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Killzone 2 - Euro GAF Clan Thread of Livin' La Vida Loca



Clan profile on killzone.com



Current Rank: 158
Valor Points: 88692

Victories: 104
Defeats: 82
Ties: 1




See this post for the current infos (and need votes, too)


Ladder: 4vs4
Time: Thursday, April 16th, 00.15am GMT. (no BST/GMT+1 BS. It's 00.15 for you brits, that's all)
Map: TD
VP: 2000
Modes: All
FF: ?
Classes: Assault banned
Weapons: RL and GL banned
Roster: Raist, FFObsessed,

Name: vs Elite Squad Forum PT
Ladder: 6vs6
Time: Monday, April 20th, 00.15am GMT.
Map: CC
VP: 10
Modes: All
FF: ?
Classes: Assault banned
Weapons: RL and GL banned
Roster: Cagen, Rick, Lince, Ilparazzo, Negaiido, ?



Name: vs Elite Squad Forum PT
Ladder: 4 clans, 4vs4
Time: Monday, April 20th, 00.15am GMT.
Map: CC
VP: 8000 - 6500 - 5500 (5000vp fee)
Modes: All
Classes: Assault banned
Weapons: RL and GL banned
Roster: Cagen, Lince, Negaiido, Live?

Name: Clan Warfare (AKA GG's clusterfuck)
Ladder: 64 clans, 16vs16
Time: Wednesday, April 15th, 8.30pm GMT (1 round per week)
Map: CC
VP: 376 - 193 - 71 (10vp fee)
Modes: All
Classes: All
Weapons: All
Roster: Anyone who can join. The more we are, the more chances to win.



Pending (waiting for clanmates to step up, not signed up yet)




I went through the clan roster ingame so I lack a couple of GAF ids.
If you're in this case please tell me (I've checked the OP of the official online thread but you're not in there).
And I'm NOT going to go through every single post to check it :p)

Raist | Raistlinn (Leader)

TTP | Bloody_Marcel (Officer)
Cagen | Cagen (Officer)
DunpealD | Dunpeal-1 (Officer)
FFObsessed | FFObsessed (Officer)
Ilparazzo | Ilparazzo (Officer)
Lince | Lince_SPAIN (Officer)
Facism | Live_Feed (Officer)
dazed808 | Rick808 (Officer)
-viper- | VlPER9 (Officer)

(Non-GAFer) | akaikuroi (pending)
alba | alba17
Atrophis | Atrophis
bcn-ron | bcn-ron
(Non-GAFer) | bignose3248
jorma | bluie_
bovo | bovo
ChryZ | ChryZ-US
Dave1988 | Dav1988
Manticore | DeadSancus
(Non-GAFer) | Dellrizla
dirtyshubb | Dirtyshubb
??? | dkwhip
Doc Evils | DocEvils
Phantast2k | ElStupido83
F-Pina | F-Pina
Fersis | Fersis
Ilanna | FoxGirl
Eccocid | GimmeCat
GoncaloCCastro | GoncaloCastro
Roxas | Goonboy
EnthusiasTech | JardeL
kamorra | kamorra
Mik2121 | Mik2121
Negaiido | Negaiido
obaidr | obaidr (pending)
peetfeet | PeetFeet
??? | ReserveBelg
(Non-GAFer) | SPITFIRE159
Thrakier | Seph
stimpledorf | stimpled0rf
archnemesis | SuperSharp
McBradders | TwinTwist
Vasilisk | Vasilisk
-ARNiE- | VociferousTURTLE
Wollan | Wollan
wowbagger | W0Wbaggr
Bugnology | WTFing
Xater | Xater

TOTAL: 51 members

If you want yo join, post here or drop me or one of the officers a PM or a PSN message.

