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Kentucky Clerk denies same-sex couple marriage license for the third time

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CNN interview today with the Casey County clerk, the other kentucky county clerk refusing to issue licenses. I thought for a second there that he was saying he would adhere to his oath, but then he says that the Kentucky constitution bars same-sex marriage, blahblahblah. He said that there is no higher power that can overrule that constitution. What that means, is that the people of Kentucky (or its elected officials) could amend the Kentucky constitution to ban interracial marriage, or make slavery legal, and that nothing in the US Constitution could stop that from occurring.

Fucking hell. These people need to be locked up.

When did Kentucky secede from the United States?
Did not know this woman is a democrat. And she succeeded her mother last year who spent 37 years on the job And her son is on her staff? Good gravy. Small town life, smh.

Democrats historically are the pretty racist, backwards party. Wasn't until the late 50s and 60s until Democrats were associated with civil rights, etc. That obviously caused a split to the party and also allowed people like Nixon to develop a "Southern Strategy" (become racist) for Republican leadership to attract left behind southern Democratic voters.

I wouldn't be shocked to see people still register as a Democrat, but not actually vote with the modern Democratic party.


He pointed to the gay rights protesters gathered on the courthouse lawn and said: "They want us to accept their beliefs and their ways. But they won't accept our beliefs and our ways."

Fuck off.


Hypothetical situation:

Let's say that the County Clerk was a Muslim and denied Christians marriage licenses because they did not recognize Allah as the one true god. I'd wager that Kim Davis, the old chubby lady with the sign, and the rest of their ilk (along with 100s of rednecks and a smattering of the Klan) would be at the front of the line chanting "do your job" and crying about their civil liberties being denied.


Democrats historically are the pretty racist, backwards party. Wasn't until the late 50s and 60s until Democrats were associated with civil rights, etc. That obviously caused a split to the party and also allowed people like Nixon to develop a "Southern Strategy" (become racist) for Republican leadership to attract left behind southern Democratic voters.

I wouldn't be shocked to see people still register as a Democrat, but not actually vote with the modern Democratic party.
We still saw that to a huge extent all the way until the end of the last century. Registering as a Democrat was just something that southern whites did, especially when there was still memory of the New Deal and even JFK. The lines started changing around Nixon and finally crossed sometime in the late 80s/early 90s, if I remember correctly.

I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if we find out that her Momma was a Democrat, and that this was a key part of why she registered as a Democrat.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hypothetical situation:

Let's say that the County Clerk was a Muslim and denied Christians marriage licenses because they did not recognize Allah as the one true god. I'd wager that Kim Davis, the old chubby lady with the sign, and the rest of their ilk (along with 100s of rednecks and a smattering of the Klan) would be at the front of the line chanting "do your job" and crying about their civil liberties being denied.
But they do. The god of Abraham is Allah is God the Father, Jews don't believe in Jesus. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet and is the anointed messiah. Christians believe Jesus was the god of Abraham taking the form of a man


It's not really that surprising she's a Democrat. Democratic registration outpaces Republican registration in Kentucky by 40%. That doesn't mean anything when it comes to actual voting patterns, where Kentucky voters vote more than 13-points on average more Republican than the national average.

A lot of the party identity in the South still has remnants of the Solid South.

EDIT: The Cook PVI chart is really interesting for anyone who wants to see the ways in which shifting demographics affect voting patterns.


I'd love to know how filling out fucking paperwork violates religious beliefs.



What needs to happen is that she's sued so much money that no gofundme campaign could ever come anywhere near paying it off. Then she needs to be ordered to perform hundreds or even thousands of hours of community service doing janitorial work for the state. Then bar her from ever working in another public office ever again.


Here's her response statement for those who want to read it:

"I have worked in the Rowan County Clerk's office for 27 years as a Deputy Clerk and was honored to be elected as the Clerk in November 2014, and took office in January 2015. I love my job and the people of Rowan County. I have never lived any place other than Rowan County. Some people have said I should resign, but I have done my job well. This year we are on track to generate a surplus for the county of $1.5 million.

