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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!


I profess to knowing very little about the actual intricacies of that market, but I'd assume for something so niche, a small production run is viewed as prestigious, and helps to boost their brand value.

It makes sense, but is absolutely maddening for someone with anyone with a passing interest. It's the exact same conundrum I find myself facing when trying to acquire prints (or most things for that matter). You're at the mercy of the "collectors", who know more, pay more, and dedicate way more time than you're ever realistically likely to yourself.

the figurine market annoys the fuck out me and I can afford them.

It must be infuriating for people who cannot. Limited runs are so much bullshit.
Yes. and I do want this:


Yeah, I was more wondering if I was right about them being on the KyoAni shop.
I really should get the Mio one. Would fit right at home with my Mio Nendoroids. But they're all really cute, with dat determined Mugi face and Yui's Ura-ON! face.
It makes me wonder how big the figure market actually is.

Do popular figures get print runs of a few tens of thousands?

tens of thousands seems a bit much, at least for just a first run. If they're popular enough and get multiple print runs it might get up to that height.


And it's not like the Don't Say Lazy figures were all released at the same time.

Though really if there's going to be any K-ON! ED outfit figures, it would probably end up being the ones from the movie's credits, Singing. Which there are already some chibi figures that KyoAni has on their shop I think.

It's good they keep the support for K-ON merch.

It makes me wonder how big the figure market actually is.

Do popular figures get print runs of a few tens of thousands?

I'm curious, too. Regarding both markets in Japan and Overseas. They sell out extremely fast so it's probably low. Then they study how popular it was and probably do their re-releases.

Yes. and I do want this:



You're going to have a field day with that one.
I profess to knowing very little about the actual intricacies of that market, but I'd assume for something so niche, a small production run could be viewed as prestigious, and helps to boost their brand value.

It makes sense, but is absolutely maddening for someone with anyone with a passing interest. It's the exact same conundrum I find myself facing when trying to acquire prints (or most things for that matter). You're at the mercy of the "collectors", who know more, pay more, and dedicate way more time than you're ever realistically likely to yourself.
Yeah, it sucks, but when I think of them as being a copy of a person's work of art, I guess I don't feel to bad.
If you get what I mean.
It's good they keep the support for K-ON merch.
The movie has barely been out for a year, it's still fresh in people's minds.
I'm curious, too. Regarding both markets in Japan and Overseas. They sell out extremely fast so it's probably low. Then they study how popular it was and probably do their re-releases.
I doubt they really think of the overseas market much especially for anime figures.
You're going to have a field day with that one.
Just what are you implying?
That was implied!

They are so cute!


The movie has barely been out for a year, it's still fresh in people's minds.

I doubt they really think of the overseas market much especially for anime figures.

Just what are you implying?

KyoAni pls

I dunno, I'd like to believe they do with most online shops and some having NA branches. I feel its more a problem with making any impact.

KyoAni pls

I dunno, I'd like to believe they do with most online shops and some having NA branches. I feel its more a problem with making any impact.


I just mean the domestic market is much more of their concern, like almost entirely what they care about.


I'm pretty sure that all of those Singing! figures are currently having a second-print run, seeing as the last time I checked, only Mugi and Mio were actually listed in the store. I assume that is what the "secondary reception" tagline suggests too.

I'm pretty sure that all of those Singing! figures are currently having a second-print run, seeing as the last time I checked, only Mugi and Mio were actually listed in the store. I assume that is what the "secondary reception" tagline suggests.

Yeah, probably. Which probably makes all the more easier for me to get one of my own!


Yeah, probably. Which probably makes all the more easier for me to get one of my own!

To be fair, they're extremely cheap. I think the only problem is working around the "Japan only" availability. I've never tried one, but going through another buyer isn't something that I'd be all too thrilled about.
To be fair, they're extremely cheap. I think the only problem is working around the "Japan only" availability. I've never tried one, but going through another buyer isn't something that I'd be all too thrilled about.

But aren't you going to Japan soon?

*hint hint nudge nudge

And speaking of merch I'd like to get that I haven't found anyone outside of Japan selling.

I'd love to get this shirt, as well as this shirt.


I'm not allowed near the computer while I'm sick ever again.


I went around telling past crushes that I had crushes on them because I thought knowing that would make them happy. At least it made some of them happy! I have no regrets.

