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Kerry picks Gepwards

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Obviously I didn't know all that much about the NY Post. Did, however, remember that they weren't exactly respected.
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 18-19, 2004

"In the presidential election, let's say the Republican ticket is President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney versus a Democratic ticket of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry for president and [see below] for vice president. If the election were held today, which ticket would you support?"

Bush/Cheney: 43%
Kerry/Edwards: 43%

Neither (vol.): 3%
Not Sure: 11%
I would say that might as well be a landslide victory for Kerry/Edwards considering..


Hitokage said:
In a voting system where you can vote for only one canidate at a time, so that point is more or less irrelevant. What's important is why people liked Edwards and why people liked Kerry at the time, and their strong points did not overlap much.

The point of the vice president is to get voters from the middle. Edwards isn't really in the middle...

I don't know that this was a good choice, although I guess there is actually a decent looking man on the ballot now. Kerry was just so...hideos.




Small balls, big fun!
Edwards is my boy. Voted for him, even though it was too late to make a big dent. He declared his candidacy on the Daily Show. Had a good, substantive platform, and expressed it well.

The Nation liked him, so you know he's got the lib/prog credentials, and he's just a golden boy. Not sure how much this helps Kerry (because I'm not sure how much long-term help anyone gets from their running mate), but I like it anyway.

Gephart will have to settle for Secretary of Labor if Kerry wins.

Edwards/Obama in 2012!


Edwards has done little to nothing for my state. I will actively be voting against him to ensure NC goes Bush's way (it should). I should thank Kerry for getting Edwards out of the Senate however.


Setec Astronomer
DJ_Tet said:
Edwards has done little to nothing for my state. I will actively be voting against him to ensure NC goes Bush's way (it should). I should thank Kerry for getting Edwards out of the Senate however.
Then I suppose you're going to be the one to cancel out my vote. Bastard. ;)


Hah :)

If I can just get my ex out to vote, we'll overpower you ;)

She's a closet dem though, although our hatred of Edwards is shared. I guess I can understand why someone would vote for Kerry, but as a fellow NCian, what has Edwards done for you besides raise taxes and springboard off our state to something greater?


Setec Astronomer
Considering his position was in the United States Senate, his direct involvement in North Carolina affairs isn't all that much. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the pork barrel. :p


*drowns in jizz*
DJ_Tet said:
Hah :)

If I can just get my ex out to vote, we'll overpower you ;)

She's a closet dem though, although our hatred of Edwards is shared. I guess I can understand why someone would vote for Kerry, but as a fellow NCian, what has Edwards done for you besides raise taxes and springboard off our state to something greater?

And Bush has done what exactly to your state? Hopefully he hasnt fucked it as much as the country.


My state is pretty fucked, but I don't consider the country as fucked. Go figure. I'm not a huge Bush supporter (although I was before he bloated the fed govt to appease the dems in the last year and a half), but he's better than the alternative.

Make no mistake, many hard-core repubs hate Bush as much as the libs. That's why he is in dire straits in this election.

Things in NC could be better, but things are getting better so go figure. If we can recover from the tech bust, we'll be just fine (unless tobacco gets banned).
John Edwards spoke of "Two Americas" during his campaign.

The motherfucker doesn't even want to change the two america system.

Edwards against homosexual marriage being legal. Two Americas between heterosexuals and homosexuals.
Edwards against the end to capital punishment. Two Americas where blacky goes on deathrow, while whitey lives.
Edwards for a for-profit healthcare system. While 50 million americans continue not to have healthcare because insurance companies making money is more important than someone's health. Result: Two Americas, one of for the companies and the rich and the other for the sick and poor.
Edwards for the Patriot Act. Not only did he help write portions of it...it pisses on the whole constitution. Two Americas...one for the flag wavers and the other where people's lives can be intruded upon by the government.

John Edwards is a fucking joke. Looks like I'll be voting for David Cobb or Nader.

Edwards all talk, no depth--Just like John Kerry.

And where were both of these scumbags when the Black Caucus needed a senator to sign on to their plea of disenfranchisement in the senate(as seen in F911)? No where. Cowards...the both of them.


*drowns in jizz*
Maybe erasure.. but we're stuck with the problem of alternatives. I'd rather go with a possible evil than a known evil.


ErasureAcer said:
Edwards for a for-profit healthcare system. While 50 million americans continue not to have healthcare because insurance companies making money is more important than someone's health. Result: Two Americas, one of for the companies and the rich and the other for the sick and poor.

He got his money being a damn trial lawyer. Edwards is a damn joke. He's definitely a "step up" in America's eyes from Gephardt though.


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Don't you mean to appease the public?

No, I don't. Unless you define the public as the people who didn't vote for him. I don't want to turn this into a Bush/Gore debate, as 51% of the people voted for Gore, meaning they are the public. Bush has turned his back against the hard right that voted him into the office, and if that bites him in the ass, well he deserves it.

I'll still vote for him being the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately a vote for Nader/et. all is a vote thrown away. Perhaps there will be a time where that isn't true, but that time isn't now.
Bush has turned his back against the hard right that voted him into the office, and if that bites him in the ass, well he deserves it.

I don't see what the size of the federal government has to do with the support of the hard right unless you're speaking a dialect of English in which 'hard' means 'libertarian'. At any rate, talk of reducing the power of the government was never anything more than rhetoric. At most they are interested in redirecting power from one part of government to another, more easily controlled and leveraged part.


