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Justin Trudeau to Meet With Trump on Monday in Washington

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TBH, nothing really good can come out of this.

Trudeau isn't going to be honest about his fierce dislike for pompous blowhards like Trump and Trump is going to enter the room with Bannon's voice in his head that Trudeau is nothing but a Communist sympathizer.


I feel like this is going to be an important moment for the upcoming election in Canada. I really hope Trudeau comes out on top from this one, because O'Leary will take advantage of any signs of weakness from this for his campaign.

Please Canada GAF, stay vigilant and on top of things for this upcoming election.

Depends on if Trump is still president come October 2019.

More than half of our import/export business is with the US. If relations with the US take a turn for the worse, our economy will be fucked almost instantly.

We're going to have to rely on delicious, British cakes.



Welcome to the U.S, Justin.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
Lol at everyone thinking he'll "stand up" to Donald. It's simply not gonna happen, sorry.


Has someone mentioned the stairs thing?

He needs to do the stairs thing. While holding Drumpf's hand.

But seriously, poor Trudeau/anyone who has to meet with this person and attempt logical discussion pertaining to important matters. I guess it's like ripping off a band-aid. Just get this shit over with.


The Canada-US relationship has endured several Prime Ministers and Presidents who absolutely loathed each other. However, Trump seems like such an unpredictable force that the Trudeau team seems to be taking a very cautious approach and not ruffle any feathers with the Trump administration for the time being.


"look forward to discussing ‎the unique relationship between Canada and the United States of America and how we can continue to work hard for middle class Canadians and Americans, together."

This sounds like a monumental waste of time. I'd prefer to see Trudeau not go at all, but keeping up appearances and all that is pretty important.


Subete no aware
there are bigger fish to fry, like securing our alliances with our European and NATO allies and placing safeguards just in case Trump goes 100% Putin
Unless we choose to be a UK vassal again, we're basically linked to America either way. And when O'Leary becomes PM in a few years because all the leftist voters decide to stay home or do something stupid like vote NDP again, we'll have bigger problems than Trump tweeting about Ivanka's dress.

(I'm still not sure if I'm going to bother voting in the next election tbh, no reason to at this point)


Hope he shows the same backbone his dad showed Nixon. Then again, Nixon wasn't quite as stupid as Easy D (though perhaps equally as vindictive).

Mr. F

TBH, nothing really good can come out of this.

Trudeau isn't going to be honest about his fierce dislike for pompous blowhards like Trump and Trump is going to enter the room with Bannon's voice in his head that Trudeau is nothing but a Communist sympathizer.

Wait, were people actually expecting JT to follow through on rhetoric now of all times?


Trudeau goes whatever way the wind blows. His lips are gonna be blistered from kissing Trump's wrinkled arse so much.
Meeting trump is lose-lose for every leader with a less right wing electorate (so duerte putin Kim Jong etc only see upsides)

If you make him happy you have been grabbed by the pussy,
If you piss him off you have damaged an economic and political relatinship.


Challenge him to a boxing match, Justin, Trump's ego won't allow him to refuse. I still remember the rallys where he kept threatening to punch out Biden, give this orange douchebag a taste of his own medicine.


Challenge him to a boxing match, Justin, Trump's ego won't allow him to refuse. I still remember the rallys where he kept threatening to punch out Biden, give this orange douchebag a taste of his own medicine.

that Trudeau boxing match was hilarious. both of them hit like 12 year olds.


He'll kiss his ass, which is actually how you should deal with a dumb narcissist. Make him believe that he's the awesome negotiator that he think he is, that he's winning.

Unfortunatly, I don't think the Liberals are crafty enough and the ass kissing will be mostly politeness.


TBH, nothing really good can come out of this.

Trudeau isn't going to be honest about his fierce dislike for pompous blowhards like Trump and Trump is going to enter the room with Bannon's voice in his head that Trudeau is nothing but a Communist sympathizer.

Funny that: Reagan thought the same of Trudeau Sr. while still having a fond view of him in later years. Pierre, on the other hand, didn't think highly of Ronald's actions, namely his human rights abuse in foreign countries (he called him a warmongering yahoo, used NATO in 1983 to censure the U.S. in response to their assault in Grenada and put Reagan on the spot by making him recite "The Shooting of Dan McGrew"). Justin may not be his father and Trump may be no Reagan but he has a solid record when it comes to foreign affairs and I doubt he's going to blow it during this meeting. He changed up his cabinet in anticipation for Mr. "You think our country's so innocent" so he's certainly coming prepared to the clown house.


Is there anything Canada loses by standing up to America? People might say trade, but if Canada is more likely to open itself up to visa applicants and have more stable policies, what is stopping Canada from stealing US business?

Territorial sovereignty if he decides to invade us is one.

Ain't nobody coming to fight a war with America to free Canada.
I'm curious, what would happen if one NATO member attacks another NATO member?


It's worth noting though, if republicans invaded canada, all it takes is one democratic leader to make them a state with voting rights and then the left will be in a dominant position in the U.S.

it's the one reason conservatives would never invade canada.



It's worth noting though, if republicans invaded canada, all it takes is one democratic leader to make them a state with voting rights and then the left will be in a dominant position in the U.S.

it's the one reason conservatives would never invade canada.

There are others.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
America won't want to invade Canada. We will lean democrats and put a few more democrats into congress. Republicans don't want that!


Really Really Exciting Member!
Haha, weird—that translation is totally made up. He's not saying that at all.

Trudeau: Life is too important to take yourself (too) seriously.
Interviewer: We have a staircase, could we have a demonstration?
Trudeau: No problem.
- No!
- Yes!
- Yes?


And he doesn't say anything about Obama!

Yeah, it's weird. He wasn't even prime minister when that video was done i think, the words "prime minister" is never mentioned in french in the video, the subtitles are just fake all the way through...


Vice Canada's Justin Ling has some pretty good insight on how Trudeau is planning to handle Trump.


I would copy-paste the text here, but I'm on mobile.

That Twitter feed is pretty accurate. The undertones from the PMO indicate that their current approach won't be to directly criticize the Trump administration, but to instead promote and uphold values and policies.

I have a feeling that the Canadian counter to Trump's usual 'This is a bad deal for the US' is 'We depend on each other for a functioning economy' and that he can't walk away from NAFTA without losing popularity in several states.


That Twitter feed is pretty accurate. The undertones from the PMO indicate that their current approach won't be to directly criticize the Drumpf administration, but to instead promote and uphold values and policies.

I have a feeling that the Canadian counter to Trump's usual 'This is a bad deal for the US' is 'We depend on each other for a functioning economy' and that he can't walk away from NAFTA without losing popularity in several states.

It's worth noting that this isn't the first time renegotiating NAFTA have been brought up. Most famously was in 1993 where Jean Chrétien made it a campaign promise during that same year. The short version is that while Chrétien was one of the most adamant supporters of renegotiation, Bill Clinton didn't have any interest in pursuing it, thus the subject was eventually abandoned.


Most likely he'll kiss his ass. Trump can throw some bombs on trade which would hurt Canada's economy (they'd hurt the U.S. economy too though). I'd lower your expectations.
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