If we're putting up pictures of figures, then here's a good one.



I'm not allowed near the computer while I'm sick ever again.


I went around telling past crushes that I had crushes on them because I thought knowing that would make them happy. At least it made some of them happy! I have no regrets.

If we're putting up pictures of figures, then here's a good one.

Bad Uraizen. BAD.



Bad Uraizen. BAD.


I know~

[quote="Unknown Soldier, post: 54481011"]You need to stop hitting people on the head. It's not very nice.[/QUOTE]

[quote="cjkeats, post: 54481395"]Some people need to stop asking for it by spewing false information about mobile OS's and hardware.[/QUOTE]

Bitch better back the fuck up before he gets smacked the fuck up.

So you're admitting I'm right and you're wrong. Your phone doesn't actually do multitasking, as hard as it might be for you to admit.

The scene where Assassin Azunyan kills Templar Mugi in my fanfic will probably be even more enjoyable to write when I imagine this fight we're having while I write it.


So you're admitting I'm right and you're wrong. Your phone doesn't actually do multitasking, as hard as it might be for you to admit.

The scene where Assassin Azunyan kills Templar Mugi in my fanfic will probably be even more enjoyable to write when I imagine this fight we're having while I write it.

My phone multitaskes just fine. I've never used an IRC client on it so I can't argue about it.

But please, tell me more how your bloatware device does it so much differently.

On Android, apps actually run in the background and are capable of doing things even when not the app shown on the screen. They don't close the moment you return to your home screen. For example, if I connect to the IRC server and then go off and do other things, the app is actually running and connected to the server and I can instantly switch to the app at any time and see the chat. It's like how multitasking works in Windows.

On iOS, when you close the app, it terminates. So if you were running an IRC client and closed it, it would disconnect from the server and stop running. There is no way to multitask on iOS short of a few of Apple's own apps which are allowed to keep running in the background like iTunes and Apple Maps for navigation. This is not multitasking, it's single-tasking (with a few exceptions) which is carefully hidden from the user so they think their phone is doing something it actually isn't.

So my "bloatware" device runs a considerably more advanced and powerful operating system than yours. Android also allows apps to share bits of data with any other app using the Intents system, which means I can directly send a photo from the web browser to my Dropbox for example. I can be browsing Facebook or Google+ and look at a cool picture and tap it and hit Share and instantly send it to my Dropbox, Google Drive, or download it. Once you've gotten used to apps being able to directly send things to other apps, the Apple approach where every app is a missle silo feels terribly outdated.

There's a lot more to Android besides just these few things, but I could write a novel and you still wouldn't understand. Go and USE a high-end Android device like a Galaxy S3 or Note II (or the upcoming S4), or an HTC One, or even experience how much more advanced and powerful even stock Android is on a Nexus 4. Some of the things Android can do can be pretty mindblowing to people accustomed to the limitations and fences and shackles of iOS.


Uh... my iOS IRC client runs in the background. It doesn't terminate when I switch apps. Your information is a few years out of date.

So my "bloatware" device runs a considerably more advanced and powerful operating system than yours. Android also allows apps to share bits of data with any other app using the Intents system, which means I can directly send a photo from the web browser to my Dropbox for example. I can be browsing Facebook or Google+ and look at a cool picture and tap it and hit Share and instantly send it to my Dropbox, Google Drive, or download it. Once you've gotten used to apps being able to directly send things to other apps

You mean like I can do on iOS?


On iOS, when you close the app, it terminates. So if you were running an IRC client and closed it, it would disconnect from the server and stop running. There is no way to multitask on iOS short of a few of Apple's own apps which are allowed to keep running in the background like iTunes and Apple Maps for navigation. This is not multitasking, it's single-tasking (with a few exceptions) which is carefully hidden from the user so they think their phone is doing something it actually isn't.
No. There are several states an app can go in. Some terminate, some hibernate or freeze, other keep doing what they're doing, much like the IRC client example.

So my "bloatware" device runs a considerably more advanced and powerful operating system than yours. Android also allows apps to share bits of data with any other app using the Intents system, which means I can directly send a photo from the web browser to my Dropbox for example. I can be browsing Facebook or Google+ and look at a cool picture and tap it and hit Share and instantly send it to my Dropbox, Google Drive, or download it. Once you've gotten used to apps being able to directly send things to other apps, the Apple approach where every app is a missle silo feels terribly outdated.
You haven't used iOS in a long time have you? I can do all that, save for the dropbox thing being a little different.