We need active people who wish to join some tournaments or challenges.
It's not an absolute prerequisite, but at this time we don't have many active players.
And don't worry if you "suck" etc, we mostly play to have fun and we don't really care if we get our asses kicked!
except when we lose to crazy spanish rocket spammers

If you wish to give some more infos, like when you usually play, your prefered classes etc, be my guest.


Thanks to:
- Cagen for the excellent banner and killzone.com avatar
- TTP for being an awesome leader
- Lince for his craziness and PSN messages spamming
- Dazed808 (our beloved Ricky) for our official anthem
- duckroll for the new thread title


QUOTES OF THE DAY - Because KZ2 is all about fun baby

None. Sad, isn't it?
Hey i wouldnt mind joining, been having a blast playing random games but would love to play some of the GAF Elite :D

My PSN is Dirtyshubb


finally our own thread... so apart from that final what's the schedule for today? I really like these 4 vs 4 FF on and no RL games...
Nice to see the Euro clan finally getting its own thread, much easier to follow their exploits :D

Would like to join if any spaces ever came up..

PSN : stimpled0rf


Raist, sent you a PM regarding my GAF handle..

and it is even in the OP of the Official Clan Thread =P


Dirtyshubb and stimpledorf, I'll drop you an invite tonight if no other officer has done it.

Gibb, thanks, it's fixed.

Lince: dunno mate, I checked the tourney list this morning before going to work, but a shitload of tourneys had only 1 clan registered so far, so I'll check this evening. In the meantime, I think you can check it too, even if you can't sign up to any tourney.
I thought i would ask for some tips, so far i have been doing pretty good coming in the top 3 majority of times but i have been only using the standard soldier and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what route i should go in regards to trying other classes.

At the moment im a lieutenant (IIRC) so i have only just unlocked a couple of the other classes (medic and engenire i think).

Just thought i would get some tips before i start playing as part of a GAF clan to prevent showing myself up :D
Raist said:
Dirtyshubb and stimpledorf, I'll drop you an invite tonight if no other officer has done it.

Sound Raist, thank you, I won't be about tonight due to it being St Paddy's day here in Ireland but will be back in full force tomorrow evening!
Dirtyshubb said:
I thought i would ask for some tips, so far i have been doing pretty good coming in the top 3 majority of times but i have been only using the standard soldier and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what route i should go in regards to trying other classes.

At the moment im a lieutenant (IIRC) so i have only just unlocked a couple of the other classes (medic and engenire i think).

Just thought i would get some tips before i start playing as part of a GAF clan to prevent showing myself up :D

Definitely start unlocking the other class badges so you can mix and match later in the game..

Personally and I'm definitely no expert, I went and played medic for a long time since I enjoy playing support classes and also you can pick up additional points without having to necessarily always kill the enemy!


Dirtyshubb said:
I thought i would ask for some tips, so far i have been doing pretty good coming in the top 3 majority of times but i have been only using the standard soldier and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what route i should go in regards to trying other classes.

At the moment im a lieutenant (IIRC) so i have only just unlocked a couple of the other classes (medic and engenire i think).

Just thought i would get some tips before i start playing as part of a GAF clan to prevent showing myself up :D

I think you can't really tell before you've tried them all, and played a couple of matches with each of them.

I really, really suck with the sab and scout for instance, while some folks are insanely good at playing those classes. I usually play medic unless there's an urgent need for tactician or engineer. First because he spawns with the M82 which I like a lot, and also because I enjoy helping people. It can be a very frustrating class to play tho.
Raist said:
I think you can't really tell before you've tried them all, and played a couple of matches with each of them.

I really, really suck with the sab and scout for instance, while some folks are insanely good at playing those classes. I usually play medic unless there's an urgent need for tactician or engineer. First because he spawns with the M82 which I like a lot, and also because I enjoy helping people. It can be a very frustrating class to play tho.
Do you lose anything by going from standard to medic lets say (like abilities or weapons), that was 1 reason why i hadnt changed over earlier since i wasnt sure.

