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Kingdom Under Fire = New Herzog Zwei?!!


A couple of days ago my cousin asked me what kind of game Kingdom Under Fire was. Obviously the first game out of my mouth was Dynasty Warriors (but 1 player only), but then it dawned on me to say it was also a mix of Herzog Zwei! The similarities are there, you only have direct control of 1 powerful unit, however you issue orders and commands to multiple other troops to support attacks and mission objectives. Granted, there is no resource gathering (taking over bases in Herzog) to speak of...but I though the analogy was good since you still have to buy equipment, armor, and skills in between missions. Kingdom Under Fire also struck me in that it is so different feeling and fresh! Much like Herzog was (and quite frankly still is!).

So say the least, so far I'm quite pleased with how KUF turned out. I have yet to finish the first campaign, but I'm having quite a blast so far (Mission 9). Hell, I'm even enjoying the English dubbing (regardless that nearly half the lines are delivered incorrectly). It beats out trying to read the subtitles (which can be quite long) during a hectic melee. I like the writing of the dialog, something blunt about the it I like. Also, the voices do sound very fitting. It goes without saying that graphics are quite amazing and the soundtrack is good too. I haven't played it on Live yet so I don't know how that experience is...but I image it too is similar to Herzog...

Anyway, my two cents, I definitely recommend the game so far...



I wish but it doesn't look like it to me... I watched a number of videos on IGN and it doesn't look like Herzog at all.

It looks like a hack and slash type of game. I miss Herzog Zwei, thank god for emulation.


Well, a lot of what made Herzog Zwei so great was first the Multiplayer and second putting the player directing into the strategy/action via the fighter/Mech/transport. Well, KUF does much of the same thing but allows for further control and keeps the player intimitely involved in the action. The hack and slash portion of the game is to kill the enemy unit's leader quickly, essentially ignoring the others (unless you can't find the leader among the larger amount of units onscreen). It's not mindless at all as you're constantly looking for the leader characters (of which there can be several) and making sure they don't pull off any specials.

Like I said, its a very different feelings game, and so far i'm enjoying it.


I think I would like it online against my old college roommate... we still battle online against each other in other games... we loved Herzog...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I can't figure Herzog out... Couldn't then, and recently discovered that I can't now.


I remember coming home after buying the game (my brother actually bought it, but same thing) and reading the instruction book. In all honesty, I have my brother buy the game thinking it was like Thunderforce II!!! Now I'm reading the instruction book and seeing things like making units and giving them commands and going...whoa...this is neat. "Guys, in this game you can make units!" "That's cool!"

The game was great...only problem was slowdown when you and your opponent made a lot of guys... :) My bro and I would spend like 20 minutes setting up defenses and attack forces then quickly lauching them. :) It was fun.

Anyway, KUF is really cool like that...but with a Dynasty Warriors twist instead of a shooter twist. :)

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