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Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning |OT| An Enemy-Pounding Funfest

I actually agree with most of the nitpicks, but they don't kill the game for me. I guess I'm fortunate not to be one of those guys obsessed with 100%-ing all the side quests, because that might've really made me tire out quickly. I've only been doing what seemed interesting to me, and that's made the experience all the more enjoyable as opposed to being a chore.

As one of those guys who has been saying the game's too easy even on hard, I've noticed the difficulty starting to ratchet up (I'm like 30 hours into the game now). Clearing out that dungeon for the Traveler's Faction quest outside of Moon Base got a little tricky with all the sorcerers out for my blood. It might be because I'm underleveled or haven't been updating my gear (I like to use what looks cool rather than what's more effective), that string of 3 fire blasts have been killing me outright if I didn't dodge at least one of them. That can get pretty tough when you have multiple sorcerers spamming that against you.

I think that was one of the few times I had to cheese the system by running away and trying to get them separated to face a few at a time rather than all at once.
It wasn't all Dalentarth, no. I think I am done with the plains, I have something like 110 quests completed now.
Oh okay, very nice. I was going to say, that would have been insane if you spent that much time in Dalentarth. I just finished Dalentarth and I'm off to Detyre next. How did The Plains compare to Dalentarth?

Rad Agast

Man, I am coming up on 43 hours and I have not set foot in Detyre still. I should probably do that.

I'm right behind you with 41 hours and change. I think I'll start following the main quest line for a bit now. I'm glad that I'm only at level 18 so far.


Oh okay, very nice. I was going to say, that would have been insane if you spent that much time in Dalentarth. I just finished Dalentarth and I'm off to Detyre next. How did The Plains compare to Dalentarth?

I liked it quite a bit more; the area itself is just a lot more interesting and nice to look at. Quests were better overall, especially without the starter area taking up any space or time for the zone. Plenty of interesting faction stuff happens there as well, and the main city for the zone is fuckin' awesome.
I liked it quite a bit more; the area itself is just a lot more interesting and nice to look at. Quests were better overall, especially without the starter area taking up any space or time for the zone. Plenty of interesting faction stuff happens there as well, and the main city for the zone is fuckin' awesome.
Man, that is so exciting to hear. I absolutely loved Dalentarth so I was really hoping the rest of the game held up well, and if it manages to get even better then that's just gravy.
hey guys, what exactly does this widescreen 'fix/patch' do?

My game is running @ 1080p.. so wouldn't it be widescreen? Is it for res higher than 1080p

please explain : )


To be honest, the summon is pretty pathetic, imo. It's got brick for brains AI.

Also, you put a lot of points maxing out most of the special weapon attacks...are you sure you're going to be using all them? And using them enough to warrant maxing out to get the bonus fate perks? Saving a few points here and there can get you War Cry and Relentless Assault...the two best skills on the might side, imo.

OK, I shall go back to the drawing board then. Need to figure out which speacial weapon attacks to drop.

Boss Man

I'm playing two characters at once right now. I have a pure sorcery build up around level 10, and a pure might build around 4-5. I'm really digging the change of pace since I started playing around with my hammer/longsword guy. Both builds are super fun, but I've always been a purist so I probably won't mix them into something in between. I'm having fun with both guys though, even repeating some things.

I have a question regarding skills. Besides Detect Hidden, which I don't think I would want to play without, are there any other skills that almost need to be leveled? I'm thinking I can get by with level 1 alchemy for potions right now, I'm thinking of leveling sagecraft a bit on my might build but it doesn't make sense. Would I be missing much without sagecraft? I started putting points into blacksmithing but ended up respeccing out of it. Blacksmithing is a fun skill, but if it makes loot less enjoyable I'm not sure I want to get too deep into it.

Additionally, are there any quests/locations early in the game that just can't be missed? I want to make sure I'm not missing out on something important, like
the Selkie Veil
was for a long time on my sorcery build. Basically, if you had to start the game over with pure sorcery or pure might, are there certain things that you would go and do immediately?

Oh, and how do you get into the house in
Canneroe? (sp? Spiderville)
I had come in here to ask about this, the Giantbomb guys said there was no point in blacksmithing because you can always find better stuff. I liked messing around with blacksmithing in Skyrim maybe I will try putting some points into it. I am so happy to see this game do so well, it really is a great game. I couldnt pick up my copy until the weekend, and I still put in like 20 hours. It totally has that just one more quest thing going on.

