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Killzone: Mercenary |OT| No allegiance, no honour, only money

I've come to love the tranq gun for MP. If you hit someone they're down, then easy interrogation. I really wish there was a quit option before the two loading screens in multiplayer. Only need a few more trophies until the platinum, then the long road to getting all the medals. This game is just too good.

The whole Interrogation objective is the bee's goddamn knees; and the tranq gun makes it the bee's entire body. Love it so much.

Tell me, Gaf. Why is the LS-13 shotgun so fun to use? Why can 90% of console shooters with infinitely bigger budgets not devise a shotgun as fun to use?

Antonio Banderas.


Junior Member
The whole Interrogation objective is the bee's goddamn knees; and the tranq gun makes it the bee's entire body. Love it so much.

Tell me, Gaf. Why is the LS-13 shotgun so fun to use? Why can 90% of console shooters with infinitely bigger budgets not devise a shotgun as fun to use?

Antonio Banderas.

Yes, Killzone's shotgun is damn fun. Ranks alongside Doom II's double and Quake II's double for me.
The whole Interrogation objective is the bee's goddamn knees; and the tranq gun makes it the bee's entire body. Love it so much.

Tell me, Gaf. Why is the LS-13 shotgun so fun to use? Why can 90% of console shooters with infinitely bigger budgets not devise a shotgun as fun to use?

Antonio Banderas.

Yes, Killzone's shotgun is damn fun. Ranks alongside Doom II's double and Quake II's double for me.

You guys should try out metro LL.. the game currently has 6 shotguns that are all pretty darn different. You can find your own somewhere in there!
You guys should try out metro LL.. the game currently has 6 shotguns that are all pretty darn different. You can find your own somewhere in there!

Have played LL, dude. Good recommendation, but definitely not on par, in my opinion.

KZ just nails the sway and momentum and has a sort of "bounce" in the kickback that I've not felt in any other game. It makes the gun an absolute risk to use, but the payoff when you land a shot is immense.

I think LL's aiming model is a bit off, too.


Bought this on day of release, definitely is one of the best FPS's I've played in a bloody long time... On any console.
GC have done an amazing job with this, from graphics to gameplay.
Anyone sitting on the fence about getting this, don't! Its brilliant.
The campaign could be longer admittedly, but the MP more than makes up for it. Highly addictive.


Neo Member
I got that tranq trophy. Me and this dude both tranqed each other coming around a corner in Interrogation and no one came by to kill/rescue us. I think this has convinced me to go for the platinum.

Today was the first time I couldn't get a full game of Warzone. I wonder if it's GTA V related.

I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't touched Killzone: M now that GTA V is out.

Still think about Killzone every day though, love it :D The beta pushed me to finally register here on GAF (instead of lurking), because I really felt the need to share the awesomeness (when I finally got approved the beta was over ofcourse :p). I haven't enjoyed a fps this much since Counter Strike (or maybe CoD4). Warzone is great, although I hardly ever see someone using the tranq gun during interrogation round :eek:


I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't touched Killzone: M now that GTA V is out.

Still think about Killzone every day though, love it :D The beta pushed me to finally register here on GAF (instead of lurking), because I really felt the need to share the awesomeness (when I finally got approved the beta was over ofcourse :p). I haven't enjoyed a fps this much since Counter Strike (or maybe CoD4). Warzone is great, although I hardly ever see someone using the tranq gun during interrogation round :eek:
Same here.
Ok guys, after spending like 50 dollars on the digital black ops, I'm scared of buying anything FPS for the vita....

Is this worth it? Or should I wait?


They really, really need to fix the issues with connecting to MP.
At home I HAD to put my Vita as the DMZ'd device on my router. That is the only way I could get it to connect. Forwarding ports did not cut it. Had to be DMZ (and yes, my Vita had a static IP, etc.)

At work, I am in charge of running and maintaining a separate wireless network for our training classrooms. This network at any point in time can have upwards of 100 ipads connected to it, 25 or so laptops, and upwards of 100 cell phones. I have never had a single issue with any of these devices connecting.
Guess what? I cannot play a single match online with my Vita with Killzone. COD worked no issues. As did Resistance. I have also played a few matches of Battlefield 3 and Counter Strike on my laptop as well. Just to test the network of course. Again, no issues, and I usually have a very low ping on top of that.

I get that want to provide a superior gaming experience. But when a network that I know for certain lets all other devices connect with no issues, yet I still cannot play a match of MP on my Vita, something is up.


ADD New Gen Gamer
They really, really need to fix the issues with connecting to MP.
At home I HAD to put my Vita as the DMZ'd device on my router. That is the only way I could get it to connect.

