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Knack |OT| Playin' Knack in my Tub!

Really really loving this game. I didn't expect to like it at all after reading the reviews. I have no idea how this game got 5s and 6s...
The reviews made it sound like this type of game was just garbage that wasn't worthy of the PS4. It was more a review of the style and not the actual game.
I came into this game with pretty low expectations after the reviews, to the point where I considered returning it.

Glad I didn't. It's not GOTY by any means but I've been having fun with it so far.


just finished 3-3.

i'm enjoying myself if only for the soft yet vibrant colors and crisp visuals.

these checkpoints though, i said damn. on normal and it's sometimes annoying dying.


Dos anyone know how to play co-op? Trying to connect as a second player with my Vita, which I'm assuming should be in second screen mode, but it doesn't connect. We're still in the lab at the beginning of the game. Does it have to be set to Easy?

EDIT: Player one has to be connected via remote play.
Good game so far. Really enjoying Dark Souls Lite vibe. Reviews seem like they were rushing through the game and expecting Mario
Also graphics are sick. This is the first time in a long time that I'm sitting closer to the TV to really notice the benefits of 1080p.
I got a copy of Knack today which will remain sealed until the next shipment of PlayStation 4s come which will be purchased in part by me.
Admittedly I'm only at 2-4 right now so I may be missing some mechanics, but it's boggling my mind how they can take character concepts that could lead to all sorts of creative gameplay uses, and then go and make the most generic platformer possible.

You'd think that there'd be points where I'd have to make a decision (do I reduce my size so I can go down this passage and get some treasure and face giant enemies later? or do I take the easy road and keep my size the same?), but it seems that you just "get bigger" when the game tells you to, "get smaller" when the game tells you to, and the gameplay remains the same regardless. Does it ever open up?

Like, I guess I'm having fun, but it does seem like a solid 6 or 7 so far. Not bad, but not great.


So on Knack and edges I see what appears to be compression artifacts during cut scenes only. (Similar to JPG compression high values to low values causing ringing from the sine integral.)
So, I've been playing in 1080i this whole time. My PS4 doesn't want to change to anything other than Automatic display resolution unless I go into safe mode and then it will be in 480p.

Older TV, but PS3 and 360 haven't had an issue with this. I'll try another 1080p display and hopefully the artifacts will be lessened, but I'm pretty sure it's still prerendered.

Edit: Yep, my old westinghouse 37" tv doesn't want to be 1080p, but I have a smaller 1080p tv that it's fine with. (Still see the compression artifacts though.)


I'm ahead of everyone on my friends list playing the game. I don't get the option of taking my friends better artifacts anymore:(

I hope you enjoy my stuff slowpoke friends *shakes fist*
Playing hard mode now, up to Ch 8. Even if you're good at action games it's pretty boring and repetitive. Way too much slowdown on the first boss fight and most of the giant knack sections of Ch 7.

Game seems to be dragging on without introducing any new mechanics or features. It makes God of War look like an in depth and complex action brawler. 5-6/10 is appropriate imo.


Really small sample size, but I finished the "tutorial" I guess it was and really enjoyed it.

The reviews make no sense!


Neo Member
It's nice to hear all of these positive impressions of Knack, especially those that say it feels like an Playstation 1 platformer. Sometimes I think be we judge a game subjectively, we need to consider the creator's intention and judge the game on how well the creator fulfilled his vision. Of course, there will be things that we would wish were included, but anything missing shouldn't kill the score of a game.

Personally, I feel we need to look back and remember what made games of the PS1 and PS2 era great and fun and take notes. There are too many blockbuster games now forcing more sequels. When we need more mid-tier games that will give us more new IPs.
I like the game. I just really wish they could have included a little more on the combat side. I mean would a heavy attack really have made it too complicated for the targeted younger audience?
It's so hilarious how brutal the game is on Hard mode. The art style is simple and colorful and inviting, and the enemies are kind of goofy, but one good hit and your ass is blasted into a hundred pieces. Encounters with a decent number of enemies are terrifying in the best possible way. The game is incredibly simple so it all comes down to skill instead of learning complex systems.

Still loving the complete absence of bullshit cinematic AAA forced walk sections and every cutscene being instantly skippable with no load times.