The medic gets the same rifle (really like this gun :D ) as the standard soldier doesnt it IIRC?


Dirtyshubb said:
Do you lose anything by going from standard to medic lets say (like abilities or weapons), that was 1 reason why i hadnt changed over earlier since i wasnt sure.

The medic gets the same rifle (really like this gun :D ) as the standard soldier doesnt it IIRC?

If you're talking about the M82 (the standard ISA rifle you're starting with in SP), yes he does. He's only starting with this gun or the standard HGH rifle, and a pistol (or revolver if you unlocked it). He doesn't start with as many weapons as the rifleman tho.
Raist said:
If you're talking about the M82 (the standard ISA rifle you're starting with in SP), yes he does. He's only starting with this gun or the standard HGH rifle, and a pistol (or revolver if you unlocked it). He doesn't start with as many weapons as the rifleman tho.
Thats fair enough, i just didint want to start playing as a medic and than realise i was missing something i was used to using :D
Dirtyshubb said:
Thats fair enough, i just didint want to start playing as a medic and than realise i was missing something i was used to using :D

Some of the fun for me in Killzone is using all the different classes for the different scenarios, no doubt you'll find some new ones you will soon love :D


Dirtyshubb said:
Hey i wouldnt mind joining, been having a blast playing random games but would love to play some of the GAF Elite :D

My PSN is Dirtyshubb

stimpledorf said:
Would like to join if any spaces ever came up..

PSN : stimpled0rf

I sent invites out to you guys.

McBradders said:
Can I get an invite please?

PSN: TwinTwist


I'll try send you one when I go back to my PS3 shortly. I think we are full at the moment so you might have to wait until we prune the players that don't play out, which hopefully TTP will be doing soon.


Well my first attempt at a competitive match with Rick808 and JardeL was a bit of a disaster... I haven't got everything unlocked yet, so stuck with what I'm used to (ie medic/medic).

I didn't have access to this forum while playing, so didn't know whether to join the game, or wait for someone more skilled to take the places - but as no one did I figured joining the game shouldn't make things worse (except maybe bodycount but I tried not to die as much as usual :lol )


bovo said:
Well my first attempt at a competitive match with Rick808 and JardeL was a bit of a disaster... I haven't got everything unlocked yet, so stuck with what I'm used to (ie medic/medic).

I didn't have access to this forum while playing, so didn't know whether to join the game, or wait for someone more skilled to take the places - but as no one did I figured joining the game shouldn't make things worse (except maybe bodycount but I tried not to die as much as usual :lol )

We needed all the players we could get with matches clashing so we were glad to have you on board.


bovo said:
Well my first attempt at a competitive match with Rick808 and JardeL was a bit of a disaster... I haven't got everything unlocked yet, so stuck with what I'm used to (ie medic/medic).

I didn't have access to this forum while playing, so didn't know whether to join the game, or wait for someone more skilled to take the places - but as no one did I figured joining the game shouldn't make things worse (except maybe bodycount but I tried not to die as much as usual :lol )

Yeah we got dominated a bit though didn't help we were outnumbered and they were just shotgun whoring for the entire game.


dazed808 said:
Yeah we got dominated a bit though didn't help we were outnumbered and they were just shotgun whoring for the entire game.

Nothing more fun than facing a team of 4 engineers in Corinth crossing. Tested and approved.

Man, I wanna play and I'm stuck at work until 8pm at least :(


Cagen said:
I'll try send you one when I go back to my PS3 shortly. I think we are full at the moment so you might have to wait until we prune the players that don't play out, which hopefully TTP will be doing soon.

There's an invite that has been sent but pending for the last couple of days. I'd say cancel it (you can as an officer) and if the person in question eventually shows up, we could always send a new invite after the purge.

