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King Of Colloseum 2 hits soon, Fedor VS Crocop video!!!


Choose second gallery page, and scroll down to the video that has the picture of the guy in black and white crocop shorts. Also check out the vid right before that...awesome! I believe those are two loosely done edits of Crocop and Fedor. I'm dling the video now....

Edit: Definitely Fedor, he has a unique punching animation!

Cool, they added Crocop's highkick animation that he did on Igor.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
It's the 8th I'm pretty sure.

I'm so fucking hyped for this game. I've been following the videos the whole time. Did you watch the second newest video? Aside from the Toryumon guys, I was enthused to see their Brock Lesner doing an F5 on someone. That pretty much guarantees that the number of American heads and moves will be much higher than last time.

Plus, the game has Josh Barnett...and John Tenta for Christ's sake!

evil ways

Man, the $80 price tag sure dampers my enthusiasm for it, especially since that's what I paid for KOC Red and Green each, with next day shipping included. I'm still a bit hyped, but I'll probably wait a bit until it turns out on Ebay for about $50.
Minotauro said:
It's the 8th I'm pretty sure.

I'm so fucking hyped for this game. I've been following the videos the whole time. Did you watch the second newest video? Aside from the Toryumon guys, I was enthused to see their Brock Lesner doing an F5 on someone. That pretty much guarantees that the number of American heads and moves will be much higher than last time.

Plus, the game has Josh Barnett...and John Tenta for Christ's sake!

I did indeed. F5 and multiple powerbombs=rock!The game looks to be shaping up quite nicely. I was really happy to see them put Fedor in a video as well. Speaking of Barnett, did you see the pancraese style video of him they posted a little while back? I noticed a nice liver hit animation, just like how Deluca fell when Bas hit him.

That's awesome about John Tenta. Was he working in Japan? I'd love if they just decided to put in a few old WWF guys for the hell of it.

I hear you, Evil Ways. Still, I payed $75 for each previous KOC game. I don't have any cash around now, so I don't know how I'm getting this sucker...but you better believe I am!

evil ways

Agh, same thing happened with KoC Green, I told myself I'd wait cause I had just purchased Red and both Fire Pro Z and All Star III were coming up, and the day before Green ships I went crazy and charged it to my Visa.

But I gotta be strong, this fall is packed with games and expenses overall. I think I can hold on till December at least.
I'm hoping Takumi Yano is in this. Have you guys seen him fight? He is really entertaining. I think he'll get demolished one day with the way he fights, but he sure is fun to watch.

Imanari rocks too. He should be in.
hopefully its not dvd9 so I can use the flip top

is there like a list of changes somewhere?

and evil im taking fable and hl2 off my buy list for koc 2

so now im only geting

gta sa
koc 2
and raw v sd

its good to have gamefly this fall lol
List of changes they have done to the game? I'm not sure. The famitsu review came out, I believe it got 32/40 silver awards. They said basically everything has increased in volume...moves, wrestlers, venues. Not sure if its any different gameplay wise. Not that it matters to me, I'm frothing for some MMA fights with the new edits they will have. I can just lose myself meticulously creating those guys.

Akebono is in...rawk.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Biff Hardbody said:
That's awesome about John Tenta. Was he working in Japan? I'd love if they just decided to put in a few old WWF guys for the hell of it.

Yeah, he was working in Japan. Supposedly, he was still using the whole earthquake smash move so it's animation is in.

Only two more days! I'm actually retarded enough that I paid for overnight shipping in order to get it on Friday.

There's also supposedly a torrent out for it already so hopefully we'll be getting some impressions soon. Some guys on the gamefaqs messageboard are going to be answering questions today.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Biff, can we expect some impressions if you get it tomorrow?

I really want to hear more about the edit wrestler options but that guy seems to be ignoring any request.

Either way, his impressions have me so excited for this. Too bad I have two work days to get through first. ARGH!

evil ways

That's just the way Koji is, he's somewhat of a pompous asshole when the mood isn't right.

I broke down and placed my order, but Priority Mail, so I'll probably get it on saturday.
evil ways said:
That's just the way Koji is, he's somewhat of a pompous asshole when the mood isn't right.

I broke down and placed my order, but Priority Mail, so I'll probably get it on saturday.

But I gotta be strong, this fall is packed with games and expenses overall. I think I can hold on till December at least.


Good man. This was one goal that wasn't worth keeping.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Biff Hardbody said:
Absolutely man, whatever you ask I'll answer. I'm pretty sure I'll have it around 3 tomorrow.

Actually, that's a bit too late. Could you by any chance get it earlier? Heh, just kidding, I appreciate any impressions you're willing to give.

evil ways said:
That's just the way Koji is, he's somewhat of a pompous asshole when the mood isn't right.

