Responding with violence.
As long as they don't start a dick measuring contest ...
Could you please tell me why Trump felt the need to actually respond to Kim-Jong Un? Because of some "threats" being thrown around? That has been happening for ... well, I dunno? 15+ years?
I mean ... North-Korea has been in isolation for years and that'll never change.
What's Trump's goal? What's in it for him? Yes, Kim-Jong Un is a terrible person ... but is Trump really that different?
Trump is a narcissist who's perfect America was in the 50s. He believes that since we have the biggest military we should be using it so people know not to fuck with us. It's a very stupid mentality when you think about things on the world stage.
Trump is a huge fan of posturing because he's a con man. Look at how many people he's insulted and then says "Oh, he's a good guy, we had a great conversation, etc. He says he doesn't give a shit about polls or things like that but he desperately wants to be validated. He didn't expect to win so now he's flying by the seat of his pants. He won't take advice from people smarter than him because he has to be the smartest person in the room.
Look at how he's tried to smash everything Obama did, just because Obama embarrassed him. It's why he keeps bringing up Hilary. He has a base who will give him that love he should be "rightfully" getting and feels that we should be using nukes to wreck our enemies. This is his ego in action.