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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!



Is this me?

From Shokotan of Pokemon Smash:

*swipes pic from chet*
I can't let this get lost at the bottom!


You keep it up with the sexy Fem Ike avatars and it may become the later ;)
Maybe I'll find a rule 63 Marth av sometime to pair along.

I think the joke was that Ike has been around for *some* time and it seemed to imply you only noticed him because he no longer has an Arcanine avatar, but I may be a bit off.

Either way, K-On!



Okay, screw it. How many total levels are there in Kid Icarus Uprising anyway? I want to know how much more of this I have to slog through before I can resume reading the Smash Bros. thread without getting the game spoiled to high heaven.


25 Chapters.
'K. thanks.

I've got to say, I'm really torn by this game. On one hand, it has fucking amazing production values: great graphics, phenomenal soundtrack, and brilliant writing and voice acting. On the other, even after a fair bit of play, the controls are still... tricky.

Also it's a shame there's no ability to save replay movies of the bottom screen during levels since I can see all the character portraits continually popping up but watching them would distract me from the game itself.
Pichi pichi, chappu chappu, ran, ran, ran.

'K. thanks.

I've got to say, I'm really torn by this game. On one hand, it has fucking amazing production values: great graphics, phenomenal soundtrack, and brilliant writing and voice acting. On the other, even after a fair bit of play, the controls are still... tricky.

Also it's a shame there's no ability to save replay movies of the bottom screen during levels since I can see all the character portraits continually popping up but watching them would distract me from the game itself.

I really like the character art in that game.


One of the best things about Kid Icarus Uprising is that even if you turn the voices off and just listen to the music the levels still fit perfectly. Fucking glorious.


'K. thanks.

I've got to say, I'm really torn by this game. On one hand, it has fucking amazing production values: great graphics, phenomenal soundtrack, and brilliant writing and voice acting. On the other, even after a fair bit of play, the controls are still... tricky.

Also it's a shame there's no ability to save replay movies of the bottom screen during levels since I can see all the character portraits continually popping up but watching them would distract me from the game itself.

Try playin Kid Icarus left handed. Heh its tricky.

Found on twitter from that Danny Choo person. They're pillow cushion covers.
Cool, I wonder how much they cost. I've been staring at it for a while now hoping I could see something on the price tag but I can't.
I kinda wanna know what's below them too. I see like a paper fan, bookmark, carabiner, cup coaster, but what are the rest there? and I see there's quite a few more things even further down just outside of the frame.

That Azusa pillow looks off for some reason :p
The package is bent outward if you look at the sides of it, so it's a little more warped looking than the others.


Cool, I wonder how much they cost. I've been staring at it for a while now hoping I could see something on the price tag but I can't.
I kinda wanna know what's below them too. I see like a paper fan, bookmark, carabiner, cup coaster, but what are the rest there? and I see there's quite a few more things even further down just outside of the frame.
I can't make out wether the price starts with a 4 or a 2.
Along the bottom from left to right, I can't figure out what the first two are, but there's a key ring, keychain, and I think the boxes are puzzles.
I can't make out wether the price starts with a 4 or a 2.
Along the bottom from left to right, I can't figure out what the first two are, but there's a key ring, keychain, and I think the boxes are puzzles.

The first on the left is paper fans, you can see a picture of it folded out on the package.
puzzles would make sense, it looks like it has a large number on the upper right on the package on top of what kinda looks like a puzzle piece.
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