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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 will run at 30 FPS on Consoles

Game size and scope doesn't correlate linearly with RAM increase lmfao. Saying that you made the game 25% bigger because there was 25% more RAM is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard from a dev in a while. These are consoles with farrrrrr better CPUs, and equipped with SSDs that can stream in and out data at a far FARRR better rate.

This shit is limited in scope because that is all they can afford.

Agreed add this to the pile of all the lazy developers who are just lying about the Series S. I have no idea why so many devs this gen started lying about the Series S and using it as a scape goat. I wonder how many devs at this point have shit on the Series S publicly now? This has to be like #10 at this point right?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
ron swanson computer GIF
Throwing away the PC because 30 frames is all you need.
Agreed add this to the pile of all the lazy developers who are just lying about the Series S. I have no idea why so many devs this gen started lying about the Series S and using it as a scape goat. I wonder how many devs at this point have shit on the Series S publicly now? This has to be like #10 at this point right?
Yes... because Rockstar will come out and put one of the most ambitious games ever made in Series S without crying about it.... hmm wonder what's the difference between Rockstar and the dev of Kingdom Come... oh yeah, budget and talent...

It's clear some of you guys know absolutely nothing. Studios and devs complain when things are harder than they should be to make something work.. stop taking that to mean its not possible or holding them back from doing so. It makes their job harder... not impossible.. and they don't like it. Well boo-fucking-hoo.
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And what's the point of the ps5 pro then?

If you are gonna resurrect KCD framerate thread, resurrect the most recent one, huh?

Well boo-fucking-hoo.

This is my exact feelings on the situation. Funny how Jim Ryan saw all this though when it came to the two skus and knew it would be a headache for devs. Now we have constant 30 FPS games from Xbox and games that always had coop losing it, and devs just shitting on their console with Phil having to go out and defend it.

I think back to those FTC emails with Phil and how happy he was after the PS5 reveal man it's hilarious the way things turned out for them when he was so damn confident. I wonder if Sataya throws that email in his face whenever he's whining about having to go multiplat. Hell maybe Satya is saying the same phrase as you "Boo-fucking-hoo Phil, you were so confident in 2020 and now here we are".
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