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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Because, why not?

Very impressive; so talented...



Thank you all. I had a lot of time to draw during class.

I still haven't gotten to the point where I can draw the other k-on girls entirely from memory.

That's what impresses me. I can make attempts to draw most things, but I pretty much always use a reference point. I admire that these are being done from memory, and very well too, so kudos to you.
That's what impresses me. I can make attempts to draw most things, but I pretty much always use a reference point. I admire that these are being done from memory, and very well too, so kudos to you.

When you draw something enough, you start to remember how things go so you don't need to look it up all the time. At least for me anyways.

My purity is like money right?
but you are at home now

Can I exchange it for goods and services?
Yes, I suppose I am now.


When you draw something enough, you start to remember how things go so you don't need to look it up all the time. At least for me anyways.

True enough, and I guess that all comes with time. Like I've said, Sonic is pretty much the only thing I retained, back from when I used to draw all the time.


Chet can't do H. The parchment would constantly get sticky.

I had a future in H, but I gave it up to raise my family of 5.

Fuck yeah! Then we could have Sawa-chan-sensei and her Death Metal band being all cutesy hardcore and we can argue on who is the best, like Sawa-chan-sensei.
The one all the way to the right looks like she has an attitude ... I like it.
That's Norimi, the one that tries to get the girls to convince Sawako to get the old band back together for their friends wedding.

True enough, and I guess that all comes with time. Like I've said, Sonic is pretty much the only thing I retained, back from when I used to draw all the time.
There are a few things I can do from memory besides Mio. Like your basic Mario characters, Kirby (Who can't?), some Pokemon, etc.
Suddenly, Chuunibyou got all serious.

Chet can't do H. The parchment would constantly get sticky.

This sounds like a challenge.

I had a future in H, but I gave it up to raise my family of 5.

This sounds like it's completely true.

Fuck yeah! Then we could have Sawa-chan-sensei and her Death Metal band being all cutesy hardcore and we can argue on who is the best, like Sawa-chan-sensei.

I like the one on the right with dark hair.

I would have a tag by now :(

Let me tell you something interesting.
You don't really want a tag.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Chet can't do H. The parchment would constantly get sticky.

I had a future in H, but I gave it up to raise my family of 5.
There are plenty of mangaka who write hentai manga on the side under a pen name. It's a great way to make some extra money.
Assassin’s Creed x K-ON!: Another A

Stage.01: Hematogenesis – Part III

November 19th, 2010
Tsuzuki, Yokohama, Japan
11:16 am

Azusa stopped for a moment to look in the mirror. She turned her head slightly to the left to examine the healing cut in her cheek. The wound wasn’t very deep, and would probably heal without scarring. Azusa was lucky that no tendons had been severed by the deep slash across the top of her right hand. That wound was certain to leave a long scar.

She had been living in the safe house in a quiet suburb of Yokohama for just over a week. The shades over the windows were tightly drawn at all times. Azusa had spent the first three days in the house mostly lying in the large bed. After she regained some strength, she explored the small house. It had clearly been maintained well but not used for some time. The refrigerator in the house was amply furnished with various preserved and perishable foods. Azusa didn’t need to be reminded that she should not set foot out of the house, or even peek outside through the shades.

If she did want to be reminded, she only needed to turn the TV on. For the last week, the news was being dominated by images and vivid witness descriptions of the savage yakuza killings which had occurred in Nagano. The authorities were convinced that a war between rival clans had spilled into the streets of the sleepy tourist city. Witnesses told wild stories of a beautiful girl with long hair who slaughtered her enemies like a demon and paused after killing the two men to drink their blood. City council members were paraded on camera one after the other to swear that their city was absolutely safe and that any tourists should not change their plans or stay away.

The Order had clearly been busy; almost all the images and videos taken of Azusa during her time in Nagano had mysteriously gone missing. A few blurry pictures of her had escaped the Order’s clandestine removal and were circulating on Internet forums. Azusa wasn’t going to be showing her face in public again anytime soon.

What was more disturbing was the silence from the phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen. She had not been contacted yet by anyone even though she was certain that the Assassins knew she was hiding in this house.

Azusa hadn’t just violated the Order’s decrees on secrecy; she had smashed them to pieces while executing her mark in Nagano. Her only solace was that outside of some truly incredulous conspiracy theories, no one was questioning that these were yakuza killings. Revealing the existence of the Assassins to the world would have merited her certain execution. That she had been living freely in this house for a week already signified that she had been thus far spared the harshest punishment.