At work, I am in charge of running and maintaining a separate wireless network for our training classrooms. This network at any point in time can have upwards of 100 ipads connected to it, 25 or so laptops, and upwards of 100 cell phones. I have never had a single issue with any of these devices connecting.
Guess what? I cannot play a single match online with my Vita with Killzone. COD worked no issues. As did Resistance. I have also played a few matches of Battlefield 3 and Counter Strike on my laptop as well. Just to test the network of course. Again, no issues, and I usually have a very low ping on top of that.

I get that want to provide a superior gaming experience. But when a network that I know for certain lets all other devices connect with no issues, yet I still cannot play a match of MP on my Vita, something is up.

Raise it up to guerilla instead of neogaf. They are supposed to be working on their next patch right now.
Ok guys, after spending like 50 dollars on the digital black ops, I'm scared of buying anything FPS for the vita....

Is this worth it? Or should I wait?

This is nothing like Black Ops Declassified or Resistance Burning Skies other than the fact that it's a FPS. The missions are meaty, with more replayability. Levels are gorgeous and much more polished than the former FPS attempts on Vita. AI is way better than Declassified and a bit better than Resistance. Graphics are phenomenal. Online play has been just about lag-free for me, although there's some hosting issues with dropped matches here and there.

I'd say go for it, but if you're worried, maybe buy retail if that's an option? Then at least you can choose to re-sell it if you end up hating it.
This is nothing like Black Ops Declassified or Resistance Burning Skies other than the fact that it's a FPS. The missions are meaty, with more replayability. Levels are gorgeous and much more polished than the former FPS attempts on Vita. AI is way better than Declassified and a bit better than Resistance. Graphics are phenomenal. Online play has been just about lag-free for me, although there's some hosting issues with dropped matches here and there.

I'd say go for it, but if you're worried, maybe buy retail if that's an option? Then at least you can choose to re-sell it if you end up hating it.

Thinking about trying to pick it up either used or new at retail. It is also MUCH cheaper then when blackops came out....... that price and quality of blackops for that price was almost criminal. Never again, done with the series after that.


The campaign is only ok (but hands down the best FPS campaign on a handheld ever), but I'd consider the MP on balance to be the best MP ever in Killzone. Black Ops isn't even worth being called a shadow next to this game.
Thinking about trying to pick it up either used or new at retail. It is also MUCH cheaper then when blackops came out....... that price and quality of blackops for that price was almost criminal. Never again, done with the series after that.

Buy it new.

I implore you to support GuerillaCambridge (they deserve every dollar); Killzone Mercenary is definitely a labor of love.

I liked CODBLOPS:D multiplayer; however, that game is a junkyard mess, when compared against KZ:M.

This game's single player campaign actually reminds me of Goldeneye/Perfect Dark 64 campaigns.

Also: The AI in this game is ever so clever. They're brilliant (actually) and do much, much more than take cover. Quite impressed!
This game is great and does have lots of replayability. I need to replay a few to catch and interrogate the generals or whatever.

As has been said, they really should patch in the ability to quit right after a match instead of having to wait until the next round loads before having the option. Other than that, botzone (or horde like challenges) and new maps would be great. In all this is a great game that deserves more attention.


Raise it up to guerilla instead of neogaf. They are supposed to be working on their next patch right now.
Already have. Saw the Guerilla dev posted in here and figured it was worth sharing here as well. Or is there a rule against this here I do not know about? I know, silly of me to talk about performance issues in the OT about a game.


This, along with unit 13, have actually rekindled my interest in FPS games. I think I'd got fatigue from the cinematic shooter, but this distils things and keeps it simple. And the various contracts add replayability and encourage you to explore the environments. The AI is pretty smart too - reminds me of The Last of us in the way that enemies won't just run at you, they'll move around to try and get a better angle on you, flanking etc.

Plus gyro aiming single-handedly makes me feel less shit at getting headshots


How do I interrogate the captain in the circular room in level 1? Do I throw a gas grenade in through the vent and tranq him when he runs out?

That's exactly how I did it. You can also just shoot enemies in the leg with any other gun to injure them but not kill them. The tranq's just easier since you can shoot them anywhere.
Think I dun goofed, GAF...

Are redeemable codes region-locked? I'm currently bidding on one for KZ:M from an American seller and it just now occurred to me that I may run into a problem here, seeing as I've an Aussie account.

Any light shed would be much appreciated.


Think I dun goofed, GAF...

Are redeemable codes region-locked? I'm currently bidding on one for KZ:M from an American seller and it just now occurred to me that I may run into a problem here, seeing as I've an Aussie account.

Any light shed would be much appreciated.

Yes they are region locked, I hope you are not the winning bidder, if you are contact the seller and tell him your story.