You're telling me. I just today figured out that he's actually Koji. Am I crazy or does he talk in third person a lot? Once, I asked where this Koji they were all talking about was and he responded by saying he's in my mother's pants.
played a match of scorpio vs misawa!

loading time is a bit faster than KOC Green...









gonna check to see if it works with HDLoader later tonight...

playing Halo with friends on Kai now...
My impressions, cut and pasted froma different forum while GA was down.

One liners so far...

The moment you boot it up the game seems more polished, more serious.Kobashi is the main character of the opening movie (damn right). The menu screen is slick as hell, and the theme is good. Its a variation of some song that I forget.

Wrestlers take 1-2 seconds to showup at menu choice screen. You can scroll all throughout the lisr and pick them, but it takes time for the wrestler to show up.

Loading times seem longer to me in general.

1st match was Kobashi VS Misawa. I fast fowarded through the ring walks and watched the intro's. They were simple, but slick.

Everything looks cleaner. Not a big leap in graphics, but you'll appreciate the cleaner, fuller look.

I didn't see any clipping in the Kobashi/Misawa match. Even in moves where I would have seen a little before. I'm not saying clipping is out, but I think they did a good job of fixing it.

Rope break is much better now. It doesn't go off unless you are near the ropes.

Kobashi has a new chop as well as a new cobra clutch release suplex animation (which rocks).

Gameplay in general felt better. Not really slower, but more reponsive and accessible.

Camera angles seem better. I haven't done any top rope moves, but moves that would have gone off the screen before didn't this time.

Crowd sound is weird...on one hand they sound better because there are variations in sound there wasn't before and sound is clearer in general. On the other hand they react to EVERY move so there is allot of stop/starting from the crowd for little moves/reversals. It sounds artificial.

Can't say much more about the match because it was a complete squash. I destroyed Misawa on the defualt difficulty.

2nd match-

Josh Barnett VS Takayama The Hot

This time I watched the intros and they are very well done. The camera angles are closer, and they show the opponents looking at eachother before and after they enter the ring. Nice touch.

Camera angles in game are definitely closer. They look better because of this. More like a real Pride fight.

Takayama was crushed by Barnett. Barnett looks awesome...his height seems really well on. Again this match was a complete squash. I have to up the difficulty. Barnett seems very complete, just like in real life. He had German suplexes, a variety of strikes, and a variety of subs. Very well rounded.

They slowed down the clutch animations.This makes the game a bit more accessible. Will it make it to easy? I have to up the difficult and see.

Questions will be answered as best as I can.

Edit mode has changed. You can't preview the clothing like before, you have to select it on. It all takes a little bit longer (ugh). The menues look much slicker though.

Edit faces, basically the same are available from last year. I have heard the good stuff gets unlocked during survival road, so thats what I will do now.

Had a match using cpu on 7 with Kawda (me) VS Chono (cpu). It kicked so much ass. Like Billwood says, there's just abetter feeling of flow. They did away with the slap animations, and that makes it seem all the more real. aAlso, the strikes are handled better. Chono did a front kick and followed it up very quickly with his kenka kick, faster then I ever saw in KOC. He also knocked away Kawada's enziguri instead of just taking it chest out style like in KOC.

The game just feels better, and flows better match wise.

I'm not really hip on puro, LiquidAlex. I'm more a fan of MMA. So, I'm not sure who Nakamura is. Still, if you tell me where to find the guy I'll run a match and let you know what he does.

No, I haven't noticed many different strikes. Strikes are gfaster though, definitely. Game plays better because of it.

There aren't many faces available for edit at the start that you'll want to use. I'm assuming they become unlocked (the other guy said they did). As far as MMA faces, the only one I think I saw was Arona and Ali (if he counts). Silva, Crocop, and Jackson aren't in at the start...I'm sure they just have to be unlocked.

Ran a vale Tudo rules match on 7 with Barnett VS a guy I think is Ogawa. Picked him because he had MMA gloves.

Match was terrific. Barnett started out strong, ground and pound, good clinch work. Ogawa? was getting his ass kicked so bad he went and held Barnett while Josh was in the mount! THe crowd started to Boo, and action resumed. Great touch. Somehow he got it going and criticaled Josh with a punch to the back of the head.

Save a nice new armbar reversal in the Kawada/Chono match.

Not many new moves in the match aside from the clinch holding and some corner knees. I did see a basic new face punch with Chono from the clinch...so I think the basic strikes have some new stuff here and there. I haven't gone through edit mode movesets...I want to unlock stuff via survival road.

I have not seen a Pride replica mat. Again, I've heard mats can be unlocked.

