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Kerry picks Gepwards

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Okay, rallies are lame.

Buncha jerks take all the free stuff before you get your hands on it. I'm sure you needed every one of those 600 Kerry Edwards signs buddy...

Everyone stands to the side so that you can't get very good pictures.

Bush supporters wait outside the train stop with clever signs like "Terrorists for Kerry"

All the speakers are just loud obnoxious and angry, and don't say anythng substantive (Kerry was a little better, I guess, but still, same o'l same ol')

Edwards wasn't there. :(

It was cool to be there I guess, but I wonder if I might have been better off sleeping in.

Kerry does have decent taste in music though.


Gruco said:
Kerry does have decent taste in music though.

I heard the announcement this morning on the radio, but didn't catch what the theme song was. Pray tell, what is Kerry's wrestling entrance music?



force push the doodoo rock
FnordChan said:
I heard the announcement this morning on the radio, but didn't catch what the theme song was. Pray tell, what is Kerry's wrestling entrance music?


i am a realll aamerrricannnn(not really though)


Doth Togo said:
Who was his first?

McCain. :)

nice to see you regurgitating things from bush's new advertisement.

PPFFFFFFFT! Since the media was desperate to get McCain on the ticket, that joke was there from the get-go. Nice to see the GOP pick up on it though :)


Hang out with Steve.
Ripclawe said:

So everyone but Kerry himself says :)

I think that Bush's VP is a liability now. If he were to dump Cheney and pick up McCain, I wonder what that would do to the election? I'd certainly like to see Cheney out of there...


force push the doodoo rock
SteveMeister said:
So everyone but Kerry himself says :)

I think that Bush's VP is a liability now. If he were to dump Cheney and pick up McCain, I wonder what that would do to the election? I'd certainly like to see Cheney out of there...

yeah i can see their slogan now

"vote for us, we dont agree on anything except the war"


Chesapeake Silt said:
Except for when he played 'Right Now' in the middle of his speech. Late period Van Halen won't win him any votes!


"Wanna bet?"

Thanks for IDing the song. Pity Kerry didn't go with "Hot For Teacher".



I thought the entrance song was Springsteen. I didn't recognize it, but my friend said it was called This Town or something similar.

Other songs were Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (about 50 times), Petty's Won't Back Down, Right Now, and Beautiful Day.

I always thought Bombs over Baghdad would be a great campaign theme...
Yeah, check out the traditional neutrality the Chamber of Commerce holds. Only 78% of their money goes to Republicans!

I do thank Ripclawe for linking to that article, though. The last paragraph was very enlightening. You know Edwards can't be all bad if that's the type of person he's pissing off.
I think this is somewhat of a mistake for Kerry. Edwards isn't going to win him anything. Cheney is going to tear Edwards apart. The only reason people told him to pick Edwards is because he got some decent exposure during the primaries. People would get to know any other candidate similarly over the election and that advantage for Edwards would disappear. Not to mention the fact that Kerry doesn't even like Edwards. A 2 Senator ticket with two guys without any fire is not going to take down the infernal machine of Bush-Cheney. Well I just pray America wakes up and doesn't reelect Bush-Cheney because Kerry-Edwards certainly isn't going to inspire people. Can we get Dean back?


force push the doodoo rock
BigGreenMat said:
I think this is somewhat of a mistake for Kerry. Edwards isn't going to win him anything. Cheney is going to tear Edwards apart. The only reason people told him to pick Edwards is because he got some decent exposure during the primaries. People would get to know any other candidate similarly over the election and that advantage for Edwards would disappear. Not to mention the fact that Kerry doesn't even like Edwards. A 2 Senator ticket with two guys without any fire is not going to take down the infernal machine of Bush-Cheney. Well I just pray America wakes up and doesn't reelect Bush-Cheney because Kerry-Edwards certainly isn't going to inspire people. Can we get Dean back?

cheney tear someone apart? ha?
This has been making the rounds: McCain's full-on embrace of evil trial lawyer John Edwards.

Senator John McCain
Arizona Republican
"In Four Trials, John Edwards has written movingly of people who were terribly wronged, and whom he helped seek some measure of justice with great skill, determination, and genuine compassion. He shows a perceptive appreciation in these accounts for the strength of his clients' character. And, in the loving portrait of his son, Wade, and the deeply touching account of his loss, John reveals the strength of his own character and gives the reader a look beyond a political biography into the heart of a good man."

McCain loves just about everybody, doesn't he? Maybe Kerry / Edwards should make their own "John McCain loves us" ad to counter the GWB one.


Chesapeake Silt said:
This has been making the rounds: McCain's full-on embrace of evil trial lawyer John Edwards.

McCain loves just about everybody, doesn't he? Maybe Kerry / Edwards should make their own "John McCain loves us" ad to counter the GWB one.
John McCain is all about John McCain. Always has been.
So the picture that was put in the first post (The Post's incorrect asseration) has changed. Surely someone saved a copy?

EDIT: So while I'm reading/replying someone posts one much better. :p

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
JoshuaJSlone said:
So the picture that was put in the first post (The Post's incorrect asseration) has changed. Surely someone saved a copy?

EDIT: So while I'm reading/replying someone posts one much better. :p

I try.


BigGreenMat said:
I think this is somewhat of a mistake for Kerry. Edwards isn't going to win him anything. Cheney is going to tear Edwards apart. The only reason people told him to pick Edwards is because he got some decent exposure during the primaries. People would get to know any other candidate similarly over the election and that advantage for Edwards would disappear. Not to mention the fact that Kerry doesn't even like Edwards. A 2 Senator ticket with two guys without any fire is not going to take down the infernal machine of Bush-Cheney. Well I just pray America wakes up and doesn't reelect Bush-Cheney because Kerry-Edwards certainly isn't going to inspire people. Can we get Dean back?

