Hari Seldon
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Multiplayer Demo, Beach.
It's fantastic. I played it for years after the game came out and still found matches.
My vote as well. That multiplayer map was insane fun.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Multiplayer Demo, Beach.
It's fantastic. I played it for years after the game came out and still found matches.
Call of Duty 2's Pointe Du Hoc. A more unique take on D-Day landing taking place elsewhere outside of the typical Omaha Beach setting.
Yep, the GOAT one.
first post best post
Halo: CE for me. Riding the Pelicans while the main theme kicks in as Covenant are firing on you was pretty epic.
This !¡HarlequinPanic!;238504026 said:Final Fantasy VIII.
The obvious winner.
Wolfenstein: TNO's opening is pretty strong.
I'll throw in a mention of Wolfenstein the New Order's opening level
I quite like Unreal Tournament's Overlord.
I agree. A lot of people will say that Allied Assault did it better, and in terms of scale, they're not wrong, but for me, Frontline's depiction feels more intense. Not exactly sure why, but I think it's a combination of more convincing visual effects (e.g. the tracers, explosions) and the cold color grading reminiscent of the film.
Both are great levels, either way.
The GOAT.Halo: CE for me. Riding the Pelicans while the main theme kicks in as Covenant are firing on you was pretty epic.
The obvious winner.
Halo: CE for me. Riding the Pelicans while the main theme kicks in as Covenant are firing on you was pretty epic.
A friend of mine just reminded me of another excellent example that hasn't been brought up yet in this thread.
Except Allied Assault did it before and was the better game.
I enjoyed Frontline too, but Allied Assualt was the best way to experience a WWII game at the time.
Halo: CE for me. Riding the Pelicans while the main theme kicks in as Covenant are firing on you was pretty epic.
Zero and done. OP nailed it with Corinth River. I've played through that level probably close to 40 times in total. Fantastic level. If only Guerilla would have built on the things that made KZ2 so special, instead of pivoting to try and create a sci-fi Call of Duty with KZ3 and beyond.
You mean ascending Mt. Olympus in the beginning? Sure, I'd say that counts.Does god of war 3 count?
Allied Assault had a far better D-Day opening. I made the mistake of playing Frontline after AA and it felt pretty lame overall.
Yeah, this is much better. I saw a friend play this on PC after having played Frontline, and it was much more impressive. Frontline has excellent sound effects but the actual beach invasion itself is really limp, because there's only ever about 8 or 10 Allied soldiers on the beach at any one time and you're barely in any danger from the machine guns in the bunkers. I realise the lack of soldiers was probably due to the underpowered hardware but it never managed to create the level of illusion I was expecting.
Storming a beachhead with a weapon is for pussies