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Kingdom Hearts 2 first impressions - IGN


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Damn, that sounds awesome. I can't wait for KHII, its a must buy for me. Thanks.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Our only real concern at this point is that it seems that Kingdom Hearts II could end up in a similar boat to that of Final Fantasy X-2; that is, re-using a lot of the backgrounds and areas from the first game all over again.

You have got to be shitting me! They want to RE-USE the worst level designs of the last five years?! The fact that this is even being suggested is just insulting.


Well, considering they've been working on it for about three years, I'd expect some new areas. I'm a little confused as to how IGN is posting first impressions this early, isn't KH2 scheduled for Christmas of next year?


xsarien said:
Well, considering they've been working on it for about three years, I'd expect some new areas. I'm a little confused as to how IGN is posting first impressions this early, isn't KH2 scheduled for Christmas of next year?
because square enix is on a media tour with the same demo that was unveiled in japan last week.

i haven't heard anything about recycling. i'd be surprised, unless IGN knows something i don't. the demo struck me rather as KH but moreso. smoother, better combat and control, better camera, better cinematics... but also the same problems the original faced in these areas, more or less. it seems to be playing it safe and doing a very good job of it.


Nomura is such a egotistical fuckwad. AGIAN more characters from ff7 and beyond and none from before?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jett said:
Nomura is such a egotistical fuckwad. AGIAN more characters from ff7 and beyond and none from before?

As if that is even a valid concern when the game itself is so incredibly broken. :p


jett said:
Nomura is such a egotistical fuckwad. AGIAN more characters from ff7 and beyond and none from before?
does the audience that's buying this game care? the FF popularity spiraled upward at that point, and anyone who's playing KH is probably an FF fan from that period.

besides, would the amano characters work in KH?

personally, the only amano-era FF characters i care about are from FFIV, and i don't particularly have any desire to see them in KH. =P
KH is one of the few games this gen I actually seriously enjoyed. Fantastic visuals + great story works on so many levels. The FMV in this game was stupendous. And the whole heartless thing worked. loved it. 9/10 in my books (1 for the gummi boat sequences)

anyone out there thought the FF:CC had the same endgame boss fight? You go through x number of portals (except KHs was better cause it got there first).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
TheGreenGiant said:
KH is one of the few games this gen I actually seriously enjoyed. Fantastic visuals + great story works on so many levels. The FMV in this game was stupendous. And the whole heartless thing worked. loved it. 9/10 in my books (1 for the gummi boat sequences)

anyone out there thought the FF:CC had the same endgame boss fight? You go through x number of portals (except KHs was better cause it got there first).

Finally a fellow Kingdom Hearts fan. Tell it!


TheGreenGiant said:
KH is one of the few games this gen I actually seriously enjoyed. Fantastic visuals + great story works on so many levels. The FMV in this game was stupendous. And the whole heartless thing worked. loved it. 9/10 in my books (1 for the gummi boat sequences)

anyone out there thought the FF:CC had the same endgame boss fight? You go through x number of portals (except KHs was better cause it got there first).

TheGreenGiant said:
KH is one of the few games this gen I actually seriously enjoyed. Fantastic visuals + great story works on so many levels. The FMV in this game was stupendous. And the whole heartless thing worked. loved it. 9/10 in my books (1 for the gummi boat sequences)

anyone out there thought the FF:CC had the same endgame boss fight? You go through x number of portals (except KHs was better cause it got there first).

1000% true for me too.


dark10x said:
You have got to be shitting me! They want to RE-USE the worst level designs of the last five years?! The fact that this is even being suggested is just insulting.

ABout half of the level designs were good (albeit short, and only had about 5 rooms total), but they art in those levels and the play mechanics for them were nice.

My favorite were Wonderland, Under the Sea level and Halloween Town... the rest of them can go to hell... especially the Tarzan stage.

Dave Long

I've played some crappy games in my day but Kingdom Hearts is the best looking crappy game I've ever played. So it at least had that...


Mashing said:
ABout half of the level designs were good (albeit short, and only had about 5 rooms total), but they art in those levels and the play mechanics for them were nice.

My favorite were Wonderland, Under the Sea level and Halloween Town... the rest of them can go to hell... especially the Tarzan stage.

Don't ever get me started on Wonderland. I expected something interesting out of it. Heck, think of the possibilities of having a good, well done Wonderland. But I was greeted with 5 square rooms with typical platforming/ARPG puzzles. I was underwhelmed right there. When I got to Monstro and Tarzan, I started loathing the game.
jett said:
Nomura is such a egotistical fuckwad. AGIAN more characters from ff7 and beyond and none from before?

They really haven't even began revealing the "extra" characters in the game yet. Most of the new Disney characters are still unknown, and the only new game character they've revealed is Auron I believe. I'd like for Nomura to bring in some of his other characters, like Aya Brea for example since they don't want to do a new Parasite Eve this gen. Musashi would be nice too.

Oni Jazar

TheGreenGiant said:
KH is one of the few games this gen I actually seriously enjoyed. Fantastic visuals + great story works on so many levels. The FMV in this game was stupendous. And the whole heartless thing worked. loved it. 9/10 in my books (1 for the gummi boat sequences)

anyone out there thought the FF:CC had the same endgame boss fight? You go through x number of portals (except KHs was better cause it got there first).


