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Kingdom Under Fire


I'm impressed. A lot of fun. It has just the right balance of action and strategy (for many of us who don't have the time to labor, micromanaging everything). Not exactly pick up and play but can still allow for short games at times, if you get lucky. :)

Best of all it's only $40.

I highly recommend this game. I've gotten through the easy and normal campaigns so far so I figure I have at least another good 10-15 hours left in it.

Graphics are well done (and the style they use are very reminiscent of a movie in many of the cut scenes). Tons of things on the screen and I haven't noticed any slowdown. The sound is decent.

The nagging issues are:
Sometimes enemy troop leaders seem invincible, swing so fast that you can hardly get a hit in.

Great game otherwise.


Are there more than four characters? I got my copy in the mail last week but haven't bothered to open it because I know I'll be busy with San Andreas all week


I just played the demo right now... it is an awesome game.

I may get it after the holidays, or whenever I have bought all the games on my list for the next couple of weeks..
I want to finish it by this coming weekend so I can see if I can get at least a $20 trade in. Besides Halo 2 will be here in a couple weeks and I have a Chemistry exam the week Halo 2 comes out. :(

BTW, does anyone know where I can find a deal on a one year subscription card for xbox live, online or anywere?
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