Not true at all. The Giantbomb guys don't know what they're doing half the time. Blacksmithing has provided me the best items in the game by far, even blowing away sets (yellows) and rares (blues). Max blacksmithing and get sagecrafting to third from the last level (the one that allows you to craft epic gems).

Random tip:

- ignore the Alchemy tree as it's pointless with the amount of potions you get from drops and chests, even high level potions drop all the time later on. Alchemy is only worth it for a couple points early on in the game if you're having trouble, then just respec out of it.
I liked it quite a bit more; the area itself is just a lot more interesting and nice to look at. Quests were better overall, especially without the starter area taking up any space or time for the zone. Plenty of interesting faction stuff happens there as well, and the main city for the zone is fuckin' awesome.
Yeah, I'm with you on this. Dalentarth was great, but The Plains has been hitting it off with me even more. And yeah, the Faction stuff has really picked up too...I'm currently juggling the Travelers and Warsworn quests, but I think it's probably more enjoyable to just focus one at a time. House of Ballads was amazing, so I'm hoping these two will match the quality.

On the downside, Rathnir was a bit underwhelming, especially since I was so eager to finally reach it. In fact, that was probably one of the places I was most interested seeing when I first opened up the world map. I just like the idea of ports and cities by the sea. But yeah, it's been a bit meh...and the people inside it haven't been all that interesting either.
I'm thinking of leveling sagecraft a bit on my might build but it doesn't make sense. Would I be missing much without sagecraft?
Why doesn't sagecrafting make sense for your might build? You find lots of might based armor and weapons with slots for gems so investing in sagecrafting will just help you make those items even better.

Other than sagecrafting I haven't found any skills to be all that useful. I've put a few in dispelling because I find the mini-game kind of tough at times (and some of those things curse you when you fail) and lock-picking, but neither of those is really "essential." I suppose stealth would be useful if you were a finesse build but I'm playing might/sorcery so I have no use for it.

One thing that's cool about the skills is that many of them are used in speech with NPC's. I've used dispelling a few times to help myself out through conversation, for example.

Persuasion is one that might be good if you're into that kind of thing, but I don't feel like I've missed out on much having it at a low level.

EDIT: Oh crap, I forgot about Detect Hidden! I maxed that one out first and it's been very useful (more gold than you'll ever need, all hidden objects shown on the map).
I have a question regarding skills. Besides Detect Hidden, which I don't think I would want to play without, are there any other skills that almost need to be leveled? I'm thinking I can get by with level 1 alchemy for potions right now, I'm thinking of leveling sagecraft a bit on my might build but it doesn't make sense. Would I be missing much without sagecraft?

Yes you would be missing out a lot, assuming you want to craft items with blacksmithing or socket items that come with open sockets. These imo are the must max skills:

- Blacksmithing
- Sagecrafting (to the third from last level)
- Detect hidden (get to the "see treasures on map" level early on, then max it after you've finished blacksmithing and sagecrafting)


OK, I shall go back to the drawing board then. Need to figure out which speacial weapon attacks to drop.

Personally I think the Faer Gorta is pretty awesome. Sure he's not a genius (his brain no longer being present and whatnot) but when upgraded he actually does fair damage and consistently interrupts/staggers his target. I play full Sorcery and don't have a lot of HP, so I find him especially useful for taking enemy attention away from me. Also, the siphon life is nice if you don't want to bother with potions. Again I don't have a lot of HP being a mage, but his heal is like 35% of my life bar at level 30 and since it's maxed with +2 over it's like a 90-100% chance per swing (of his 9 or something hit combo).

One thing to keep in mind is that you can get some +Ability bonuses; for the weapon combo abilities, you can't go over cap like you can on other abilities (which cap at +2 over their natural limit), so 1 point is probably sufficient in all combos if you can get the other +2 from items.
I have a question regarding skills. Besides Detect Hidden, which I don't think I would want to play without, are there any other skills that almost need to be leveled? I'm thinking I can get by with level 1 alchemy for potions right now, I'm thinking of leveling sagecraft a bit on my might build but it doesn't make sense. Would I be missing much without sagecraft? I started putting points into blacksmithing but ended up respeccing out of it. Blacksmithing is a fun skill, but if it makes loot less enjoyable I'm not sure I want to get too deep into it.
If you're a min/maxer, then you'll definitely want to invest a lot of points into blacksmithing and sagecraft. It's not really necessary for the game though, since the loot you find is generally good enough to get the job done with ease.

