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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

I enjoyed the second episode. Dillahunt's Walker is a colorful villain (although hopefully he doesn't lose control too often) and his two cronies,Bass and Choo-Choo, are quite memorable and have some very funny dialogue, especially the latter. With Boyd talking about the end of Harlan, it's fitting to have Walker represent the interest of people who wish to buy up all the land in Harlan county. As for who he represents, I've been thinking if it's someone mentioned or introduced before but I can't think of anyone left- alive or otherwise- that would have that kind of power and influence.

As for Sam Elliot's Markham, even though he only had one scene, I'm intrigued by where they plan on taking this rather enigmatic character. He certainly feels like a force to be reckoned with.

I also liked the underlying conflict between Ava and Boyd now. I've grown accustomed to seeing them together so it's a bit unnerving to see all this tension that now exists between them.

Finally, watching Boyd and Raylan have these verbal sparring matches never gets old.

"I wasn't following you."

lol. probably one of the funniest exchanges this episode.

I liked that too - it's a very fitting mood for the final season. Though, what Boyd said to Ava about Harlan dying (jobs drying up, people selling their land and moving away, etc.) didn't quite land for me. The last time I've really felt that Harlan County was properly represented as a character was back in season two with the Bennetts and their town council meetings and whatnot. There was a palpability with regards to the county's characterization that I feel has fallen by the wayside in these later seasons. It would have been nice to have actually seen some of these developments taking place instead of just finding out about them via an expository line in the final season. As it is, it kind of feels to me like they killed Harlan off screen.

You know thinking back, I agree that they kinda killed Harlan off screen. Outside of parts of season 4 where the show explored the origins and influence of the drug economy in Harlan county, most of the later seasons have shifted focus away from the Harlan . A part of me wishes that season 5 spent more time exploring Harlan (and it's apparent collapse) and less time on the Crowes and the Detroit mob. But on the bright side, at least this premise gives the final season a much clearer focus compared to last season.
Finally - only took the writers six seasons to feature the right amount of Gutterson

Did Nick Searcy's complete twitter stupidity really kill his role on this show? If so, he deserves it he's a fuckwit but I did enjoy the character.
Finally - only took the writers six seasons to feature the right amount of Gutterson

Did Nick Searcy's complete twitter stupidity really kill his role on this show? If so, he deserves it he's a fuckwit but I did enjoy the character.

Why the fuck did I look into that Nick Searcy stuff? I had no idea.

Art. :(


I shot people I like more for less.
Thanks for posting the stuff, Niraj.

Another good episode. Taylor Elmore would be happy with the characters we get to live with on this show. Just wonderful stuff. And I love the tension between would-be King and Queen of Harlan. They're playing games with each other and now I can see things ending really badly for Ava. If she's officially in on the plan, a storm is coming.
Great episode, I'm ready to get on the Choo Choo train.

Gawddamn I wish I could grow a beard like Garrett, that peacock.

Boyd's never been more dangerous I think than he is now. Either he doesn't really believe Ava has turned, in which case he's increasingly becoming paranoid, or he knows she's turned and now he's operating on nothing-to-lose-mode.


I'm just going to stop digging. I know Olyphant and Goggins are cool. That's all that matters.

All the gods help me the day I find out something unnervingly negative about Olyphant. I don't "look up" to celebrities, I hardly believe in role models, but goddamn I need him to be as cool as he always seems in real life.

Fantastic episode. There was a darker mood-setting tone in the premiere that kept the zingers at bay (and appropriately so), but I'm happy to be gleefully laughing every other scene again.


Hunky Nostradamus
Excellent episode. I'm seriously loving the new cast of characters.

So are they going to end up not getting Boyd on anything but Dewey's murder eventually? Chekhov's necklace :p

I really hope we're not headed towards something that obvious and cliched. I'm praying Dewey's necklace is just a red herring.

Awesome episode. Interested to see where this goes. I know its wrong, but I want Boyd to get away at the end.

Me too. I want Ava to forgive Boyd and run away with him :)

I'm just going to stop digging. I know Olyphant and Goggins are cool. That's all that matters.

Joelle Carter is cool too brah.


I shot people I like more for less.
i think that was probably the first time i've seen that dude who played Malarkey in Band of Brothers in anything else

that was pretty cool

Yeah, I think the only other thing I've seen him in was Dexter.

Excellent episode. I'm seriously loving the new cast of characters.

I really hope we're not headed towards something that obvious and cliched. I'm praying Dewey's necklace is just a red herring.

Oh I was just being sarcastic. It'll come up again but I feel like most it'll do is incense Raylan, I'm sure Boyd would pin it on one of his flunkies worst case. Ideally at least, they're usually pretty good about not being that transparent early on (like the Quarles gun jamming thing).
- Matt Zoller Seitz on last night's episode
The comic standout, though, is the glowering giant Choo-Choo (Duke Davis Roberts), who lost a lot of IQ points due to a traumatic head injury during the war, and who leans way too hard on his nickname (earned because when he hits you, you feel like you got run over by a train). His exchange with Raylan after he realizes he and Tim are being trailed by Raylan is priceless, maybe the closest Justified has gotten to a "Who's on First?" routine.

Choo-Choo: So where's your buddy? … You know, the guy you were with?
Raylan: How do you know I was with a guy if you ain't following me?
Choo-Choo: I'm not following you.
Raylan: Are you sayin' you ain't following me like you don't know what I'm saying, or you just repeatin' this bullshit about you ain't been following me?
Choo-Choo: I'm not following you.

If this guy were a cartoon character, a birthday candle would pop up above his head every time he had an idea.

This was a weird sequence to me at least. They're walking into that house and as I remember the next scene they're at the Pizza place when Raylan and Tim are there.

I'll have to watch it again to confirm how those scenes are edited.


Buddy Garrity!

Took my a while to realise that's him.

i think that was probably the first time i've seen that dude who played Malarkey in Band of Brothers in anything else

that was pretty cool

Seen him in ER and in the Robin Hood movie as well. That makes at least 3 BoB actors making an appearance here.

Not much to say that hasn't been already. Great ep, though I find it weird that Boyd didn't get arrested after Raylan caught him with that briefcase.
Does Ty Walker work for Sam Elliot or have we not got confirmation of that?

Last night's episode set up so many questions for me for the rest of this season, but that's a good thing. It definitely feels like there's way more plots and moving pieces than last season and it's gonna be really fun watching how the unfold and who ends up at the wrong end up Raylan and his glock.


Took my a while to realise that's him.

Seen him in ER and in the Robin Hood movie as well. That makes at least 3 BoB actors making an appearance here.

Not much to say that hasn't been already. Great ep, though I find it weird that Boyd didn't get arrested after Raylan caught him with that briefcase.

Yeah, Graham Yost was a writer on Band of Brothers.


I shot people I like more for less.

That was too funny.

"Nice job man, I'm looking forward to Raylan shooting you!" lol

Does Ty Walker work for Sam Elliot or have we not got confirmation of that?

Safe assumption.

Took my a while to realise that's him.

Seen him in ER and in the Robin Hood movie as well. That makes at least 3 BoB actors making an appearance here.

Not much to say that hasn't been already. Great ep, though I find it weird that Boyd didn't get arrested after Raylan caught him with that briefcase.

5 I can think of. I don't know all the actors' names offhand, but there's him, Neal McDonough, Richard Speight Jr, guy who plays David Vazquez, and guy who played Wild Bill was Walter in season 3 (guy who kills the witsec guy, Art ties him up and beats the shit out of him, episode with Karen Sisco).
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