In addition to my desire to serve the people of Rowan County, I owe my life to Jesus Christ who loves me and gave His life for me. Following the death of my godly mother-in-law over four years ago, I went to church to fulfill her dying wish. There I heard a message of grace and forgiveness and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. I am not perfect. No one is. But I am forgiven and I love my Lord and must be obedient to Him and to the Word of God.

I never imagined a day like this would come, where I would be asked to violate a central teaching of Scripture and of Jesus Himself regarding marriage. To issue a marriage license which conflicts with God's definition of marriage, with my name affixed to the certificate, would violate my conscience. It is not a light issue for me. It is a Heaven or Hell decision. For me it is a decision of obedience. I have no animosity toward anyone and harbor no ill will. To me this has never been a gay or lesbian issue. It is about marriage and God's Word. It is a matter of religious liberty, which is protected under the First Amendment, the Kentucky Constitution, and in the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Our history is filled with accommodations for people's religious freedom and conscience. I want to continue to perform my duties, but I also am requesting what our Founders envisioned - that conscience and religious freedom would be protected. That is all I am asking. I never sought to be in this position, and I would much rather not have been placed in this position. I have received death threats from people who do not know me. I harbor nothing against them. I was elected by the people to serve as the County Clerk. I intend to continue to serve the people of Rowan County, but I cannot violate my conscience."

don't think she really understands the first amendment or how federal law trumps state law.....
Does this delusional woman not comprehend that the documents she signs hold absolutely no religious intent. Marriage licenses are purely legal documents. LEGAL. DOCUMENTS. You've served for 27 fucking years and no one has ever told you that?


Does this delusional woman not comprehend that the documents she signs hold absolutely no religious intent. Marriage licenses are purely legal documents. LEGAL. DOCUMENTS. You've served for 27 fucking years and no one has ever told you that?

All someone has to do is find people she signed certs for that were previously divorced and all those other rules to show that her execution of faith isn't genuinely consistent even if for some reason we incorrectly assume she has a choice in who she can give licenses to.


All someone has to do is find people she signed certs for that were previously divorced and all those other rules to show that her execution of faith isn't genuinely consistent.

she herself is a divorcee so....

also, i don't know if it was mentioned in this thread or not, but she unknowingly signed off on the marriage cert. of a transgendered couple a few months ago.

it's not like she's logically consistent.
Why not just step down if you feel so strongly about this? She's intentionally becoming a martyr for her cause. Hopefully it becomes an expensive position for her to hold.


I just heard this woman being compared to Rosa Parks on talk radio. The far right have gone completely insane.

Except that in this scenario, she's the bus driver.

"Doesn't he have a right to say who sits where in his bus? If he truly believes blacks are inferior, don't violate his rights by telling him how to run his bus? Don't like it? then ride another bus!"


She intends to continue to serve the people of Rowan County by not doing her job? If you're not willing to do what is asked of you then step aside and allow someone who can do the job the chance to do it.


Is it true this lady has been divorced THREE times and is on her FOURTH marriage?

I thought divorce was a sin to Christians?

Depends on the denomination. Catholics are pretty strict about divorce, hence annulments.

Some strict Protestant denominations only allow it because adultery, abandonment or abuse.
Is it true this lady has been divorced THREE times and is on her FOURTH marriage?

I thought divorce was a sin to Christians?

Evangelical Christiany is a Leviticus buffet. You just pick and choose which parts are personally abhorrent to you and you can justify discriminating against whoever you want.
I have heard and read about how "you don't have the right to keep other people from believing!" or that "all these people has are their believes, you don't have the right to take those away!"

Sorry, but when you find someone as delusional as this lady, is not your right to makes them realize how wrong they are, IT IS YOUR OBLIGATION. Believe all you want in Santa, the yeti, ufo, or whatever, but if those believes affect other's people lives, they you have to be bring to earth, kicking and screaming if necessary.
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