There's a lot more to Android besides just these few things, but I could write a novel and you still wouldn't understand. Go and USE a high-end Android device like a Galaxy S3 or Note II (or the upcoming S4), or an HTC One, or even experience how much more advanced and powerful even stock Android is on a Nexus 4. Some of the things Android can do can be pretty mindblowing to people accustomed to the limitations and fences and shackles of iOS.

I used a high end phone for a few months in the summer. HTC One X. The only thing that blew my mind was how out of order and disorganized the whole experience felt.
No. There are several states an app can go in. Some terminate, some hibernate or freeze, other keep doing what they're doing, much like the IRC client example.

Uh... my iOS IRC client runs in the background. It doesn't terminate when I switch apps. Your information is a few years out of date.

I'm curious as to how, since IRC doesn't fall into the 'categories' of apps which are 'allowed' to multitask. I should hijack my co-worker's iPhone 5 sometime and look at what it's doing since multitasking is only 'allowed' when apps are doing certain things on iOS.

You mean like I can do on iOS?

On iOS, everything you "share" has to be baked into the app. It's not an integral operating system function, which means you can't arbitrarily add any new thing to what is shared beyond what is baked into the app. On Android, if you install a new app and it supports the sharing at the OS level, it appears in the list of apps you can share with on every other app which support sharing and all apps can share with it and it can share with all other apps automatically.

You haven't used iOS in a long time have you? I can do all that, save for the dropbox thing being a little different.

Well I use Dropbox as a general example. But see above.

I used a high end phone for a few months in the summer. HTC One X. The only thing that blew my mind was how out of order and disorganized the whole experience felt.

Yeah, because you can customize how Android looks and feels. You aren't locked to a static homescreen filled with icons, you can change it to anything you want including no icons at all. If you require Apple to dictate to you what your phone's UI looks like at all times, then Android isn't for you. If you enjoy freedom and flexibility in making your phone's UI look pretty much however you want, then that's when you move on from iOS.


I'm curious as to how, since IRC doesn't fall into the 'categories' of apps which are 'allowed' to multitask. I should hijack my co-worker's iPhone 5 sometime and look at what it's doing since multitasking is only 'allowed' when apps are doing certain things on iOS.
On iOS, everything you "share" has to be baked into the app. It's not an integral operating system function, which means you can't arbitrarily add any new thing to what is shared beyond what is baked into the app. On Android, if you install a new app and it supports the sharing at the OS level, it appears in the list of apps you can share with on every other app which support sharing and all apps can share with it and it can share with all other apps automatically.
Well I use Dropbox as a general example. But see above.
Yeah, because you can customize how Android looks and feels. You aren't locked to a static homescreen filled with icons, you can change it to anything you want including no icons at all. If you require Apple to dictate to you what your phone's UI looks like at all times, then Android isn't for you. If you enjoy freedom and flexibility in making your phone's UI look pretty much however you want, then that's when you move on from iOS.

I couldn't get android to look how I wanted. You're still stuck on a static homescreen, you just just add widgets to it instead of only icons. I used android, several times and I always go back to iOS.

At the end of the day, I'll quote what my motto was when I sold phones. There is no "best" phone, only a phone that is best for you.
and at the time, it was whichever was the one that got me the most commission.
Japanse phones are weird.

Kirino upgraded her phone between S1 and S2 of Oreimo.

The coolest phone I've seen is the one that Kuroko rocks in Railgun. She like pulls the interface out of the side of the device to interact with it and then slides it back in. The device itself looks like a laser pointer or something.


Kirino upgraded her phone between S1 and S2 of Oreimo.

The coolest phone I've seen is the one that Kuroko rocks in Railgun. She like pulls the interface out of the side of the device to interact with it and then slides it back in. The device itself looks like a laser pointer or something.
I've noticed. It's a fake android phone. I almost de-waifued her, but I cut her some slack for the iPad.
Hey I wish my phone was a time-machine

I always forget about shining finger. She was amazing. That scene where he takes her phone. Holy Shit.
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