I'm actually downloading the game right now, just redeemed my code. Lol, why was it trying to download BOTH versions (different languages), which comes at 6.5GB, this isn't even including the 1.1GB patch. Let me choose next time, like on PS3, when there are different versions.
I love this game, but there is some stagnation.

The balancing in this game has left it so that there are only a handful of "effective" loadouts so you always encounter people using the same exact set-up.

What I see mostly is;

Ballistic Armor

Proximity Mines

Mantys Engine

Vulture Drone



Tranq Gun

The game needs some additional balancing to encourage more varied usage in weapons and equipment.
I love this game, but there is some stagnation.

The balancing in this game has left it so that there are only a handful of "effective" loadouts so you always encounter people using the same exact set-up.

What I see mostly is;

Ballistic Armor

Proximity Mines

Mantys Engine

Vulture Drone



Tranq Gun

The game needs some additional balancing to encourage more varied usage in weapons and equipment.

It depends on the mode you play, and the map you are playing on. Close quarters maps will encourage heavier armor and proximity mines, whereas maps like inlet feature enough open space to make scout armor and sniper rifles more appropriate and tactically sound.

The bigger issue in terms of balancing, in my opinion, is player balancing, which is pretty much non-existent. Facing off against three or four players by yourself is no fun at all. At the very least, if for some reason or another the game cannot balance teams internally, the team with a disproportionately low number of players should receive some sort of handicap, like faster recharging vanguards, or more health.


I am LOVING this game, haven't finished the campaign yet, but I recently started accepting the objective based contracts and am having a lot of fun (practically memorized the first mission and nearly pulled my hair out trying to get PRECISION on it... stupid time limit!), I just got my first precision with like 5 seconds to spare :S.

I am currently doing the covert (1st mission still) and had a lot of fun trying, failed because I used my sidearm to much (the gun you have to use is ridiculously underpowered...) and fell 4 kills short :(.

Having a blast!
I hope you are not the winning bidder.

Ha. That's how it turned out, thankfully. Phew.

Proximity mines are so incredibly OP. The blast radius is just ridiculous. Then again, the same can also be said of the grenades, but in light of the proxies, I guess there's at least some semblance of balance then. They both just need to be toned down quite a bit.


Neo Member







some screenshots, great game.


Started playing the game yesterday but only did a couple of missions as I have too many new games to play right now. :)
Have to say that I'm very pleasantly surprised by this game.
Loved KZ2, but KZ3, not so much.

It does take a while to get the hang of the controls, but that might be just me since I'm new to the system and the sticks feel a lot different from other controllers.
But I'm starting to slowly get the hang of it and I'm really enjoying the game.
Even thinking of picking up Shadow Fall at launch now, even though I wasn't sure before.

Great to see this franchise get back on track and start to fulfil its potential.
Highly recommended!


I get so pissed off when people in my team play Warzone like it's just regular Team Deathmatch. Some people just don't seem to understand the objectives, and some people don't seem to care at all, just ignoring the objectives in favour of trying to max out their K/D ratio. Just the other game, I had a guy in my team run right by a Vanguard in one of the Hacker rounds of the game, even though there were no enemies whatsoever close by and he could have scored easy points for the team (he was much closer to it than I was, but after this I obviously had to run up to it and cap it). And in the Interrogator rounds, people more often than not make no effort whatsoever at scoring interrogations points, just going in all guns blazing and grenades flying. The only thing that makes this slightly less frustrating is that usually the opposing team will be equally unable to grasp the concept of Interrogator, so I can run around with my Tranquilizer gun taking my sweet time since they will just try to mow me down - which doesn't score their team any points whatsoever.

Tldr: if you're not interested in pursuing the objectives properly, get the hell out of my Warzone mode.
I get so pissed off when people in my team play Warzone like it's just regular Team Deathmatch. Some people just don't seem to understand the objectives, and some people don't seem to care at all, just ignoring the objectives in favour of trying to max out their K/D ratio. Just the other game, I had a guy in my team run right by a Vanguard in one of the Hacker rounds of the game, even though there were no enemies whatsoever close by and he could have scored easy points for the team (he was much closer to it than I was, but after this I obviously had to run up to it and cap it). And in the Interrogator rounds, people more often than not make no effort whatsoever at scoring interrogations points, just going in all guns blazing and grenades flying. The only thing that makes this slightly less frustrating is that usually the opposing team will be equally unable to grasp the concept of Interrogator, so I can run around with my Tranquilizer gun taking my sweet time since they will just try to mow me down - which doesn't score their team any points whatsoever.

Tldr: if you're not interested in pursuing the objectives properly, get the hell out of my Warzone mode.

