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King Of Colloseum 2 hits soon, Fedor VS Crocop video!!!

I'll check the heads the next time I play...hopefully they put a bunch of these guys in.

I think there are Chute box trunks...I remember seeing something that mimiced the words "chute box".

Yeah, I hear ayou about CC trunks. That's a good start. Its just I start playing with Fedor and his new 2 hit combo is awesome...and I'm like what's next!?!?!!? and the answer is, nothing. It wouldn't have been a big deal if they gave him a four hit combo with the same animation and made that his finisher...given him a takedown or two just like what he's known for. His own punching combo animation. Basically KOC2 Fedor is a basterdized Igor. Its still cool as shit to play with him and Nog in a Pride ring, no doubt about it. But, I think you get what I'm saying.

The game still flat out rocks, but I would have liked to see a little more.
Got home just now and had the chance to play a few more matches. Like I said before, I'm dissapointed about the MMA roster. However, my initial dissapointment with that aspect of the game has not boiled over to the main portion, the wrestling. I had a badass match with Kobashi/Mutoh. It just flowed so well. It told a story. I thought Kobashi was done for after having his legs worked on for 15 minutes by Mutoh. The ref and the camera angles really add to the production value of the game...really, the full look of it is just great. There were all these cool little spots of Kobashi almost coming back, only to be put down again. Finally, he pulled a burning lariat out of nowhere that criticaled Mutoh.

Things I like...wrestlers now sell injuries to every part of their body. No longer is it a move animation where the wrestler holds his back. Work the back enough, he'll hold the back when he hits the floor. Same with head and legs (i'd imagine arms as well).

If you critical a guy they will clutch that part of their body when they get up. Mutoh crticaled Kobashi within seconds of their first match via dragon screw. He didn't end it though, and Kobashi got up, limping the whole time. Awesome!


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Well, I the game was waiting for me when I got home from work today. While I haven't played it a ton yet, I'm really enjoying what I've seen. The gameplay itself is much improved. Everything just seems a lot faster and more responsive. The striking is ten times better.

The difficulty seems a bit higher though. Maybe it's because I'm still becoming accustomed to the controls but I'm having difficulty on level 6. Level 5 is perfectly fine...I win everytime but 6 seems just too high. Some of the clutches I just can't get. Like, the exploder one...can you give me tips for that one? Is it early or late in the animation? Where would you place middle difficulty in Survival as far as the ten point system goes? I'd like to get started unlocking people but I fear I'll get halfway in and then be unable to win anymore matches.

Also, do you know what option in the exhibition menu controls criticals? I've basically went through randomly trying different things until I got what I want but it's difficult to know which one is for criticals.
Cool, I'm glad your enjoying it. Honestly, the more I settle down and actually play it and not concentrate on unlocking stuff or anything else, I enjoy it. Its not the sequel I expected, but the gameplay changes (I agree about the strikes, much better) make it a hell of allot of fun.

I found med difficulty very, very easy. You just need to adjust I think. I actually breezed through 3 survival roads on med in a row just by using Josh Barnett. Takedown, ground and pound, match over at 3-4 minute mark. Boring, but good if you want to get through survival road. However, I think you only get match points via survival road. So, those squash matches won't give you much capital to unlock with.

I'm not sure about the exploder clutch. I haven't used anyone whos used it yet. If I get it down, I'll let you know.

The critical option is the 19th down. High, med, low from top to bottom. I am 99% sure about this.
Fuck YEAH. They added in a standing Iron claw...I love this move ever since GG2K.

Some cool new punching animations for wrestlers like Gordy....

they redid the basic piledriver animation...nice.

evil ways

Fuck all you guys with your game, while I wait here for Yes-Asia to ship mine, I hate you.

I wish I could just cry myself to sleep and not wake up until monday.
heh, it will come soon.

Anyhow, here's some info. After you beat all the survival roads on medium/hard you get a new survival road called Pro Wrestling Legends. There you go against legends (duh) and made up wrestlers (I fought a clown). I haven't beaten it yet, because I chose high difficulty...and I'm stuck on fighting Crocop who is an absolute montser now since strikes are actually effective.

Oh yeah, I think one of the survival roads must be a tag team. I say this because the legends road did not open until I went back and did a survival road over with a tag team.

I think Gafarri (the fat guy who wrestled Karelin at one point) has a new variation of his press in the game. There are a fair amount of new puro moves, its nice. The real change is the gameplay. No new mechanics, but the game seems smoother to me in execution and match flow. I'm having some pretty cool matches.
Shit man, some of these new moves flat out rock. While allot of people may go for the new puro moves, I dig some of the basic old stuff that they added.

side headlock with multiple punches to the face...really cool.
a few different face punches from the clutch. Really nice for American wrestlers.
the head scissors spot Tigermask used to do with Dynamite Kid...you know where DK gets TM in a type of figure four sleeper and DK does a head stand to get up. Awesome!!!
Standing shoulder choke...

And others...


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I'm partial to Fedor's guard punches myself. ;)

You're right, the gameplay is really where the most strides were made. While I'm a little disappointed with a lot of the stuff that wasn't added/fixed, I'm having a blast with the game itself. The MMA matches in particular seem to flow much better. I just played a series of matches as Silva versus Yoshida and they were a ton of fun. I especially love that one high-pitched scream from the audience whenever someone starts bleeding. Too funny.

I did notice something interesting tonight as well. Earlier, I was rewatching the final round of the Pride MW Tournament and it seems that all the updated costumes are the ones people were wearing that night. Silva and Rampage both have the exact same gear. Pretty cool although it does make me scratch my head over why people like Randleman and Chuck Liddell who also fought that night weren't included. I mean, c'mon Spike, you guys had a year to model these guys!

Also, someone on Gamefaqs suggested that there may actually be more hidden wrestlers. He made this conclusion based upon the fact that there are a lot of legends that you face in survival that aren't available for purchase in the secret shop. Keep hope alive!
Jezzzus christ Nog is a beast in this game! I'm playing on level 6 difficulty and he criticaled Fedor once in 18 seconds witha triangle and again in the rematch in 43 seconds with a guillotine choke. I'm not sure if you could submit someone instantly with a non powerball move last year...but you sure can this year and it rocks...makes the fighting that much more interesting as opposed to submission attempt after submission attempt.

That's impressive that you noticed they were all wearing the midlweight gear...I just dled a highlite of that event, sure enough you are right.

I agree, MMA matches flow pretty damn well. One of my Fedor VS Nog matches was exactly like the real thing....just awesome.

I really hope there are more hidden fighters. The gameplay is so good this year, I want to go at it with some new guys. Still, I'm enjoying it more then I was initially...its just really good. Back to Nog/Fedor.


V1 of that FAQ is out. Thank goodness for work printers.

I'm focusing mainly on the puro, and am getting killed in survival road when they bring in shooters. Damn Japan's wrester/shooter mix. Any tips on shooter grapples? Are the buttons generally the same when you're on the bottom? Any good reason to use the hug?
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