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Kasumi Love Love Pillow Redesign, DOA:U October 7 in Japan

Sho Nuff

You know you're responsible, Kohler, you punk. Were I not an anonymous talking head on the Internet I would be kicking your ass!


That's what I wanna know!

I'd pick it up on day one if it were released over here, but at least we get the ugly green Halo-box.... umm woo! :rollseyes.

Hell, I'd publicly buy the Kasumi pillow if it came with that xbox.. heh.

MC Safety

Okay, I've been sitting on this for some time now, but I must tell this story as it demands to be told. Screams, even.

So. I am at the Sony party at E3, having a mildly amusing time. Because I am feeling -- what's that word? -- social, I think to walk up to Chris/Kobun Heat and introduce myself. As I am approaching, I hear him say, "I'm the reason the Kasumi pillow will never be released in the United States."

Understand I had no context for this statement, and felt the extreme need for a shower that I suspected would never have water hot enough to scald off the unclean feeling. Needless to say, I explored the only avenue open to me, fleeing.


bah, she's wearing too many clothes for it to be a love pillow, its more of a snuggle pillow. no sale.

unless they re-release ninja gaiden with special Ryu love pillow wearing a thong.

thats a terrible mental image now that I think about it.


Disco Stu said:
Okay, I've been sitting on this for some time now, but I must tell this story as it demands to be told. Screams, even.

So. I am at the Sony party at E3, having a mildly amusing time. Because I am feeling -- what's that word? -- social, I think to walk up to Chris/Kobun Heat and introduce myself. As I am approaching, I hear him say, "I'm the reason the Kasumi pillow will never be released in the United States."

Understand I had no context for this statement, and felt the extreme need for a shower that I suspected would never have water hot enough to scald off the unclean feeling. Needless to say, I explored the only avenue open to me, fleeing.

Figures that he'd brag about his 'accomplishment' at a party after swearing up and down that he had no ulterior motives for writing that piece when asked about it here. (Not that there was ever much doubt to begin with, but still.)


Disco Stu said:
Okay, I've been sitting on this for some time now, but I must tell this story as it demands to be told. Screams, even.

So. I am at the Sony party at E3, having a mildly amusing time. Because I am feeling -- what's that word? -- social, I think to walk up to Chris/Kobun Heat and introduce myself. As I am approaching, I hear him say, "I'm the reason the Kasumi pillow will never be released in the United States."

Understand I had no context for this statement, and felt the extreme need for a shower that I suspected would never have water hot enough to scald off the unclean feeling. Needless to say, I explored the only avenue open to me, fleeing.

It's Kobun, you don't need a context, you should know it. Journalistic integrity galore!

Edit: Yes, I kid about the context. Everything needs a context. However, I still believe the article was just a cheap shot Kobun saw for sensationalistic reporting so that the article could be picked up.
Well, there should be context.

The night BEFORE was the Ziff party, and Itagaki was there. After I saw him, I was over at the other end of the pool and I was talking to a friend. I forget who. Hey, maybe if THEY post here they can remind me. In any case the subject of Itagaki being at the party came up, and they said that they heard he was pretty pissed off about the pillow flap. So I said, in disbelief, do you think my article was the reason it ended up being cancelled (or pulled temporarily for substantial redesign, as the case was)? They thought so.

So I thought, jeez. I'd had less than a day to reflect on that when I was talking to somebody else at the Sony party - nobody that I wanted to impress or anything, just another friend - and I brought it up. Not bragging, just to point out what happened. If you want to think that, that's fucking great, but it's not the truth.

And by the way, I never said "United States." What I said was that I'm the reason it wasn't getting released period. Why? Because the article on Wired ended up being translated into Japanese and it is my observation that it might have caused a stir at Tecmo or at MS Japan, because they didn't expect American press to pick up on it and make cracks about it.

In summary, I'm accused of making a comment to a friend during a conversation. Did I make up a shirt advertising it? No. Am I particularly happy or thrilled or whatever? No. Was it my intention with the article to get the thing cancelled? No way! Is it true? Probably, yes.

But if you've nothing better to do than believe the worst about me in every situation that comes up, you're not going to be swayed by anything I could possibly say.


hyperbolically metafictive
the joke has been lost in the usual carping about BIAS OMFG: disco stu presumably wasn't aware of the wired article, and thought the pillow wouldn't be released in the us because kobun had done or would do something unimaginably vile with it. which is pretty funny. what can you do to a humping pillow that's so far beyond its intended purpose as to mortify its creators? ferrio, any thoughts?

now i've ruined the joke by explaining it.
Hahaha oh I get it now! I didn't read just Stu's post, all I saw was it in quotes followed by slander.

I'd probably have taken off too in that case.


Exactly how big is this pillow? It's hard to tell from pics, but is it about full-body size? Just curious, really. ;)


drohne said:
ferrio, any thoughts?




Error Macro said:
I think they're like six grand. Ouch. Almost as much as a real, live girl.

You forgot to factor in that real live girls are an ongoing expense... so the Real Doll would pay itself off in about a year... ;)

That blue Xbox looks ace though.


Kobun Heat said:
Hahaha oh I get it now! I didn't read just Stu's post, all I saw was it in quotes followed by slander.

C'mon, Chris. You probably couldn't be a bigger cheerleader for Nintendo if you ran around doing the Yamauchi Cheer in a Big N sweater and pompoms. :p And when you combine that with the vitriol you seem to reserve for anything Xbox-related, should it really come as a surprise that people might think you took pleasure in scuttling a DOA promotion with one of your articles? Especially when an anecdote someone else posted seemed to support that notion?

Since you tell me that's not the case, I apologize. However, I do hope you can see how people might get the same impression I did--I may have drawn the wrong conclusions, but you have to admit that the evidence does tend to point toward those conclusions.
Tellaerin said:
C'mon, Chris. You probably couldn't be a bigger cheerleader for Nintendo if you ran around doing the Yamauchi Cheer in a Big N sweater and pompoms.

He's our favorite kind of guy
Flips out on Coleco execs
Prob'ly came up with DS
Goooooooo Yamauchi!


Disco Stu said:
Okay, I've been sitting on this for some time now, but I must tell this story as it demands to be told. Screams, even.

So. I am at the Sony party at E3, having a mildly amusing time. Because I am feeling -- what's that word? -- social, I think to walk up to Chris/Kobun Heat and introduce myself. As I am approaching, I hear him say, "I'm the reason the Kasumi pillow will never be released in the United States."

Understand I had no context for this statement, and felt the extreme need for a shower that I suspected would never have water hot enough to scald off the unclean feeling. Needless to say, I explored the only avenue open to me, fleeing.
Should I laugh or cry ?
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