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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!


Maturity, bitches.
JWhy do you keep trying to bring me down?
the next step is chet himself between mio's boobs.
I swear I downloaded some older Pixiv art I recognize being posted here but it's not in my folder. Well, whatever.

Artists, does the whole board-hung-by-a-string-around-your-neck really help keep it stable for sketching like this?

For someone like Mio sitting there, it wouldn't really have much benefit, but someone trying to stand and draw, it would be really useful.
I keep looking at this pie chart and wondering why Chet always uses the same colors more than once, making it impossible to determine who is actually which slice of the pie.

Chet Rippo 	864
The Grim Heaper 	429
cjkeats 	316
Stark 	292
Watanabe Kazuma 	284
Dr.Palutena 	259
TheBatman 	255
Uraizen 	241
cajunator 	200
Labrys 	178
RurouniZel 	165
MikeMyers 	157
Emitan 	135
Unknown Soldier 	130
nckillthegrimace 	118
Ultimadrago 	113
Madao 	112

Wow, not a lot of Ritsura this time around. :(

We've officially hit over 5,000 posts in this thread!! And in just a little over a month as well, which is crazy when you think that the first thread took to at least August to get to this point!
Of course, I must do a pie chart of shame!

The chart looks a lot different than it did in the last thread, so many new names overtaking the older ones. The only one that stayed the same was me, but even then, I don't have an overwhelming majority like I once did, which is a good thing.
May we ever ever, forever shine!

Looks like I have some ground to make up again...
Yeah, without seems more natural. I just wish the avatar were a little more to the right so it looks like she's peeking out of the post!

There's a few more of other characters I'll post up here in a bit.

I always thought of K-ON GAF as a separate autonomous unit from the rest of GAF ;).
I always thought we were! Down with the weirdo GAF gaming overlords.

To the uninitiated, it's a comedy that ran 3 years on Fox, miraculously as the Network hated it. All the show did was win an Emmy and is the highest rated comedy on IMDB.

The handsome fella in my avatar is Franklin. He loves to sing.
Will Arnett is so godlike at what he does. He really needs to be in more... well, more anything!


oh, fuck.
oh get lost you moe border freak



We've officially hit over 5,000 posts in this thread!! And in just a little over a month as well, which is crazy when you think that the first thread took to at least August to get to this point!
Of course, I must do a pie chart of shame!

The chart looks a lot different than it did in the last thread, so many new names overtaking the older ones. The only one that stayed the same was me, but even then, I don't have an overwhelming majority like I once did, which is a good thing.
May we ever ever, forever shine!

Look at that little magenta sliver! 'Dat's me! I did that.
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