Is there seriously nobody else playing this!? It looks fun as hell for a Free PS+ game, I'm downloading it right now
The devs dying and the game being overpriced on steam for ages because EA are fucktards hasn't helped.
BummerWell I'm hyped to check it out
And did the devs actually die or just give up?
Is there seriously nobody else playing this!? It looks fun as hell for a Free PS+ game, I'm downloading it right now
I was playing it. I was 60+ hours in until a specific storyline quest glitch reared its ugly head in my game. Reverting to an earlier save file with 5 hours less playing time didn't help. I got to the point where I was on my latest save, did what people suggested to avoid the bug, but it didn't work. I loathe to play the game again after that crap. It's a shame because I enjoyed amalur a bunch.
Me too, haha. It's easy and the world is kinda bland, yet I keep coming back for more. Combat and looting is just addictive I guess. Plus I get to hear tons of Templeman. <3Right? I'm actually enjoying it like, more than I thought I would.
Yeah it is. I love love love that you can easily reset all your points and try different builds out. They're all surprisingly fun, though I'm partial to finesse/daggers.
Oh yes. I started on Normal, then immediately put it to Hard when I saw I was never in danger. Even on Hard it's trivial for the most part, I can't imagine how brain-dead combat must be on Normal. Do it ASAP.I'm playing on Normal - is it worth dialling that up to Hard?
That is a good idea.I've read lots of comments that it gets repetitive and drags on far too long, so I'm really intending to only play the main story and not do a huge amount of side missions.
So I played through the game in its entirety after losing my 60+ hour save due to a game breaking main quest bug. It was as fun as my first time through it. I love the rogue combat class and the combat system despite it being way too easy even on the highest difficulty level. The story while somewhat dull and a lot of dungeons looking the same, Amalur is one of my top 10 games of all time due to the simple reasoning that I enjoyed it so damned much. Sure it has its flaws, and I recognize that they exist. It's the overall highly enjoyable experience and never wanting to stop playing are the primary factors as to why it's in my all time top 10.
It is a shame we may never see an Amalur 2. It is, at least in my eyes, a game that definitely deserves a sequel made by the same people who made the first. If I was super rich guy, I would buy the rights to all things Amalur, hire the exact same people who worked on the first one, and fund every stage of it with every penny I could spare. I would not care if it was a financial success or not. I would be doing it for the sole reason of wanting a second Amalur game.
I've recently returned to this game after almost a year away. Still love it. I'm doing a terrible job of just concentrating on the main storyline though - I love exploring the environment, and always get distracted taking on enemies or chasing treasure on the map. Just reached some huge city over to the North-East of the map that has a massive tower with another half-tower attached to it, and although that's a poor way to describe it, it looks cool as heck.
Anyway, I'm about 17 hours in now I think, and am currently running around the map doing side quests and discovering shit. Love this game so much.