I think this is a damn fine game honestly. Solid 7-8/10, may get slightly better or worse as I progress Wish it ran a bit better though.
God damn hard mode is fucking me UP. I remember reading previews about how easy this game was, even on hard mode, and I don't know what they were smoking. These little cartoon goblins and Shrek looking dudes keep one shotting me.

The Lamp

Yeah, I'm in the "this game gets some unnecessary hate" camp. Simple dumb fun.

I'm convinced even further that reviewers have no idea what they're talking about, pretty much always.

GAFers are the only people whose opinions I care about because they play through the whole game without being paid to rush or write something about it.
It's so hilarious how brutal the game is on Hard mode. The art style is simple and colorful and inviting, and the enemies are kind of goofy, but one good hit and your ass is blasted into a hundred pieces. Encounters with a decent number of enemies are terrifying in the best possible way. The game is incredibly simple so it all comes down to skill instead of learning complex systems.
Uhh complex systems? There's like 3 buttons during combat. If you run into an above average difficulty fight just insta-win with a superpower move. Pretty much any God of War on the hardest difficulty is tougher than this game, with more depth and variety too. It wore its welcome out quickly for me. How much longer is it past Ch 8 anyway?

It's pretty easy/boring/repetitive even on Hard if you have a decent amount of skill with action games.


Just finished the game. I stand by my earlier assessment that this is a good game, if not exceptionally good compared to other launch games historically.

It's definitely not a 6, at least in metacritic/mainstream video game reviews. A 6 is what they give a broken piece of shit.


Uhh complex systems? There's like 3 buttons during combat. If you run into an above average difficulty fight just insta-win with a superpower move. Pretty much any God of War on the hardest difficulty is tougher than this game, with more depth and variety too. It wore its welcome out quickly for me. How much longer is it past Ch 8 anyway?

It's pretty easy/boring/repetitive even on Hard if you have a decent amount of skill with action games.

Number of chapters

Also, some reviewers thought it was clunky. Does anyone actually think that? I feel it always my fault when I die, and largely preventable (except for maybe the first time you see a new enemy). I didn't think it was clunky AT ALL.
Nope not clunky. Although the first boss fight and most of ch 7 have so much slowdown that those parts feel sluggish. The controls and most hitboxes are fine, but it feels so shallow.

Not saying it's a bad game but I feel a 5-6/10 is appropriate.
Just beat the game! Stick around during the credits (no extra scene or anything, but a cute and funny sequence).

Easily a 7.5 for me. Knack 2 is pretty high up on my wish list now.
Uhh complex systems? There's like 3 buttons during combat. If you run into an above average difficulty fight just insta-win with a superpower move. Pretty much any God of War on the hardest difficulty is tougher than this game, with more depth and variety too. It wore its welcome out quickly for me. How much longer is it past Ch 8 anyway?

It's pretty easy/boring/repetitive even on Hard if you have a decent amount of skill with action games.

I meant that Knack was simple and lacks complicated systems.

I've platinum'd every God of War game and find myself having a harder time with Knack. It's way more punishing and it feels like checkpoints and health refills are sparser. Maybe the difficulty evens out after chapter 4 but I've hit some rough sections already. The chapter 2 fight against the four orcs that can one-shot you in the smallish arena was pretty surprising and difficult for me.


Posted this in the review thread thought I'd post it here:

Played this game till somewhere in chapter 5. Its not bad, once again gonna say rev3 review was pretty spot on.

I think I know why this game turned off so many people and just seemed lame, its because of the music. The music sucks, its so boring, it sounds like it wants to put you to sleep. On top of that its missing that wit and good / funny characters these games need. Like crash and the brain villain from those games. Or daxter. Knack didn't get a proper personality and all the supporting characters a just lame, even the villain is not interesting. That's what really hurts the game. It seems like it takes it self seriously for some reason.

I also have an issue with the enemy encounters. They are (so far) set up in a very predictable and repetitive way. Its fun to fight all the different types of enemies and there is actual challenge but the pacing is very monotonous.

there is a really great game in here somewhere, maybe for a sequel but this first try is an ok game


Played up to 9-3 tonight. Yeah it's repetitive but I actually like the combat and the character enough to overcome that.
finished the chapter 3 boss earlier and I'm totally in love with this game. it's also hard as fuck on normal, in a good way. great for remote play as well.

basically reviewers and the internet hivemind declaring this game shit before even playing it are idiots as usual
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