Very much looking forward to KH2


Sounds good so far. Hopefully other FF characters outside of VII/VIII/X/X-2 will make it in. Even if not, at least other Nomura characters could...like Aya:)


Hopefully while re-using the same worlds win KH Squarenix will expand the levels with new areas. Oh yeah, Halloween Town was the best!


tenchir said:
The Jungle level was so horrible...... so horrible. It was as bad as Halo's later levels.
Hehe yes. Definitely the worst level in the game. I had so much trouble with the swingin' thing. Probably spent 40 minutes trying to get through it :|


I very much enjoyed the game when it first came out (Japanese version), but playing the North American version, I got bored after a couple of hours. Not coincidentally, I stopped in the middle of the Tarzan level.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
tenchir said:
The Jungle level was so horrible...... so horrible. It was as bad as Halo's later levels.

Don't even DARE compare Halo's levels to the shit in Kingom Hearts. At least Halo's level PLAYED well and often LOOKD very good. Kingdom Hearts is broken up into little tiny, worthless pieces. Halo is light years beyond Kingdom Hearts in terms of level design...
haters be damned. KH's levels were all very well designed - the trinty gameplay concept of finding bonuses was awesome too. I personally had no problems with Tarzan's level - it really wasn't that hard and the end boss on that level was great fun and tough too.

re: dark10x

I don't see how replaying the same room/corridor and then in reverse in halo makes it the better design. Halo had it weak spots and the library bits were bad. Also, once the flood came; every room encounter was more of the same; same room, same creatures - I can swear I was playing Serious Sam.


I don't understand why the Disney levels were borken down into tiny areas with loading between them, while the Square levels did not suffer from any of that.


dark10x said:
Don't even DARE compare Halo's levels to the shit in Kingom Hearts. At least Halo's level PLAYED well and often LOOKD very good. Kingdom Hearts is broken up into little tiny, worthless pieces. Halo is light years beyond Kingdom Hearts in terms of level design...

I said "later levels," you know, the one that keeps repeating over and over again? The one that keeps giving you deja vu feelings everytime you enter a room? I can navigate the Jungle level better than those Halo levels.


I hope they get the same voice actors for KH2. KH had some of the best voice acting of any game. You actually cared for the characters instead of laughing at them (like in FFX).
bionic77 said:
I hope they get the same voice actors for KH2. KH had some of the best voice acting of any game. You actually cared for the characters instead of laughing at them (like in FFX).

100% agreed. haley and that angel actor rocked.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I don't see how replaying the same room/corridor and then in reverse in halo makes it the better design. Halo had it weak spots and the library bits were bad. Also, once the flood came; every room encounter was more of the same; same room, same creatures - I can swear I was playing Serious Sam.

That's the problem, though...they were NOT the same room. There is a huge difference between gameplay variety and visual variety. The later levels in Halo failed to provide visual variety, but there was most certainl gameplay variety. It should also be noted that all levels were fully realized into one giant stage. The only level where this could be argued is The Library, but even then, that level still played well. At least in Halo, you could walk outside and feel as if you in a truly massive area. Kingdom Hearts was not a world, it was just a collection of badly designed rooms.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"100% agreed. haley and that angel actor rocked."

While Haley did a great job, he's like 16-17 now isn't he? His voice has changed, and I don't see how that would work.


Tag of Excellence
I'll go into this one with as little bias as possible. I'm not a fan of the original but I'll be optimistic with this sequel.


I thought KH had pretty bad levels overall, ranging from absolute crap, to alright. The only one that i liked was Halloween Town, and even then its not as if the layout of that was that good, it just looked very nice.

Given the fact that most of the level concepts, areas, and graphics were already done by disney, it was pretty poor how square managed to mess them up with either terrible layout and execution (Tarzan, Wonderland), or just having them completely boring considering the materials potential (Alladdin). There really didn't seem to be enough worlds either, consideinrg how short and crap they all were, if there were loads of them it would be less noticeable.

Its abit crap if they reuse alot of the same worlds, especially as its not as if theres a lack of disney or square material to get new areas from, but then theres so much more potential in improving the levels from the original it shouldn't be so bad.
Mejilan said:
Kingdom Hearts fucking sucked.

And Final Fantasy didn't begin with 7.

For Nomura characters that's where it began. That's what he's doing, taking his characters and putting it into games. How many gamers, outside of hardcore gamers, even know characters from FF games before 7?
SolidSnakex said:
For Nomura characters that's where it began. That's what he's doing, taking his characters and putting it into games. How many gamers, outside of hardcore gamers, even know characters from FF games before 7?

yup. Its got more to do with recognizability than anything else.

Cloud or Edgar...

Sephiroth or Terra


I'd love to see Kefka though :D
I think another problem is that Amano's design would be hard to translate into 3D while making them looking appealing. They're generally extremely pale and very thin which isn't going to be pleasing to alot of people.


SolidSnakex said:
I think another problem is that Amano's design would be hard to translate into 3D while making them looking appealing. They're generally extremely pale and very thin which isn't going to be pleasing to alot of people.

Of course they'd have to be redesigned by Nomura first:) Not just for them to translate better in 3D, but also to fit well with the rest of the game.
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