I was getting to know this girl (masters degree) in my apartment. We were making out, talking about school, and our tastes in music. I told her I dont really have a favorite genre and dont mind listening to most top 40 tracks in a year, even if I dont like most of them. She asked me if I like Kanye and Beyonce. That was an easy no, but I said I respect those that do. Everyone has different taste in music, just like most things in life. Oh my gosh!!! How can you not like their music? You must not understand it. Kanye and his music are so hot. And hes with Kim Kardashian now!! They are like so perfect.
Before this I did not get any warning bells. At that time I had never thought of myself as a judgmental person, and she is entitled to appreciate artists/con artists of her choosing. So whatever, right?
Later we were making out in bed and she stopped suddenly. Her eyes got wide really fucking wide. Hey lets do it to some Kanye music! I'll make you like it. I have some on my phone."
*man talking over some beats"
Have you had sex with a pharaoh? Put your pussy in a sarcophagus
.something something **** your esophagus
Thank you Yeezus, you stopped me from having sex with a child.
The man is a saint.