The Templars had been busy too. The anonymous Internet forums she turned to for the latest rumors were abuzz with reports of many members of different yakuza clans mysteriously vanishing in the last few days. It seemed they believed that they had been compromised. The Templars who had been embedded in the clans were attracting too much attention to themselves by vanishing at the same time like this. Azusa wondered about the apparent overreaction to one of theirs being unexpectedly killed.

Azusa was about to start preparing lunch for herself when the phone on the kitchen phone rang. She dropped the kitchen knife with a start, narrowly missing her healing right hand. Azusa began counting rings: one, two, three, four, and five. Then the phone went silent. She counted backwards from 17. When she reached zero, the phone rang again. Azusa walked across the kitchen and picked it up.

“Hello, Sister Azusa.” The voice wasn’t scrambled; this line did not connect to the public telephone system. Azusa recognized the voice of Park Jae-Byung. The name was a pseudonym, of course. Little was factually known about the Mentor and Prelate of the Assassins in East Asia. That Azusa had even once been granted a personal audience with the mysterious leader of her Order was a rare occurrence. Most Assassins had only glimpsed him once, during their formal Initiation, and had never spoken with him face to face. Azusa’s heart beat a little faster. He didn’t usually contact his Assassins personally for debriefings.

Park didn’t wait for Azusa’s greeting. He said in as severe a tone as he could muster: “As you are well aware, the punishment for revealing the existence of our Order to the public is swift death. However, you are currently listening to the sound of my voice. You are very fortunate that your rash actions in Nagano did not compromise us.” Azusa was paying rapt attention, even though he was merely covering information she already knew.

“The Council of Prelates convened three days ago on my summons. Such an event was necessitated by the extensive cleanup operation our Order had to engage in to obscure the true nature of your actions. The Council was not amused by the arrogant little Japanese Assassin who killed an unmarked man in full view of the public. They recommended that you be executed immediately.” Azusa’s heart seemed to stop for a moment. She sank to the floor reflexively, even though it would be far too late for despair at this point.

“However, I was able to convince them that you remained an asset to the Order, however impetuous and foolhardy you may be. Only after my protestation on your behalf was your death sentence commuted. As you know, the only expulsion from the Order is death. Therefore, you are hereby suspended from the Order for a period of thirty days. Your rank of Assassin has been revoked. You will be demoted to an Initiate. You are not to leave the safe house without my express permission. You are not permitted to contact anyone for the duration of your suspension. In all honesty, it was all I could do to keep you alive, Sister.”

Azusa’s heart resumed beating. Her head would not roll! Her demotion to an Initiate was barely of interest to her at this moment. The news that she was being allowed to live was overriding that detail quite handily. Her mind raced with questions. She had been spared, but the entire Council of Prelates had been summoned? Why? The Council only convened once a year, and always in the utmost secrecy. To summon them urgently usually meant a crisis which threatened the entire Order, and in their long history, the Assassins had only convened the Council a total of eight times outside of the normal annual meeting.

The Prelate interrupted her thoughts. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Azusa stammered: “T-thank you, Mentor! I-I’m very g-grateful for your kindness, and your forgiveness, and-!” Park interrupted her impatiently. “I’m very busy, Sister. If all you have for me are platitudes, then I’ll continue.” Azusa fell silent instantly. “Now it seems that you will be at somewhat loose ends for a month. I have a suggestion as to what you may be doing during that time. Please wait a moment.”

Azusa heard Park’s muffled speaking, then a woman’s voice. He was probably cupping the mouthpiece of the phone while speaking with someone in the room. Azusa was fairly certain as to who this was. She pressed the phone against her ear, trying to make out the indistinct conversation in the faraway room which served as Park’s study. Surely the Prelate wasn’t interested in having a personal chat about how the other was doing now?

"Now then, Sister. You may be interested to hear that I have sent my personal guard away. I'm sure you understand the implications." Azusa had been pressing the phone against her ear so hard that it was beginning to hurt. Park's wife was always with him, guarding his life with hers. If he had sent her away from his study…

"What I'm about to say now is for your ears only. You are not to repeat it to anyone else or otherwise record it anywhere but in your mind. Are you ready?" Azusa was starting to shake slightly. What in the world was going on here? "Y-yes, Mentor. I'm not sure what I--" Again, Park interrupted her. "Since I only have a few minutes, I will be brief. We have found your father. It seems he has been searching for you a long time. It was quite fortuitous we found him first, by coincidence. The Templar who you eliminated in Nagano was the key. No, not the one you were assigned to kill; the one you unexpectedly killed on the train. The Templars who were embedded in the yakuza clans were members of a different faction, as it turns out.”

