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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!

do you have like a whole folder of k-on gifs to use
i think part of it is being the first female champion and being the hardest one to defeat up to now compared to what the game's main quest throws at the player up to the endgame. she also has one of the best champion themes.
she's also one of the few characters that didn't get downgraded in the anime compared to the game.

though i never considered her against the other pokegals. i normally compared her against the other champions since i trend to compare characters to the ones of their same class from past games. like, champs vs champs, E4 vs E4, rivals vs rivals, etc.
for me, between pokegals, it's a tough battle between her and the gen 5 and 6 female trainers. i think Serena (gen 6 female trainer) wins because of the customization. i still want a Cynthia costume for her though :p
She is not that hard. She went down quicker than all the other champions. Hell the toughest fight I ever had was with that Dragon guy...and old Elite 4 guy which I can't remember his name. I think he is the last guy you face in Ruby/Sapphire before the champ. Either way I never really got the appeal for her or the whole was hard to beat.


She is not that hard. She went down quicker than all the other champions. Hell the toughest fight I ever had was with that Dragon guy...and old Elite 4 guy which I can't remember his name. I think he is the last guy you face in Ruby/Sapphire before the champ. Either way I never really got the appeal for her or the whole was hard to beat.

i guess it depends on your mileage.

i had less trouble with the champs of previous gens. gen 3 elite 4 was a bit harder than gen 4.
also, gen 4 was the last gen where i leveled up a whole 6 pokes party across the whole game.
in gen 5, i only focused on 4 pokes and the game was rather easy. same with BW2. in XY, the exp share kinda broke the game and made it really easy since you reach the end way over the levels of the e4 + champ while in past gens usually they have more levels than the player.

so, in the end, using 4 or less pokes and focusing on those makes all of the games rather easy. the newer ones trend to be easier because there's a lot more moves and you aren't handicapped by limited movepools like in gen 1 or 2.


well, i finished the highschool manga yesterday while i was waiting for Super Mario 3D World to download (stupid internet slowed down hardcore halfway so i had to wait an extra hour)


overall it feels like more of the same with tweaked roles. this part felt like the early volumes when the girls were getting to know each other. unlike the college manga, this one has just the 2 new band members as new characters so they get better character development than the new characters in college. it was fun seeing Sumire learn the drums since that instrument was monopolized by Ritsu in the past and no one else wanted to give it a serious shot.

about the new characters, Sumire feels like a combination of traits from all the original K-On girls. she gets scared easily and flustered over things like Mio, she has the looks and strength of Mugi, she has lots of energy while drumming like Ritsu and she likes her onee-chan a lot (even if they're not really sisters but living together counts more than blood relatives usually).
Nao feels like the initial Azu-cat since she seems so serious and has a poker-face but she ends up opening up eventually. she suffers the early Mugi problem where she has little presence but she gets some decent screen time and development at the end (more than any of the college new characters at least)

the old characters were pretty interesting as usual. Jun is lazy as usual and acts like Ritsu most of the time. Ui continues to be as awesome as usual and she even gets some interesting development when she shows she isn't as perfect as people perceive her (but she's still unbeatable heh). Azu-cat is more interesting here since she is not stuck-up like in the past and she seems to really enjoy the club and their silly things (except Sawako's stuff but all the characters respond the same about that). Sawa-chan is fun as usual and she seems to be getting lazier.

interstingly, Mugi continued to have a noticeable presence here despite not showing up physically. her backstory with Sumire was nice and they seem to be happy with eachother. it was funny how even Sumire is sort of scared of making Mugi angry (she must get really mad at home). Ui's reaction when the group learn that Sumire considers Mugi as her onee-chan was funny and cute. i guess the author realized Mugi got neglected a lot early in the series and wanted to make up for it since both this and the college manga expand on Mugi's character and backstory (this is why i want to see an anime S3. it's guaranteed to be packed with Mugi).
Yui also had sort of a presence with Ui's jokes and conversations with Azu-cat that involved past members. it's funny how Azu-cat ends up doing the same thing as Yui at the end (not as hard though)

now, about the day-to-day stuff, it is pretty much the same type of stuff that happened in the old volumes. the college manga suffered the same since it felt like the old situations in new settings. this volume feels like old situations with new characters. i guess it confirms why the series ended since it didn't seem to really change the flow of things or introduce new activities. it does feel like it was written with the intention of a future anime filling the gaps like with the original volumes (after all, the music is one of the biggest expansions the series had when going anime. the fuwa fuwa time and no, thank you references at the end were nice but reminded me what was missing)

to wrap this up (before i hit the post limit lol), the final volume was a good end to the series. the endpoint of the original 4 volumes + anime was better but the current one is good enough since it shows the club getting passed on to new members and the girls doing well after the original ending. while this and the college manga didn't reinvent the series or anything, at least they didn't destroy it or didn't do any unwanted things.
the dream of an S3 and/or dual movies is still alive but i prefer to put that in the "it won't happen probably but i'd be happy if it happened" category. all that's left now is re-reads and show rewatches to keep the tea time going.
(luckily no one remembers there's two videos, the second being their promotional video, so my joke worked)
Hoot! OvO/)
Don't worry, I'm always here, watching. Hooting. Just don't have anything to say and no cute pictures to post :(

I'm surprised to see you around here. Didn't know you liked the K Ons


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Finally added you on Wii U, as I actually turned the thing on to play Super Mario 3D World. (which is amazing :D)

Did you get it, or W101 yet?

Haha not yet, I havent even been payed yet, mostly because I had to go home early because my hands were frozen up on the roof


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
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