Absolutely, on some level I still liked it but it's total 180 of what I was expecting. There's subverting expectations like One Hour Photo (I don't care, Robin Williams best and he's said several times he was disturbed playing it) or Joker (rare example of it done right after 2015).First 10 minutes felt like a concept for a movie that a couple of talented people put together and created to pitch to a studio and then the studio said "sure, make a whole movie of this but change these 100,000 things" and they were like "well, fuck".
It's so different from the rest of the movie I refuse to believe the entire movie was planned like this.
Then there's new crop of stuff that literally seems to pull the rug out from under you, great examples being Mortal Kombat and the Last Jedi (admittedly on some level I liked it as a standalone movie but you literally advance the plot 8 hours and start back at step 1)