I think the first players we should drop are the ones who have a very low rank (not on the leaderboards, I mean, sergeant lieutenant etc). Game has been released for 3 weeks now, so if they're still stuck with low rank it means that they don't play a lot (and I've not seen a couple of them often, if not at all)

Lince: connect to the servers, then go to clan > tournaments
It will display the tournaments we've signed up to (sorted by starting time) and then the list of the available tourneys. Just ignore the first, like, 10 pages which display "Not subscribed" as they are ongoing tourneys we can't join anymore... which is silly IMO, we should at least be able to filter these ones out. Then you'll have tournaments marked as "open for subscription" or something like that. Most of the time you have to check them one by one because the tournament title isn't always really informative (and sometimes it's wrong...).
This, is assuming that you have access to the list without being an officer. As I never cared to check before being promoted, I actually don't know. I think you should be an officer as well anyway :D


ok Raist thanks for the info, gonna check that and let you know if I find something interesting. I guess 8 vs 8 and 4 vs 4 games with friendly fire on and no rocket launchers are our priority right guys... RIGHT???


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Raist said:
There's an invite that has been sent but pending for the last couple of days. I'd say cancel it (you can as an officer) and if the person in question eventually shows up, we could always send a new invite after the purge.

I think the first players we should drop are the ones who have a very low rank (not on the leaderboards, I mean, sergeant lieutenant etc). Game has been released for 3 weeks now, so if they're still stuck with low rank it means that they don't play a lot (and I've not seen a couple of them often, if not at all)

Lince: connect to the servers, then go to clan > tournaments
It will display the tournaments we've signed up to (sorted by starting time) and then the list of the available tourneys. Just ignore the first, like, 10 pages which display "Not subscribed" as they are ongoing tourneys we can't join anymore... which is silly IMO, we should at least be able to filter these ones out. Then you'll have tournaments marked as "open for subscription" or something like that. Most of the time you have to check them one by one because the tournament title isn't always really informative (and sometimes it's wrong...).
This, is assuming that you have access to the list without being an officer. As I never cared to check before being promoted, I actually don't know. I think you should be an officer as well anyway :D

I am low ranked because I jumped in a couple of weeks late. I do plan to make more time for the game as work permits.
Thanks for the add, im not that high ranked cause i only started the online about 5 days ago but i do plan to play it a lot :D



PSN ID: GimmeCat

gmt+2 here i play every night at least for an hour (in week).

I have headset and weird English accent!


We wont kick out the newly added members who are ranked low - just the people who have had the game for weeks and are clearly not playing, so don't worry about that.

Eccocid said:

PSN ID: GimmeCat

gmt+2 here i play every night at least for an hour (in week).

I have headset and weird English accent!

I'll add you as soon as we get space to do so heh.

Lince said:
ok Raist thanks for the info, gonna check that and let you know if I find something interesting. I guess 8 vs 8 and 4 vs 4 games with friendly fire on and no rocket launchers are our priority right guys... RIGHT???

Anything from 3v3 to 8v8 I would say, if anyone wants to specifically play in a 2v2 or 1v1 just post here with the details of the tournament and one of the officers should be ble to subscribe to it for you. Raist and I played in a 2v2 tournament last night but we're too embarrassed to say how it went :lol

Raist said:
There's an invite that has been sent but pending for the last couple of days. I'd say cancel it (you can as an officer) and if the person in question eventually shows up, we could always send a new invite after the purge.

Yeah I've done this, if AlphaBravoCandy wants another invite just post here and we'll sort that for you.

McBradders said:
Can I get an invite please?

PSN: TwinTwist


Invite sent.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Thanks for the invite guys, joined up via Killzone.com!

Yep, my stats suck, but I'll be putting some time in if only to get medic. I wants to healz u!

I have a headset, too :)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
dazed808 said:
Use it, or risk being branded a buffed-up,hairless latino gay icon *


It's the MGS headset, so it's not all that :(

Also 'wow' at the tone of these threads, very macho. My staus as .6 of a man is at stake, I need to step up my game!


