So I've been letting old GOGs play in the background while I dither about my daily life, and I got to a particular segment that took place about a year ago about
fixing Colin & Greg Live.
During the segment, Colin says he recognizes the problems with the show, that it's just stupid silliness and it might turn people off, that they've lost viewers but also seen more revenue due to tips/subs spiking, and that he wasn't sure what to do about it. With reservations, he makes the case for pushing more towards an organized news show approach, that's less about faffing about and more about pushing the content.
It seems to be directly addressing a lot of the stuff we're talking about with the show, right? So what happened?
Well, in the segment, Tim makes the case that that is not what the show should be, it should be renamed the Kinda Funny Morning Show, it should be mostly about just chilling with the guys, and news stuff should be relegated to PSILY or a new podcast entirely. Kevin agrees with Tim.
It's clear which vision won out, right? And which vision a lot of us seem to have problems with?
I'm not bringing this up to hate on Tim or champion Colin (Lord knows they both get too much of that on the internet), but it's another case where it seems clear to me of the vision of current KF being dominated by a certain perspective that seems antithetical to the more meaningful content that brought a lot of fans to KF in the first place. And I'm getting more and more worried that the current leadership doesn't really care about it.
I don't know. KFL3 and the survey results show are going to be
really interesting.