Azusa almost dropped the phone on the floor. She said loudly, "What? That's impossible! My father is dead!" The Prelate replied, "No, Sister. To protect them, your adoptive parents were never told the truth about how your mother was killed, or who your father was. I don't have enough time to explain all the details right now. You will receive a tablet which will be delivered to your safe house by a courier this afternoon. The encrypted file will answer your questions. For now, just accept what I say to be true. I must summon my personal guard to my side again soon or risk suspicion that I am having more than a brief personal conversation with you."

Park continued: “While you were otherwise indisposed the past few days, I dispatched two of our Brothers to intercept the recipients of messages from the man whose corpse you so indiscreetly left on the train. He sent these messages only hours before you killed him. These men turned out to be valuable sources of information. It was easy for our Brothers to break them, as they were not themselves Templars but ordinary gang members. Shortly after that, we were able to locate and execute three additional Templars hidden among the yakuza clans. The remaining embedded Templars scattered within a day of these deaths.” Azusa sat up with a start; this explained the reports she read yesterday about clan members suddenly vanishing!

“It is likely that I was able to convince the Council to spare you because of these fortunate events that I orchestrated. Nevertheless, the real reason I needed to summon the Council was in order to gain consensus on the larger matter at hand. The information we gathered only confirmed what we had suspected for some time now. Your father was ordained a Bishop of the Order of the Temple about three years ago. He has been directing the Templars of the East from his estates in Mainland China, but we know where he is right now. Our sources have confirmed that he is currently in his compound just outside Fuzhou. If we succeed in assassinating him, it will break the power of the Templars in this region."

Park continued: "This brings me to your role in the matter. You are of course aware that Assassins are not permitted to complete personal missions of vengeance without the unanimous consent of the Council of Prelates. For this reason, it is rare that such a mission is ever granted. However, it seems that for the next thirty days, you are suspended from the Order. I believe the information in the tablet will be of use to you here. Remember to destroy the tablet after you have memorized its contents. I will ensure that for one month, you will appear to have been confined to this house. The courier I sent will give you further instructions. I must now summon my personal guard back.”

The Prelate’s voice rose to a dramatic crescendo: “Go, Azusa. Avenge your mother and return to us free of all doubts as to your place in our Order. Cleanse the sins of your past, Sister. May Hassan himself smile upon you as you walk silently to your vengeance in the blessed night!”

The line went dead. Park was always fond of conversational theatrics. It would reflect badly on him were he not also the most frighteningly competent Assassin that Azusa had ever met. Still, Azusa couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Her father was alive? And a Templar? Her adoptive parents, who were themselves not Assassins and who believed they had taken in a baby girl from an obscure adoption agency, could not have known any of this.

Azusa had believed until the age of 14 that her parents had been killed in a car accident. But even after her Initiation into the Order, she had never been told anything other than her parents were deceased. This had to be why Park spoke with her personally, dismissing even his own wife from his study. More than twenty years ago now, the Prelate was the Master Assassin who was dispatched alone to rescue her from the hospital in Shanghai. He was likely the only one who knew the truth about her mother and father. Azusa had no reasons not to believe anything he said.

At exactly 3:00 pm, the doorbell in front of the house rang. Azusa did not go to answer it. She instead went to the rear kitchen window and waited. Three knocks, then a five second pause, then two knocks. Azusa slid the window open, careful to leave the shades in place. A man handed her a parcel through the window, then a portable voice recorder and a pair of earbuds. Azusa secured them in her ears and pressed Play. The recording said: “At 11:30 pm tonight, leave the house and walk north along the street to the intersection. The car will be a gray Toyota Ractis, parked on the left side. The keys will be inside. Drive to Honmoku Pier. There, you will find the container ship COSCO Guangzhou. She is scheduled to depart tomorrow morning for destination the Port of Xiamen. You may stow aboard by any means you find applicable. From there, you may make your way to your final destination in Fuzhou.” The man paused on the recording. “I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care to know. But you are fortunate to be in such good graces with the Mentor. He bids you good day, and good hunting.” Azusa removed the headphones and handed the recorder back to the courier. He left without a word.