I wasn't too impressed with the Edwards platform during the Primaries, but it was clear he is very likable fellow and a good debater. Kinda like Gephart but with actually charisma. He is quite a contrast personality-wise to Cheney. The debate between the two is going to have a Nixon-JFK vibe to it. I don't think Edwards' relative inexperience is really a liability compared to Cheney's screw-ups and bad image.


So was the NY Post actually sent out before they could correct the mistake? That would be fantastic.

And for those wondering, the NY Post is not quite a tabloid. It is the most popular newspaper in the USA, IIRC, and therefore does a lot to try and capture and maintain attention.


Socreges said:
And for those wondering, the NY Post is not quite a tabloid. It is the most popular newspaper in the USA, IIRC, and therefore does a lot to try and capture and maintain attention.

While I'm not particularly familiar with the NY Post, I'm not sure I see how being very popular means it can't also be a tabloid.

Meanwhile, from Reuters:

"The Post's fierce cross-town rival, the tabloid Daily News, could not resist poking fun.

Media sources said the News sent a case of champagne to Post editors and a note, "Congratulations on your front page. Have a nice day," with a smiley face. The barb refers to a Post advertisement near the Daily News building showing improved circulation figures, with the words "have a nice day" and smiley face. "



While I'm not particularly familiar with the NY Post, I'm not sure I see how being very popular means it can't also be a tabloid.
Neither am I. I never said that. My saying it is popular was not an explanation for why it isn't a tabloid.

The NY Post is not a tabloid because its articles are not all that condensed. They may be sensational (the second requirement), but they are generally reasonably long and detailed.


I think in this case, "tabloid" merely refers to the large magazine-style format of the NY Post and NY Daily News.


Setec Astronomer
Edwards makes Kerry tie with Bush in NC last I heard, and while Bush may just win NC anyway, it means diverting resources he really doesn't want to divert.


Socreges said:
So was the NY Post actually sent out before they could correct the mistake? That would be fantastic.

And for those wondering, the NY Post is not quite a tabloid. It is the most popular newspaper in the USA, IIRC, and therefore does a lot to try and capture and maintain attention.

Let me tell you something about the New York Post: It's questionable if it's the most popular newspaper in NYC (I believe the NYTimes and Daily News are both more popular), let alone the country. People do buy it, mostly for the sports pages. Outside of that, it's a rag, dogs don't shit on it.

It's also, pretty much, the print edition of Fox News. Hell, they're owned by the same company. In terms of journalistic credibility, they haven't had any for awhile, let alone after today's little fuck up.


MIMIC said:
I'm convinced. A Kerry/Edwards ticket is going to kick Bush's fucking ass.


Everyone loves Edwards, right? I mean he did win, what? ONE state in the democratic primaries. haha..good ole edwards
Manders said:

Everyone loves Edwards, right? I mean he did win, what? ONE state in the democratic primaries. haha..good ole edwards
I've heard this a lot today, but... I think it's more important how he appeals to the crowd who weren't already voting in the Democratic primaries.


Setec Astronomer
Manders said:

Everyone loves Edwards, right? I mean he did win, what? ONE state in the democratic primaries. haha..good ole edwards
In a voting system where you can vote for only one canidate at a time, so that point is more or less irrelevant. What's important is why people liked Edwards and why people liked Kerry at the time, and their strong points did not overlap much.


Socreges said:
So was the NY Post actually sent out before they could correct the mistake? That would be fantastic.

When I walked in to a bodega in the Bronx today I was confronted with a whole STACK of them. The amazing part? I DIDNT THINK TO BUY IT. Maybe I'll get my lazy ass out of the door again today.


Chesapeake Silt said:
Haha, CNN is holding up a copy of the NY Post and reminding people that the NYP's parent company also owns 'that other news network'. Gotta love that petty cable news net bickering!




Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Also dont forget the Ny post is 25 cents cheaper than the daily news and 75 cents cheaper than the NYT.


Manders said:

Everyone loves Edwards, right? I mean he did win, what? ONE state in the democratic primaries. haha..good ole edwards

Keep laughing:

Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs. June 7-9, 2004.

"If the election were held today and the candidates were George W. Bush for president and Dick Cheney for vice president, the Republicans, and John Kerry for president and [see below] for vice president, the Democrats, and Ralph Nader, the independent, for whom would you vote?" If "other," "none," or "not sure": "Do you lean more toward [see below]?"

Bush/Cheney: 44%
Kerry/Edwards: 47%
Ralph Nader: 6%
Other/None (vol.): 1%
Unsure: 1%
CBS News Poll. May 20-23, 2004.

"If the 2004 presidential election were being held today, and the candidates were John Kerry for president and John Edwards for vice president, the Democrats, and George W. Bush for president and Dick Cheney for vice president, the Republicans, would you vote for Kerry and Edwards or Bush and Cheney?"

Bush/Cheney: 40%
Kerry/Edwards: 50%
Other/Depends (vol.): 3%
Won't Vote (vol): 1%
Don't Know: 6%
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 18-19, 2004

"In the presidential election, let's say the Republican ticket is President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney versus a Democratic ticket of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry for president and [see below] for vice president. If the election were held today, which ticket would you support?"

Bush/Cheney: 43%
Kerry/Edwards: 43%

Neither (vol.): 3%
Not Sure: 11%
Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Feb. 19-20, 2004

Bush/Cheney: 45%
Kerry/Edwards: 49%
Other (vol.)/Undecided: 6%

Still funny?
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