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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes | Teaser Trailer


Gold Member
What is the over/under on some human/monkey love going down?

Personally, without the contrast of a "normal" human to set against an ape ruled/regressed human society, what's the point? I feel like the "apes are good if humies would just accept them" plotline is well worn at this point, if it moves to "well, apes are basically just as tribal, aggressive, and oppressive as humans" then it's just a lot of CGI for no real purpose.

What this series needs, IMHO, are some reptilians or some sort of wild external threat to show up. Drop the primal human stuff and just make a photoreal zootopia type action adventure experience.


Gold Member
What is the over/under on some human/monkey love going down?
Not until the next movie when the astronauts return.
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I've liked these increasingly less with each new release. But it does looks like it could be fun


The new movies slap. Rise was great, and Dawn and War were excellent. Hopefully this is good, at least they didn’t rush it out since War came out in 2017.


Looks awesome. Is this just a 4th movie addition or a whole new trilogy?

Matt Reeves (director of Dawn and War) and his co-writer for Dawn and War had said they‘d be open for making a fourth movie but the latter said he also wanted to take a break for now from the series. In terms of the new writers, two of them wrote Rise and co-wrote Dawn (for War, they were only producers), so that’s encouraging.


The only good ones were the first two of the reboot

Haven't watched the original films

The originals are fine for when they came out, but I was mostly talking about this rebooted franchise.
The only one I really liked was the first one with James Franco. The second one was fine but felt very cliche and predictable. The third one was just meh all around.


The only good ones were the first two of the reboot

Haven't watched the original films

War was different from what the advertising suggested, but I still loved it.

You need to watch them! 5 is mostly bad, and 2 is kind of goofy and suffers because the first movie’s lead wasn’t that interested in returning so he only appears for certain scenes while a new lead is shoehorned in. But 1 is a classic, 3 is great, and 4 is fairly good.

Skip the remake by Tim Burton. The makeup and costumes are excellent, but just about everything else sucks. The premise is butchered (by having all the humans speak, it makes the lead human character not stand out and yet the movies still wants to act as if he “stands out” from the humans which he doesn’t aside from weird clothing) and the ending makes actually no sense (in fact, I’m pretty sure Burton admitted to that).


Biggest Trails Stan
War was different from what the advertising suggested, but I still loved it.

You need to watch them! 5 is mostly bad, and 2 is kind of goofy and suffers because the first movie’s lead wasn’t that interested in returning so he only appears for certain scenes while a new lead is shoehorned in. But 1 is a classic, 3 is great, and 4 is fairly good.

Skip the remake by Tim Burton. The makeup and costumes are excellent, but just about everything else sucks. The premise is butchered (by having all the humans speak, it makes the lead human character not stand out and yet the movies still wants to act as if he “stands out” from the humans which he doesn’t aside from weird clothing) and the ending makes actually no sense (in fact, I’m pretty sure Burton admitted to that).

What happened in the ending of the Tim Burton remake?


What happened in the ending of the Tim Burton remake?

So the movie has Mark Wahlberg as an astronaut who goes into an electromagnetic storm trying to save his trained monkey who went out on a pod investigating the storm, and he ends up in the future on a planet (that is not Earth in this continuity) where apes rule humans. He helps the humans rise up, fight back, and then when his own monkey from his time arrives on the pod he had disappeared in, the apes realize Wahlberg has brought their prophesied savior and cease all fighting. The general Thade won’t accept this but none of the apes choose to help him. So Thade tries to kill Wahlberg and the monkey but ends up getting locked in the pilot’s deck and the door is immune to his fists and the gun he had obtained.

Again, not a single ape supports Thade anymore, and he has no way of escaping on his own. This is important.

Wahlberg gets in the pod and renters the storm to return to his own time. He crash lands in front of the Lincoln Memorial, only to find Lincoln’s statue has been replaced with a statue of Thade thanking him for helping conquer Earth. Wahlberg stares in confusion as ape police officers and ape reporters swarm him.

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Jimmy Fallon Reaction GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC

So Thade has ZERO people who support him by the end of the movie. Also, before getting locked up, he attacks Wahlberg’s monkey which the apes sees as their savior so BOY is no one on his side now. And he has no way of escaping the room on his own.

Also, that pod the monkey showed up in and then Wahlberg leaves in is the only functioning spacecraft on the planet by that point. Wahlberg’s spacecraft was totally wrecked after he arrived on the planet, and the wrecked spaceship at the final battle is beyond fucked. None of the humans and apes on the planet know anything about spaceships, it took Thade a while to understand how to use a gun when he found one.

So how the fuck did Thade escape, get a functioning spacecraft, know how to fly it, conveniently enter the storm and conveniently go back further in time than Wahlberg to help apes overthrow humanity but in Wahlberg’s time apes were just normal apes so why would they be intelligent anyway, and Thade arriving wouldn’t change their evolution, I just-

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In case you’re thinking Tim Burton had some brilliant angle we hadn’t thought of, nope. Helena Bonham Carter called him out on the ending made no sense, and he was just like, “isn’t it awesome?!” Yeah, great, Burton, remake a classic film with one of the most iconic twist endings in cinematic history and give us a totally stupid and illogical ending you barely put any thought in.

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I ain't with that Marvel Superhero CGI video game bullshit. Planet of The Apes was more intelligent than any sci-fi at the time. It's only rival was 2001 Space Odyssey released the same year.

OG Make-Up with Shakespearean Classically trained acting is the only way for me. Fuckin up my favorite franchise damn dirty humans!



Gold Member
I'm not convinced yet that this series needed anything past the Caeser trilogy, as good as that was.
They still need to remake the original movie. They set up the astronauts in the first movie. They just need to crash land now.
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