Well, republicans have made a career of making govt a smaller portion of our lives, while dems have done the opposite. I'm all for living my own life without the govt., so it makes sense. Libs have been all about making govt the end all/be all of answers of lesser people. Unfortunately, Bush has been against this mainstay of the conservative movement. Time will tell if he pays for his betrayal of the people who voted him in. Two years into his term, he decided that govt needed to be bigger. He decided wrong.

To his credit, I can't believe that almost three years have passed and we haven't been attacked again since 9/11. On that day I had a hard time believing that three more days would pass until we got attacked again.


Setec Astronomer
DJ_Tet said:
My state is pretty fucked, but I don't consider the country as fucked. Go figure. I'm not a huge Bush supporter (although I was before he bloated the fed govt to appease the dems in the last year and a half), but he's better than the alternative.
I wasn't aware that appeasing the AARP with an industry-slanted program, cutting high-bracket and unearned income taxes, and raising military spending were things that Democrats are clamoring for. :p

Well, republicans have made a career of making govt a smaller portion of our lives, while dems have done the opposite. I'm all for living my own life without the govt., so it makes sense. Libs have been all about making govt the end all/be all of answers of lesser people.
Republicans have absolutely no trouble with inflating the size and/or power of government if it's done in the name of social reform, security, corporate welfare, or old-fashioned pork. The whole "big government" line is a talking point that solely refers to the parts of government the GOP doesn't like.


*drowns in jizz*
DJ_Tet said:
Well, republicans have made a career of making govt a smaller portion of our lives, while dems have done the opposite. I'm all for living my own life without the govt., so it makes sense. Libs have been all about making govt the end all/be all of answers of lesser people. Unfortunately, Bush has been against this mainstay of the conservative movement. Time will tell if he pays for his betrayal of the people who voted him in. Two years into his term, he decided that govt needed to be bigger. He decided wrong.

To his credit, I can't believe that almost three years have passed and we haven't been attacked again since 9/11. On that day I had a hard time believing that three more days would pass until we got attacked again.

'To his credit' is quite the conjecture. When was the last one before 911? 7 years prior? And the one before that? God knows. I mean, its not exactly a common event. The fear mongering and the terror level system may have gotten people to think otherwise though.
DJ_Tet said:
My state is pretty fucked, but I don't consider the country as fucked. Go figure. I'm not a huge Bush supporter (although I was before he bloated the fed govt to appease the dems in the last year and a half), but he's better than the alternative.

Make no mistake, many hard-core repubs hate Bush as much as the libs. That's why he is in dire straits in this election.

Things in NC could be better, but things are getting better so go figure. If we can recover from the tech bust, we'll be just fine (unless tobacco gets banned).

Since Reagan, Republicans haven't stood for the policies you've outlined above... GWB Jr. is just following his legacy.

Really, if anything, Clinton has lived up to the Republican ideal more than any recent Republican president has...
DJ_Tet said:
Well, republicans have made a career of making govt a smaller portion of our lives, while dems have done the opposite. I'm all for living my own life without the govt., so it makes sense.

The GOP are windbags in this instance. In each of the past 3 Rep Administrations the federal budget has ballooned. The idea that they are for smaller government when they are actually for larger government is just a talking point.

I always laugh about people that have this whole "I don't need government" stance when they totally ignore the services that are needed from the govenment. Tax breaks for "US companies that set themselves offshore" isn't one or billions in loans to the airlines isn't one either. Where is your ire for those programs?


There are economic republicans, there are social republicans, and there are neo republicans. The latters are running the white house.


Setec Astronomer
Wolfy said:
There are economic republicans, there are social republicans, and there are neo republicans. The latters are running the white house.
Close, but you miss the mark. You're thinking of the term "neoconservative", but even they aren't the only ones who currently control the Republican party. The religious right segment also holds considerable influence, and has since the early 90s.


nathkenn said:
this country seems to be doomed to supidity either way =\

and wtf

Fueling much of the debate is a 1997 article Holmes and his wife, Susan, wrote for Arkansas Catholic magazine titled, "Gender Neutral Language, Destroying an Essential Element of Our Faith." The couple wrote that under Catholic teaching, "the woman is to place herself under the authority of the man" in marriage and "is to subordinate herself to the husband."

You should have picked those newspapers up. If Kerry wins, they could we worth some money.

Auctioneers snapped up copies of the paper and posted them on eBay, where bids ran as high as $71 early Wednesday.


Hitokage said:
Close, but you miss the mark. You're thinking of the term "neoconservative", but even they aren't the only ones who currently control the Republican party. The religious right segment also holds considerable influence, and has since the early 90s.

I recall reading somwhere that the neoconservatives were never really that powerful in the first place. But since how Iraq didn't turn out exactly how they wanted it to, the neoconservatives have lost influence in the White House. I'd agree with the comment on the religious right having a lot of influence in the White House, and they are like Bush's most loyal supporters.


Setec Astronomer
I recall reading somwhere that the neoconservatives were never really that powerful in the first place. But since how Iraq didn't turn out exactly how they wanted it to, the neoconservatives have lost influence in the White House. I'd agree with the comment on the religious right having a lot of influence in the White House, and they are like Bush's most loyal supporters.
Probably right on the first point, but their primary area of concern is foreign policy anyway.
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