugh...I suppose it was inevitable...sigh.

I still go back to S1E1 when Raylan and Dewey first meet. I swear that entire episode is some PERFECT television. I've probably seen it five times.
New episode tonight:
Cash Game

Raylan's investigation brings him into conflict with a paramilitary outfit; Boyd and his partners try to salvage a profit from their heist.
The episode will run a few minutes past the hour tonight.
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