McBradders said:

It's the MGS headset, so it's not all that :(

Also 'wow' at the tone of these threads, very macho. My staus as .6 of a man is at stake, I need to step up my game!

I, as well as I'm sure, a lot of other GAFe members, don't give a flying fuck about KD ratio. Especially in this game when it basically means that you're not playing as part of a team if you have an extremely high KD ratio.
That said, we're still here to kick asses and take names :D


dazed808 said:
Use it, or risk being branded a buffed-up,hairless latino gay icon *


I need to make a change to the banner and add "The only clan unofficially endorsed by Ricky Martin".


just tried checking the tournament list with no success, I guess that's up to you dear officers, so we only have one match tonight? :'(


Lince said:
just tried checking the tournament list with no success, I guess that's up to you dear officers, so we only have one match tonight? :'(

Just got back from work and I'm exhausted. Dunno if I'm going to play tonight, let alone going through the awful tourney list. I'll see in a couple of minutes if beer heals me :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I'm back after almost 2 days of no internet connection (my ISP fault). So, I see we have a litter tourny later today?


Radec Academy
8:15 (cutting it close but the final is at 10, meaning we can make the other match tonight)

Some stupid rules with no Saboteur and no Engineer but I can live with that. Also no Rocket/grenade launcher so no rocket spam

I think the game modes were Body Count, Assassination and Search/Retrieve.

If I get one other person to say yes, I'll sign us up.

I've signed us up for it as myself and Raist are game, Lince and TTP perhaps?


I'm so weak, I caved in.


We need 4pl. for the 3rd place final mentionned in the OP @ 11pm GMT

Here are a couple of tourneys

Name: 4vs4 finish at 10
Ladder: 4 clans, 4vs4
Time: Tuesday, March 17th, 20.15 GMT
VP: 16 - 13 - 11 (10VP fee)
Map: Radec Academy
Modes: BC, Assa, S&R
FF: ?
Classes: Engineer and Sab are banned
Weapons: RL and GL are banned
Roster: Cagen, TTP and myself

Name: 3vs3 8 clan (lolz)
Ladder: 4 clans, 2vs2
Time: Tuesday, March 17th, 11.15pm GMT
VP: 10 - 5 - 1
Map: Visari's Hammer
Modes: All
FF: ???
Classes: All
Weapons: All
Roster: ???

Name: 3v3 8clan HiValor
Ladder: 16clans, 3vs3
Time: Wednesday, March 18th, 00.30pm GMT
VP: 264 - 147 - 69 (30VP fee)
Map: Salamun Market
Modes: BC
FF: ???
Classes: Engineer and Sab banned
Weapons: RL and GL are banned
Roster: ???

C'mon, sign up folks :D


TTP said:
I'm back after almost 2 days of no internet connection (my ISP fault). So, I see we have a litter tourny later today?

Welcome to our new home!

I'm in for the 4v4 tournament and final tonight.

Can also put me down for the 3v3 30valor match tomorrow.


Welcome back TTP

Edit: first tourney in my previous post is full, JardeL joined. Wait no he just vanished :(

Aaaaand it's open btw

3 minutes to go. C'moooooooooooon


omfg I missed a tournament? I was washing the cat litter and stuff... ok I'm in for the rest of the games unless they're already full !!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Jeez why do we always suck so much! :lol

Why do I have the feeling we are better than how we actually perform?

Anyway, blame me on their two radio deliveries. I always forget to NOT get killed in the central building when I'm holding the propaganda speaker. :/


God damnit, why is it that we can never catch a break? In every single one of the matches that have been so close, literally 1 death close, we lose every freaking time :(.

TTP said:
Jeez why do we always suck so much! :lol

We never lose the 3rd place final :lol *touch wood*.


Lince said:
omfg I missed a tournament? I was washing the cat litter and stuff... ok I'm in for the rest of the games unless they're already full !!

Check the OP, it's up to date.
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