bishoptl said:Christmas literally cannot get here fast enough for my tastes. It feels like they're building up to a WWE-style PPV!
Time to cut some more promos, Shaq!
Pfft, more like WWF style. No WWE PPV has had this type of hype :lol
bishoptl said:Christmas literally cannot get here fast enough for my tastes. It feels like they're building up to a WWE-style PPV!
Time to cut some more promos, Shaq!
What are the odds that Kobe and Shaq get into a fight on Christmas day?
Ripclawe said:If Miami signs Charles Oakley to a 12 day contract a couple of days before the game. KOBE IS TOAST!
Musashi Wins! said:Screw fighting. Can't wait for Kobe to take it to the lane this season. He's a total POS.
:lolcalder said:I know nothing about your 'basket ball'
bionic77 said:He wasn't casually talking to them on duty about this. They were illegally questionin him in his hotel room in the middle of the night. He was a retard for not getting his lawyer there (even though the copys never told him of that right, which is blatantly illegal), but a lot of smart people have made this mistake before. The cops will act like they are your friend and then use everything you say against you, sound familiar? That is why you are required to tell someone of their right to a lawyer. Unquestionably stupid, but remember this information wasn't leaked by Kobe, in fact his lawyers were trying hard to keep the shit about the other girl and obviously this under wraps. It is the media and the prosecution that want this info out there (probably to help submarine the Girl's civil case against Kobe, the embarssing info was one of the few bargaining chips they had, with all this coming out they lose that chip).
ShadowRed said:Where the fuck did you get your law degree from, watching Law and Order? The cops can go up to anyone and ask them anything without telling them they can have a lawyer. Only after the individual becomes a formal suspect or that they have enough evidence to get a warrent or make an arrest are they obligated to tell you your rights. A cop can walk up to you and act as nice as they fucking want, pretend to be a long lost relative, ask you if you killed Jack fucking Kennedy, and if your ass is dumb enough to say yes, then you need to go to jail. Shit even Konex won't defend Kobe. This is like fucking Jesus telling people God was wrong on that stone ass the gays comment he made in the Bible.
bionic77 said:It has been a while since I took Crim Pro, but I thought that the standard was whether or not you think you are in custody. And at that point you need to have your Miranda read to you? Am I wrong about the standard here?
bionic77 said:It has been a while since I took Crim Pro, but I thought that the standard was whether or not you think you are in custody. And at that point you need to have your Miranda read to you? Am I wrong about the standard here?
DarienA said:Depends if you are talking about admissable in court? I believe so. Miranda must be read when you are officially taken in to custody... note I said officially.
levious said:why the hell would you sell your Crim Pro book... it's like you never took the course now, no one is expected to retain all that shit, you need the book for reference. The only thing you retain is analytical skills.
Hope you got more then 20 dollars for that 100 dollar casebook.
bionic77 said:some sports radio guy said that Kobe apparently got divorced as well.
Lil' Dice said:Kobe is a bitch, if he were a regular man off the streets he's be laying in a ditch off the 405 with a bullet in his head.
DMczaf said:Hey, don't try to pull a Kobe on us. Take the heat Kobe fans, dont put it on us![]()
bionic77 said:Shaq's respose to Kobe:
"I am not the one buying love, he is the one buying love."
bionic77 said:Bullshit, Shaq might come out swinging but no one else is going to do anything over this when the season comes around.
What are the odds that Kobe and Shaq get into a fight on Christmas day?
You see someone like Ray Lewis, who was willing to go to jail for not implicating his friends in anyway in a murder rap, and almost went down for murder himself as a result. While the middle aged, whitewashed media with their relatively safe upbringing sees this as evidence of Lewis being a bad apple, people that actually live in the real world gained HUGE respect for him because he didn't betray his friends willingly and acted like a MAN. It really isn't complicated, and the fact that anyone can defend this shows that some people are simply out of touch with reality.
And if you're gonna tell me that you wouldn't do everything in your power to keep a family member you know out of jail even though you knew they probably did something, then I'd say there's something wrong with you. Blood comes first in my eyes.
Shinobi said:*The preceding has been a paid political message from the Republican Party.*
Shinobi said:Either way, this game is going to draw the biggest ratings for the NBA since the '98 finals.
Anyway, there's simply no defense of Kobe here...snitching on a guy in a situation that has NOTHING to do with him (regardless of the accusation being false or true) is about as bitch a move as you can make. And you wonder why people keep talking about Kobe's lack of street cred. As Lil' Dice said, if he'd made this move as a regular joe on the street he would be DEAD. No questions asked. You see someone like Ray Lewis, who was willing to go to jail for not implicating his friends in anyway in a murder rap, and almost went down for murder himself as a result. While the middle aged, whitewashed media with their relatively safe upbringing sees this as evidence of Lewis being a bad apple, people that actually live in the real world gained HUGE respect for him because he didn't betray his friends willingly and acted like a MAN. It really isn't complicated, and the fact that anyone can defend this shows that some people are simply out of touch with reality.
Kobe will forever be known as a bitch...not for cheating on his wife, not for being accussed of rape, but for diming out someone in a situation that had nothing to do with him. Too bad for him.
bionic77 said:It has been a while since I took Crim Pro, but I thought that the standard was whether or not you think you are in custody. And at that point you need to have your Miranda read to you? Am I wrong about the standard here?
Loki said:