Azusa closed the window, and tore open the parcel. As promised, it contained a recent model tablet. Underneath the tablet rested a pristine pair of wrist blades, and an attached note: “These belonged to your mother. She entrusted them to me shortly before she died. They are yours by birthright. Use them well. –P”

Azusa turned the tablet on, and found a single large file stored in memory. She tapped the screen to open it. It prompted her with the word REUNION. Azusa smiled to herself, and tapped in the date 6/18/04. The file decrypted itself. Azusa sat on the couch in the living room and began to read.


sooo, i mentioned a surprise but ended up doing some other things in the meanwhile and stuff and now i'm finished.

i decided to bite the bullet and got this:


check out Ritsu's new pets

i sold a few things on ebay and got some extra money to burn. this also arrived faster than expected. it was awkward at the post office when i had to open the package to show the contents.

i don't know if i'll get more like this since my room has like no extra space or shelves to put things so i'll stick with one for now.
sooo, i mentioned a surprise but ended up doing some other things in the meanwhile and stuff and now i'm finished.

i decided to bite the bullet and got this:

i sold a few things on ebay and got some extra money to burn. this also arrived faster than expected. it was awkward at the post office when i had to open the package to show the contents.

i don't know if i'll get more like this since my room has like no extra space or shelves to put things so i'll stick with one for now.

You had to open it to show them the contents? Did they think you were trying to smuggle things into the country or something?! It looks good though! I'd buy some, but I'm in college Halls, so I have absolutely no storage space :(

Seeing as though I missed the lists;
Jun >> Yui=Ritsu > Mio=Ui > Sawa=Azu > Mugi.
Poor, poor Tsumugi =_=


sooo, i mentioned a surprise but ended up doing some other things in the meanwhile and stuff and now i'm finished.

i decided to bite the bullet and got this:

i sold a few things on ebay and got some extra money to burn. this also arrived faster than expected. it was awkward at the post office when i had to open the package to show the contents.

i don't know if i'll get more like this since my room has like no extra space or shelves to put things so i'll stick with one for now.

Open it at the post office? They do that? I ordered some dvds with my k-on shirt and so it came in a box, and when that came the box had tape around the end saying that it was "opened by customs".

I have that Ho-Oh too.


i usually lurk but i can't resist lists (and there's not enough Mio love):

mio =ritsu > mugi > asuza > yui


Don't lurk, post. It seems to be a recurring theme as of late.

So hello to everyone, yes, you!

And I like the Ho-Oh that was posted above.
You should add a Raichu.


Open it at the post office? They do that? I ordered some dvds with my k-on shirt and so it came in a box, and when that came the box had tape around the end saying that it was "opened by customs".

I have that Ho-Oh too.

the good thing is that i'm the one who opens them and they don't open stuff on their own. at least i'm guaranteed that. it is a normal practice since i've had to open every package i've received. it was just this one time things were awkward and mostly because my mom was with me for this.

the Pokemon were the preorder bonuses of Pokemon Platinum and HGSS. i got lucky that those reached my country. too bad Gen 5 didn't have bonuses like this.
I knew I forgot something.
The good forgot, or the bad forgot?
Assassin’s Creed x K-ON!: Another A

Stage.01: Hematogenesis – Part III
Liking it so far! Are the other girls going to show up soon? I seem to remember you mentioned Mugi before.
sooo, i mentioned a surprise but ended up doing some other things in the meanwhile and stuff and now i'm finished.

i decided to bite the bullet and got this:


check out Ritsu's new pets

i sold a few things on ebay and got some extra money to burn. this also arrived faster than expected. it was awkward at the post office when i had to open the package to show the contents.

i don't know if i'll get more like this since my room has like no extra space or shelves to put things so i'll stick with one for now.
Where's RoMio? Now you gotta get RoMio.
Hey, I have that Darkrai!
That's Giratina. Learn your Pokeymans!
i usually lurk but i can't resist lists (and there's not enough Mio love):

mio =ritsu > mugi > asuza > yui

MFFs unite!
I LOOOOOOOOOOVE this drawing! This is seriously awesome. I'm even more amazed because I have zero artistic talent. I thought I could draw Simpsons characters back in grade school, but that was as far as I got.

Thanks, I was going to draw a few more girls there but I ran out of time/didn't remember what that character looked like.
the good thing is that i'm the one who opens them and they don't open stuff on their own. at least i'm guaranteed that. it is a normal practice since i've had to open every package i've received. it was just this one time things were awkward and mostly because my mom was with me for this.

the Pokemon were the preorder bonuses of Pokemon Platinum and HGSS. i got lucky that those reached my country. too bad Gen 5 didn't have bonuses like this.

Part of me is glad that I've never had to do that, but on the other hand I'm not sure how much shame I have left anymore. And my family is well aware of how much of a nerd I am.

That Ritsu does look pretty good in your pics, much better than in Play Asia's. $22 is still pretty cheap so I might buy her.


i'll wait for another discount sale to nab more figures. gotta pinch the pennies.
i'll probably follow my ranking order so it's going to be a long wait for RoMio.
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