Couldn't she be recalled by the people?
These people?
Couldn't she be recalled by the people?
Don't even need to go through the kicking and screaming, really. Just leave her at the side of the road and keep on walking. In all likelihood, time and distance will make sure she's dead and irrelevant at some point.
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
They can't fire her, she's an elected official. She can be impeached but given that she has political supporters in their government I guess that point is moot.
I'm sure the gofundme for the fines will be very successful.
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
She still has a boss though right? She can't just do whatever the hell she wants and have no consequences just because she was elected?
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
Considering there might not be a recall system or the time for it has run out, there might not be a way to remove her from office except by throwing her in jail.I'm in agreement with no jail time. I'm firmly for prison reform and I don't think using the penitentiary system for this is necessary.
I want to see her sued. Every person that she denied a marriage license should be able to bring a case against her.
Pisses me off her legal fees will be paid for by all the crazies
I'm sure the gofundme for the fines will be very successful.
I think the judge should give her 4 months of community service, in a very gay community.
I think we've found a possible relative here:
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
I'm sure the gofundme for the fines will be very successful.
Considering there might not be a recall system or the time for it has run out, there might not be a way to remove her from office except by throwing her in jail.
She's denying people basic civil rights as a government representative. Perfect use for jail if there ever was one.
This image is so flyover country.
Gofundme's are taxable income, right?
Also, because she is an elected official, I wonder what if any, are the consequences for a gofundme for such a person who claims that she is acting under the color of law. I'm guessing that hasn't been litigated yet.
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
The long denim skirt wearing, always-obese people that belong to the Old Regular Baptists (huge religion in Morehead) are everywhere and this is a normal view of the people there...
Jail does nothing and in fact has a good chance to turn her into more of a martyr. Best option is the financial route. Hit her and the county so hard that they drown in debt. People understand money stinging more than anything else. It affects everything.
yeah wtf is up with this fashion trend? why do evangelical women always wear long denim skirts? it's fucked up.
they're also not allowed to have "trendy" hair so they often just let it grow.
thing is there will probably be a huge gofundme or some rich evangelical will just pay for all her court fines.
@AP: BREAKING: Gay couples ask judge to fine Kentucky clerk, give no jail time over marriage-license denials.
Interesting approach
You mean those bangs aren't trendy?
You mean those bangs aren't trendy?
This woman is making good Christian look bad. I am for the right to protect religious beliefs but she is an employee of the state and is required to follow the law. If she doesn't like the law then just resign. She exhausted her legal options so there is no where else for her to turn to.
Being ordered by a federal judge to issue licenses she now knows her actions are deliberately unconstitutional. This will result in her losing qualified immunity and being personally liable for a civil court civil rights action. The county and state can't protect her.
I'm not quite sure she knows what she's doing because she's playing with motherfuckin fire here. Either that or she's getting really bad legal advice or just ignoring good legal advice. The wrong vindictive person can take her for absolutely everything she has.
Smart approach. If she were imprisoned, the story would be a Christian thrown in jail for refusing to compromise her faith. Plus, by only asking for fines, rather than imprisonment, the gay couples look more like people who really just want to get married already, and less like anti-religion zealots.
I'm sure the gofundme for the fines will be very successful.
Yeah. As an elected official any use of funds from contribution/donation would be open to extreme scrutiny and possible legal action.If she accepts the gofundme money, isn't that basically bribery to perform illegal activities since she is a public servant?
Aren't there other clerks that work there who can issue the license?
Same bigots who put her in?
The clerk should have been fired after the first time.
Just coming out now. She will have a contempt of court hearing this Thursday to answer why she is still refusing the order to issue licenses.
Just coming out now. She will have a contempt of court hearing this Thursday to answer why she is still refusing the order to issue licenses.
Agreed. Beliefs or not. You have a job. Do it.
I can't go get a job at McDonald's and say it's against my religion to do any of the work required. She should refill out her application and check the box that says she's not capable of fulfilling her duties.
Nice I'm glad it's coming up this quick.
CNN interview today with the Casey County clerk, the other kentucky county clerk refusing to issue licenses. I thought for a second there that he was saying he would adhere to his oath, but then he says that the Kentucky constitution bars same-sex marriage, blahblahblah. He said that there is no higher power that can overrule that constitution. What that means, is that the people of Kentucky (or its elected officials) could amend the Kentucky constitution to ban interracial marriage, or make slavery legal, and that nothing in the US Constitution could stop that from occurring.
Fucking hell. These people need to be locked up.
"The many early Christians accepted the injunctions of the Sermon on the Mount quite literally is certain and their attitude brought them into much the same kind of conflict with the Roman authorities which conscientious objectors of our own time face in dealing with the military authority. G.C. Macgregor (The New Testament Basis of Pacifism) points out that until about the close of the third quarter of the second century the attitude of the church was quite consistently pacifist. Harnacks conclusion is that no Christian would become a soldier after baptism at least up to the time of Marcus Aurelius, say about A.D. 170 (Militia Christi, p.4). After that time signs of compromise became increasingly evident, but the pacifist trend continues strong right up into the fourth century."6