There are many new logos. No new MMA ones though.

Questions will be answered....
I don't see it there, but I don't know what I should be looking for since I can't read the menues....faceless might know since he mentioned something about it.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Hey, thanks a lot man...I really appreciate it!

I actually asked the guys in the #koc2 irc room but that Koji guy responded with something involving video drivers which made no sense. I then asked what he was talking about. He began berating me and threatening to beat me up. I didn't really antagonize him but it escalated to the point that he asked for op powers and then proceeded to ban me by ip. There are some strange people out there.
The gamefaqs board sucks. I'm not going to be posting there if I can help it. Half the shit is unreadable because you have guys writing stuff that doesn't make any sense or just being assholes for no reason.

I'll be posting my impressions here. Hopefully I can figure out everything I nee by myself or get a straight answer out of one of those guys when I ask a question.

evil ways

He's just like that, he has this Japanese god, superiority complex and a bunch of Gamefaqs puro elitist flunkies feeding his ego and kissing his ass. That's a lethal combination when you're an arrogant person.

You're lucky you weren't there in the early days when King of Colosseum was first announced and he broke the news, claiming he was doing us uneducated, common folks a favor by translating the news. Back then you asked a question and you got a "No, you go die" response from him followed by his flunkies laughing at the "joke" and that other retard Muka with his spelling error message board gimmick/joke character.
Damn, I'm showing my age with remembering the "no you go die" response. Came from Taka Michinoku saying that to a fan....that joke started on some wrestling message board that went down. Fuck, I feel old.

Anyhow, back to the subject at hand. I'm currently breezing through the survival mode. Much smaller this year, easier too since you can select medium. I'm just doing this so I can unlock the guys and points. Each survival mode is ten matches. At the 5th you start getting challenged by name wrestlers and hiddens (goldberg, Sapp). Secrets get unlocked for you rbuying when you complete the road. After I finish this road I'm going to mess around with edit mode and play some real matches.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I agree with you guys about the Gamefaqs boards being shit. Like you said, it's nearly impossible to get a straight answer out of anyone. Some dipshit will just respond with some post that is in no way funny. Then, all their loser elitist puro friends join in and the thread goes to complete shit. Too bad I have to rely on these people for translations. Shit, it might actually be easier to just learn Japanese myself.

EDIT: Oh, Biff, does there seem to be a greater variety of American wrestler heads this time? How about UFC guys? I'm sure you haven't unlocked a lot yet but I'm interested to hear whether there are more or not. Unfortunately, any questions about American wrestling are pretty much a no-go with the Gamefaqs pricks.
Cool, I just created Igor and all is right in the world. Here's the way it works. You play survival road, and at the end of it you unlock wrestlers, rings, and other things for sale at the secrets shop. You then go to the secrets shop and by the wrestler of your choice. Go to edit mode, enter one of the selections like appearance, moves, cpu logic...ecd. Press triangle, take the first option, then go to the 3rd option. From there you are at a menu that has the name of your created wrestler. Select it, press start so it registers and now that edit section is filled. You have to do it for each edit section.

This is very useful. It enters the height, weight, hometown, all that misc stuff that is tedious to fgind but you want in there for your edit. Its also cool that it gives you spikes picks for fighting style. I disagree with some of the moves, but you can edit them.

I still have to unlock more points so I can give him his full parameters.

Loving this...
Minotauro said:
I agree with you guys about the Gamefaqs boards being shit. Like you said, it's nearly impossible to get a straight answer out of anyone. Some dipshit will just respond with some post that is in no way funny. Then, all their loser elitist puro friends join in and the thread goes to complete shit. Too bad I have to rely on these people for translations. Shit, it might actually be easier to just learn Japanese myself.

EDIT: Oh, Biff, does there seem to be a greater variety of American wrestler heads this time? How about UFC guys? I'm sure you haven't unlocked a lot yet but I'm interested to hear whether there are more or not. Unfortunately, any questions about American wrestling are pretty much a no-go with the Gamefaqs pricks.

So far I've beaten two trial modes and unlocked basically a good majority of faces that were in last years game. However, I still have TONS of stuff to unlock. Right now I have a bunch of old MMA fighters, some Japanese wrestlers I'm not familiar with and Akebono (cool! wait...no). No new faces American or otherwise that strike out at me so far.

Like I said before, there are TONS of edit slots to unlock. I'll probably finish two more trial roads tonight and see whats what. I know many cool guys are waiting to be unlocked. Fedor is definitely in, because that recent video was not of Igor like many thought (Igor does not use that punching move on the ground in his moveset). It seems like they make you work for the good stuff.

Yoshida has his sleeve choke. Think the animation is different (better) then last year.
Yoshida rulz! He's a dreamboat...

