The only thing your avatar reminds me of is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRd7gOfIS-0&feature=kp
The only thing your avatar reminds me of is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRd7gOfIS-0&feature=kp
Hmm, Madoka may not be for you. I'll just say the tone of it changes very slightly after the first two episodes.
Well I am committed at this point. It takes a lot for me to quit a show. I expect some feels just from the first few minutes of the first episode.
Ah, ok. Been active on Twitter too I see. Hope he stops by here again soon though!
Oh, and feel free to add me on Twitter everybody. Same username as here. Tell me who you are if your username is not the same as on here though, so I recognize you.
You know me by now. I kinda tweet hundreds of cute pictures a day
that is Calne Ca
I want to leave work!
Feather dusterProfessional breast rubber?
Hi everyone! I love you all . Think I'm going to try to get the GF to watch K-ON soon...she's open to the idea at least!
Hi everyone! I love you all . Think I'm going to try to get the GF to watch K-ON soon...she's open to the idea at least!
Hello everynyan
...I think I'm gonna hang out here for a while. Things seem a little tense in AnimeGAF and things are going on in Twitter, and... yeah, I haven't a clue.
This is why I've been actively trying to change my personality to be as non-offensive as possible.
Don't change yourself for others. Be yourself! You are always welcome here
Holy crap, what the hell was wrong with Hito??? I liked the guy but that stuff he posted was not cool.
Another reason why I don't really like going into animeGAF. So much drama
Holy crap, what the hell was wrong with Hito??? I liked the guy but that stuff he posted was not cool.
Another reason why I don't really like going into animeGAF. So much drama
I suppose I should rephrase. I was getting tired of, well, getting angry at other users and taking it personally, so I've been trying to relax my mind and let thing slide off, more or less. That, and avoiding things that I know make me angry.
But yeah, it's so nice in here I don't want to leave.
IRC things spilled out into the forums apparently. Not that I would know since I don't IRC
Have another Key gif instead:
No demon, she is normal... for a dead person.lol Infinite....er demon girl???
lol Infinite....er demon girl???
D: D: D:No demon, she is normal... for a dead person.
Infinite Yui actually
Not entirely sure why she has a tail like that either...
Then why you post if you not know person D:
She is so overstyled, it surely is something she though was cute.It is not explained why she got a tail. Nobody seems to find it strange either
It is not explained why she got a tail. Nobody seems to find it strange either
What show is this?
Does crying because the structure of the show was a mess and it couldn't handle drama and humor at the same time, which made a lot of it ridicilous count?Angel Beats. Are you ready for more crying? ;P
Does crying because the structure of the show was a mess and it couldn't handle drama and humor at the same time, which made a lot of it ridicilous count?
O_O uhh....Fuck you Mike.
Hell no, it should be less K more Onmore K-On, less Key-On plz
I learned to avoid Animegaf, never saw any hostility to me personally but I can't stand this constant crying over moe shows. Don't like it? Well go watch something else. I made the mistake just now of going in there to find some of this drama you guys were talking about and saw that same crappy attitude of how moe is killing anime and this and that. It gets so tiring. Plus it just seems like most anime communities are so combative if they don't like a show you do. Tiresome
Again, that is why I came to this thread in the first place. I planned on watching K-On soon and stumbled on this thread. So glad I did.
AnimeGAF is actually a relatively nice place. Literally every other place where people discuss anime is way more toxic. Weither it be forums, blogs or videos. Today Hitokage had a very bad day and was banned for that - if I understood that right. Also duckroll deleted two posts of mine because I accidently used a common, but actually very discriminating term. Moderation is there, people try to keep their legs still.
You can't forbid people to not like moe and it's actually difficult to ignore it, when moe shows are usually getting a lot of money, while shows like Shinsekai Yori bomb hard.
One more episode of Kanon to go! You up for another watchbet Mike? I have an anime that animeGAF loves to see impressions of.
Hm... Depends on what it is....