If I had to pick one, I'd go with sagecrafting to tack on a few gems to your weapon/armor slots. Blacksmithing does get you better gear than what you'd find, but like I said, it's hardly necessary.

Personally, I say focus on Detect Hidden first and foremost, then maybe Persuasion to get more out of the story/dialogue. If I had a lot of skill points to invest, I'd probably up dispelling too, since those minigames are such a pain.


Since I accidentally deleted my Might/Finesse file, I guess I'll restart it and go Bow first from the start. Dalentarth is so boring compared to the later parts of the game, though. Might just rush through it ...

As one of those guys who has been saying the game's too easy even on hard, I've noticed the difficulty starting to ratchet up (I'm like 30 hours into the game now).

See, I was pretty serious about later parts of the game actually being a bit hard. Mostly due to casters joining the fray in higher numbers but still.

OK, I shall go back to the drawing board then. Need to figure out which speacial weapon attacks to drop.

Don't need to drop any of them, really. Just no need to max them. Something like this: http://amalurfoundry.com/calculator...000000000000000000&20061605503552005510550000

Quake/Aftershock can be swapped for Adrenaline Surge/Power Strike. Just a quick Might/Sorcery build thrown at the wall, more or less. All the Elemental damage skills are picked up for their passives to boost Elemental Rage.


ignore the Alchemy tree as it's pointless with the amount of potions you get from drops and chests, even high level potions drop all the time later on. Alchemy is only worth it for a couple points early on in the game if you're having trouble, then just respec out of it.


Alchemy is more effort but way more powerful than Blacksmithing. If you want to be powerful, take Alchemy first. It's basically a never ending stream of health/mana potions, -50% damage taken, unbelievable damage stacking, instant on-demand Reckonings, and consumable skill points for passing skill checks.


OUCH. Sorry to hear that, man. :(

Cleared out my backup save of it (to reduce clutter) and then went to check something on my Finesse/Sorcery file. Reflexed the save and ... :| Need a Save editor so I can just fix some things on my Finesse/Sorcery backup files! Or figure out a way to recover those deleted backups but I had no luck on that last night.

Thankfully it was a second character and not my first time through the game but, still, about 10 hours down the drain. Mostly just some annoying fights in the early game on a no Potion run (The Widow with 20 HP was silly for a pure melee build)

Oh well. Maybe I'll go for a change of pace and pure Sorcery it or something and save Might/Finesse for hopefully a difficulty bump patch...


About the Giantbomb comment on Blacksmithing:

"Why go grocery shopping when there are so many good restaurants?" It is pointless to prepare your own food... or is it?

It is a matter of preferences. In a game this big, a player may not find a specific weapon at "Dungeon A" in region "B" in his first play-through. He may come across a few of them but decide he wants to craft his own. The fact that there is an option to do so is great.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Reckoning has been a bit of a revelation for me, I went in expecting little, and have been delivered a 4-foot Sub with all the trimmings. Extremely gamey mechanics such as total respeccing of a character normally make me face-palm, but in the context of 'fate', and being the fateless one.. it all makes sense, and the game totallly benefits from it.

I've never looked forward to re-speccing a character like I have in Reckoning. It's exciting to try out new skil trees and abilities, and the destiny system works brilliantly to incentivize making a build that you want to play.

Now, back to imitating Scorpion and Thor in one swift motion.. "Come Here!", *Thump*.


^ Yeah Chakrams are amazing. Scepters suck though, they look so puny :/

Stupid question but what does mastercrafting exactly means?


For what it's worth regarding crafting, Unique drops are better than what you can craft from a numbers perspective. The problem is that their bonuses aren't as tailored for your build. Typically.

@Chakrams: I actually preferred Daggers/Faeblades in my Finesse/Sorcery build. Lunge kind of negated the whole distance thing and it guarantees a stagger vs (regular) casters. Chakrams are still totally awesome though and just look so sleek in action.


