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Kevin Garnett has retired

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People are forgetting just how good Tim Duncan really was in his prime. Those old Spurs teams weren't all that loaded compared to other NBA champions. This is also ignoring the fact that Duncan was still one of the best players on the 2014 championship team at age 38 while KG was a shell of his former self by that point. Duncan was a better player in his prime and he also had much better longevity. Duncan/Garnett isn't a serious debate.
Tim aged way better sure, but the Spurs had really good roleplayers and a fantastic coach not unlike the old Bulls, plus fking Admiral Robinson. (Strangely enough, the Twin Towers could not overcome Shaq)

KG had to hard-carry the Wolves for a long time after Googs left before KG could hit his stride.
I'll always remember when Lamar Odom slapped KG's ass and he got all tough on LO but LO didn't back down.

I'll also remember when KG fought Anthony Peeler.
I'll always remember when Lamar Odom slapped KG's ass and he got all tough on LO but LO didn't back down.

I'll also remember when KG fought Anthony Peeler.


lol I had forgotten about that. It's gotta be pretty demoralizing to have a man smack your ass, you turn around and ask him not to smack your ass and his response is "I do whatever the fuck I wanna do"

The Peeler altercation was good too. Straight up chin check.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
KG retires ranked in the top 20 players of all time in points, rebounds, blocks, steals, field goals, games, and minutes. (And top 50 in Assists)

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Mr Hype himself



Shit personality but very talented player...

Whatever his faults he played the game well and earned his retirement.



This guy was one of my idols as a kid. I'd been watching him play since I was 2 years old. He inspired me to want to play ball, until it became clear that I was way too short and injury-prone for that, so instead he showed me that greatness can be achieved even in youth. I remember I was 10 years old during his MVP season, and I stood next to him for a brief moment after a game. I had to look like 3+ feet straight up to see his face...

Dude was kinda nutty, but I loved him lol. Wow man, Kobe and Tim Duncan were one thing, but now with KG on his way out it's really hitting home for me. End of an era, indeed.

OMFG this is terrible but I hope it's real


I'm glad he was nutty. I can't even imagine a scenario where Ray Allen decided to be a leader of some sorts.

Those spannof years were very fun as a basketball fan. It didn't seem that far ago I was still in Eric Montross hype mode.
As a Bulls fan I absolutely hated him during the epic 1st round series in 09. KG was just yelling from bench all series. It was annowto watch as a fan.


Good riddance I guess

Had KG played in that series it would have been over in 4/5 games, all those Rose drives would have not happened with KG in the paint
2007-2008 KG was a god but after the injury it changed
Be thankful KG was hurt to give that Bulls squad some confidence for years to come, it was needed to get 1-2 wins against a lebron led team 😈
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