That's why I only play MP occasionally

CoD ruined so many generations, so hence I don't bother anymore.


for some reason, i get disconnected from matches after about 2 minutes. i cant even play one match but whenever i am on my college's network, but at my gf's house, it works perfectly fine! could it be a NAT type issue?


for some reason, i get disconnected from matches after about 2 minutes. i cant even play one match but whenever i am on my college's network, but at my gf's house, it works perfectly fine! could it be a NAT type issue?

Yeah, I have been getting this today and yesterday as well. Never had any problems prior to that. But now I just continuously keep getting kicked out due to "latency issues" or "loss of connectivity". Very frustrating.


for some reason, i get disconnected from matches after about 2 minutes. i cant even play one match but whenever i am on my college's network, but at my gf's house, it works perfectly fine! could it be a NAT type issue?

It could be a number of things, WiFi interference being one of them. The NAT type issue will really just stop you from connecting to certain people if their NAT type is also strict. Although it is good to have a NAT type 2 I'll be more concern that perhaps the ports aren't open that is needed or that your campus network maybe saturated from other students Ie. torrents, web streaming what have you. Signal lost does happen through and allot of people don't seem to notice it due to not using a network sensitive type of application.


Nice to read bot zone is being considered. I know there will be many who would appreciate the work necessary to find a solution to the problems holding you back.

Like many have said, it's one of the funnest fps games since cod4 and it is amazing for a handheld. But as a handheld, bots are so crucial, even better with Adhoc mode.

I've not been able to connect to psn abroad for some reason but I picked it up from a local store and the single player has been keeping me busy since release... Just holding onto the memories of the beta.

I know, broken record.

Spot on with that thread agent otaku.


This game, man. This game.

I'm trying to collect all the intel but as soon as I start a level I get sucked in so quickly that I forget why I'm there. I end up playing the mission through before I remember I was supposed to be collecting intel. It's just so much fun whipping around those gorgeous environments working out different ways to get one over on the bad guys. I think mission 5 (The Package) might be my favourite, simply because it's astonishing to look at pretty much all the way through. Every time I turn a corner my jaw hits the floor.

This game. I fucking love it. Haven't even dipped into the alternative contracts or the multiplayer yet, I'm having too much fun playing the campaign. Over and over. And over.
Nice to read bot zone is being considered. I know there will be many who would appreciate the work necessary to find a solution to the problems holding you back.

Like many have said, it's one of the funnest fps games since cod4 and it is amazing for a handheld. But as a handheld, bots are so crucial, even better with Adhoc mode.

I've not been able to connect to psn abroad for some reason but I picked it up from a local store and the single player has been keeping me busy since release... Just holding onto the memories of the beta.

I know, broken record.

Spot on with that thread agent otaku.

Where did you read that, might I ask?

*edit* I found the forum post by the senior producer at Guerrilla Cambridge that suggests this.
Also, what is this replay feature I've read two GAFers mention? Browsing the community mercenary site I saw no such playback feature.

*edit, again...* It was my Adblock Firefox plugin that prevented me from viewing the replays.
I get so pissed off when people in my team play Warzone like it's just regular Team Deathmatch. Some people just don't seem to understand the objectives, and some people don't seem to care at all, just ignoring the objectives in favour of trying to max out their K/D ratio. Just the other game, I had a guy in my team run right by a Vanguard in one of the Hacker rounds of the game, even though there were no enemies whatsoever close by and he could have scored easy points for the team (he was much closer to it than I was, but after this I obviously had to run up to it and cap it). And in the Interrogator rounds, people more often than not make no effort whatsoever at scoring interrogations points, just going in all guns blazing and grenades flying. The only thing that makes this slightly less frustrating is that usually the opposing team will be equally unable to grasp the concept of Interrogator, so I can run around with my Tranquilizer gun taking my sweet time since they will just try to mow me down - which doesn't score their team any points whatsoever.

Tldr: if you're not interested in pursuing the objectives properly, get the hell out of my Warzone mode.

Oh, you just tranq'd a guy? Here, let me shoot him and save you the effort of doing so, because I know you're just planning on doing that, anyway - maybe with a teabag or two thrown in for good measure. I mean, it's not like you specifically created and subsequently selected a loadout with the tranquilizer gun to coincide with the Interrogation objective; that's crazy talk. That's what smart players do. There's no place for them in objective-based game types. Idiot.

You're also doing pretty well with your K/D ratio this round, too, so I know you won't mind. And I need some kills to appear awesome at this game. I mean, it's not like I could obtain them in a way that's not detrimental to our team's efforts, or that I'd generally do well across the board in terms of both kills and points if I focused on the objectives at hand and let the rest just flow naturally; you know, a benefit of not being so gimped by selfish tunnel-vision. Nah. Not at all.

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