I dunno about you guys but I love the Chakrams.

me too. i'm using the
dragon eyes
. they are powerful for me at the level i'm at right now (16)

i'm spreading myself between finesse and sorcery. i think maybe i'll start to invest later on might (i think that in the end i won't, because it won't really help on later phases)


me too. i'm using the
dragon eyes
. they are powerful for me at the level i'm at right now (16)

i'm spreading myself between finesse and sorcery. i think maybe i'll start to invest later on might (i think that in the end i won't, because it won't really help on later phases)
I was using those but I was randomly browsing a store and they had a set called Sylvian and their stat is 112 dmg with two utility sockets. i am totally destroying. :D
Where do I start The House of Ballards? Have played for 25 hours and not sure where this can be started. Also for the life of me can't find any more backpacks. I've found one. So after 25 hours I have only added 10 slots to cary stuff? WTF!
I fully intend on going the first playthrough pure mage, but I have to say I'm awfully tempted to do a Might and Finesse run as well. Can't decide which to do next. Might sounds awfully fun as a power tank (war cry makes everyone brittle, relentless assault negates all those pesky interruptions) and seems like a completely different experience from my current mage playstyle. Finesse has the bow which really appeals to me too. Hmm...

Chakrams + hammers is the combination of gods.
For all you Might specialists out there...greatsword or hammer? I've only had very brief experience with them at the beginning when I was still testing the waters. To me, greatswords look cooler, but hammer felt better somehow. Curious what you guys have to say about the two.


Where do I start The House of Ballards? Have played for 25 hours and not sure where this can be started. Also for the life of me can't find any more backpacks. I've found one. So after 25 hours I have only added 10 slots to cary stuff? WTF!
go to House of Ballads area north of Goharth. and talk to the guy in front of the crowd.
Where do I start The House of Ballards? Have played for 25 hours and not sure where this can be started. Also for the life of me can't find any more backpacks. I've found one. So after 25 hours I have only added 10 slots to cary stuff? WTF!

It started right at the start of your game if you help the injured Fae. That leads you directly to the House of Ballads.


I have to agree that finding bags in merchants to increase inventory is a pain. only found a few merchants that sold them. i'm at 90 slots and it's still not enough. currently lvl 20 and 20+ hours in.
For all you Might specialists out there...greatsword or hammer? I've only had very brief experience with them at the beginning when I was still testing the waters. To me, greatswords look cooler, but hammer felt better somehow. Curious what you guys have to say about the two.
I love both of them and they both feel great to me. The thing is, I can't ever find greatswords that compete with my current hammer in terms of damage output so I haven't been able to use them in forever.


Haha sorry maybe I'm confused by all the factions, quests & tasks. I did the Warsworn missions. Same?

No, Warsworn is completely different. The House of Ballads is the Fae faction. One of the early quests tells you to go there (the Injured Fae unless you
choose to cover it up
). The House is in one of the starting areas up in the northwest corner.

I have to agree that finding bags in merchants to increase inventory is a pain. only found a few merchants that sold them. i'm at 90 slots and it's still not enough. currently lvl 20 and 20+ hours in.

As far as I know, there's only
five of them
in total:
Gorhart, Ysa, Rathir, Adessa, Mel Senshir

For all you Might specialists out there...greatsword or hammer? I've only had very brief experience with them at the beginning when I was still testing the waters. To me, greatswords look cooler, but hammer felt better somehow. Curious what you guys have to say about the two.

Biggest "problem" with Greatswords is the, personally, terrible attack from Dodge :(


Sorry if asked/old but I did a quick search and couldn't find anything.....

Spoilers below:

Is it possible to skip all of
. I don't have a ton of free time and doing the story based quests is really all that I have time for....


Sorry if asked/old but I did a quick search and couldn't find anything.....

Spoilers below:

Is it possible to skip all of
. I don't have a ton of free time and doing the story based quests is really all that I have time for....

If you're really in that much of a rush, you can do just the Main Quest ... quests; they're marked in their own tab in your Quest Log and Quest NPC dialogue involving the Main Quest will have it's own marking on the lower-right denoting that it's part of the Main Quest. Everything else is basically extraneous.
Sorry if asked/old but I did a quick search and couldn't find anything.....

Spoilers below:

Is it possible to skip all of
. I don't have a ton of free time and doing the story based quests is really all that I have time for....

No. The main quest goes through Webwood (Ettinmere).
No, Warsworn is completely different. The House of Ballads is the Fae faction. One of the early quests tells you to go there (the Injured Fae unless you
choose to cover it up
). The House is in one of the starting areas up in the northwest corner.

It was so long ago but yeah
I saved her and you know I remember going up there talking to that guy on the bridge and calling it a night.
I'm guessing I loaded up my quicksave the next day by accident and never went back there. Whoops!
Biggest "problem" with Greatswords is the, personally, terrible attack from Dodge :(
Out of curiosity, what's terrible about the dodge attack? That's the leaping ground pound one, right? I forgot what the hammer special attacks were...there's that kick one, I remember.
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