Man, this game kicks ass. Right now I'm not really playing matches, but breezing through a rather easy survival road to unlock stuff. But, I see cool shit now and then. For one, the camera angles. I know I spoke about them before. They are allot better then last year. Especially top rope moves. The matches just look better because of them.

Using Mike Awesome now. His awesome bomb looks pretty good.

Graphics are nice and full. It might just be me, but the outside feels bigger.

I would have liked to see Igor's hammerfists that he used on Enson and his corner shot on Bueno, but alas they are not in there...kinda dissapointed about that. But, he's an older fighter so he doesn't get the press. rats.

The woman screaming when you get bloodied is laughably bad.

evil ways

Does the blood look better this time? I noticed in some pics and videos that it no longer looks as bright or orange-ish as the first 2 games, but it's hard to tell from the clips.
Yes, it does look better. The whole game looks better graphically. Everything from the menus to the rings, to teh character models. Its not a huge leap or even a big one, but you will notice it.

edit: clipping has reared its ugly head. Still not as bad as some of the stuff last year.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Does the blood just appear like in KOC? I remember, sometimes, after a g-'n-p session, the guy will stand up and you can see it just suddenly materialize on his face. Have you noticed whether it's still like this?
I noticed blood on the guys face right after my characters fists him him. I didn't look hard, but the next time it does I'll have abetter judgement.
Just unlocked Fujita, Vader, Nog, and



Spike did not include Fedor's trunks...fucking bullshit. How hard were they to make. Instead they sattled him with typical tapout trunks. They also made him way to thin in the premade edit. Fortunately you can make him thick.
OK, here's the deal. I beat all the survival modes, but there's still some stuff to unlock. Not sure how to get it.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are not many new edits from what I have seen. There are also very few new strikes. I've seen lots of cool new reversal's and some interesting moves here and there, but as far as new strike combos and whatnot...nope, nadda.

Worse, there seems to be no new MMA guys aside from Fedor and a few Japanese I haven't nailed down. I have two MMA guys to unlock, and I'm sure one of them is Rickson. Really unfortunate, because they put wastes of space like Akebono in when we could have had guys like Sergei, Randy, or even Sudo.

So, if you are going into this sequel looking for allot of new faces...you will be dissapointed. I know I was in that regard.

They butchered Fedor's moveset. No subs he's used, no liver kick, and the only thing that seperates him from Igor is his two punch combo from the guard. They should have given much more time to making a good Fedor for the game. Take my advice and edit his moveset.

On the posative side, the game plays better then ever, there's still some good new faces there, and some pretty cool new moves and reversals.
I got this game mainly for the MMA portion. I have to say, in that aspect I am a bit dissapointed. There seem to be very few new shooters. The only ones I've seen are Fedor and ugh...Akebono. There are a few Japanese I'm not familiar with, but no real big names like Randleman, Couture, Sudo, or Penn. It's pretty dissapointing.

I was super glad to see the inclusion of Fedor, but really...how is he different? One new punching animation and a butchered Igor moveset that needs heavy editing. Plus, it doesn't even have his fight shorts. Lame.

There also aren't many new MMA moves or strikes. I was glad to see Yoshida's sleeve choke from the guard, but I haven't seeny a single new punching combo that is good for shooters.

Then there's the case of old shooters like Quinton, Silva and Mirko looking exactly the same as before. They should have been made to look better.

Don't get me wrong. I like this game. I think its a good sequel. They seemed to improve allot of gripes with the original KOC. The wrestling portion seems better done then the MMA though. Makese sense since it is a wrestling game first, but its a bit dissapointing that they didn't improve the MMA a bit more.

All that being said, the game has improved in the following ways.

Gameplay flows better now. Its not really faster or slower, but clutches are easier without taking away the challenge. Hard to explain, but they did it.

Strikes are faster...this makes teh game allot more fun with the exchanges you can have.

Wrestling portion of the game seems improved better then the MMA...puro fans will probably flip out with some of the moves and shit you can do because of reversals.

Great game, good sequel. Would be a great sequel in my mind if they had done the MMA mode justice. Its better, no doubt. Mainly because the gameplay is better. But, it would have been nice to have more variety is all.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Hm, that kinda sucks about the MMA being less improved. Are you sure that you have most of the stuff unlocked? Maybe there's a set of heads what aren't complete edits...

Also, the fighters from KOC aren't completely unchanged. Cro-Cop, for instance, now has his correct trunks. In the first one, they were completely checker-boarded. Now, one leg is solid like they should be. Have you noticed whether they have better ones for Wanderlei? Maybe some with a Chute Boxe knock-off logo?
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