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Kittens! (56k warning)

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My friends slutty cat got out again and got knocked up for the second time but its all good because kittys are awesome. I don't know what type they are. All I know is that they were born on the 25th of june








ZombieSupaStar said:
jesus h chrsit dont clean the damn sheets or anything

I know i said that to em too. Its disgusting, and thats a drawer underneath his bed to top it off. I won't be surprised if they are blind now with him taking pictures with the flash on from so close up


Ronald_mcd said:
I know i said that to em too. Its disgusting, and thats a drawer underneath his bed to top it off. I won't be surprised if they are blind now with him taking pictures with the flash on from so close up

I was about to say, what's the stuff around their eyes? Well, in some of the pics...
Back in my old neighborhood, this gray cat used to give birth in either my neighbors or my yard all the time. I don't even remember how many litters of kittens she gave birth to. I swear it was like once a year, sometimes two. My neighbor wanted to call animal control but his wife told him to just let the cat be since she wasn't bothering anyone. That was true, except that if the cat saw you outside, she would walk towards you, meow, turn around so her behind is towards you and lift up her tail.

One time she was giving birth in my neighbor’s garden shed and one of the kittens only came out half way, so they had to call a vet over. He pulled the kitten out but it was already dead. The mother was fine though.
Here is an evolution of my cat in pictures. I didn't actually take pictures of him when we first got him, so he is a bit older in the first pic:






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