I don't think that'd work so well ;;

Time for an old favorite!

I don't think that'd work so well ;;
Time for an old favorite!
I wish I had tile floors at the house...then I could do this instead of being to hot.
I'd be feeling your pain if I didn't have my rrom near the A/C
Time for an old favorite!
Where do you find these gifs
Because kids have proportionally big heads.why is baby yui's head so big tho??
why is baby yui's head so big tho??
What could it be?
Oh look, it's Mio!
Dat dress!
I also got other stuff. All in all, very expensive, but totally worth it.
The moment you've all been waiting for!
I also got other stuff. All in all, very expensive, but totally worth it.
The moment you've all been waiting for!
I also got other stuff. All in all, very expensive, but totally worth it.
The moment you've all been waiting for!
I also got other stuff. All in all, very expensive, but totally worth it.
The moment you've all been waiting for!
I also got other stuff. All in all, very expensive, but totally worth it.
Not sure what to do with it yet, but maybe I'll get a frame for it.
About $180 with shipping.been considering this figure. how much was it?
That is one of the Kyoto exclusive figures right?
The picture looks nice. Is that the expensive thing you didn't want to buy?
Yep, and the packaging was top notch, worthy of the KyoAni name.
I need to stop spending money.
You did it for Mio!
her right breast has a bit of discoloration. Might be dust. If you like I can come over and rub that off for you.
As long as you still got money to pay off things that need to be paid, everything will be good.It's ok, I just spent a lot of money today too.
As long as you still got money to pay off things that need to be paid, everything will be good.
Hmmm.... Avatar choice....
Go for the Nyan of Azus
Hmmm.... Avatar choice....
Hmmm.... Avatar choice....
Another vote for Azusa.
You traitor. How dare you go Team purp.
I wanted to be Purple
Sorry breh I'm in da club right now and that's all deh servin.
Well, I guess that's that, then.
I got Team Blue on Steam. Nothing currently looks interesting to me sales-wise. Hopefully tommorow...
Steam sale teams
What do those do? How do I join a team?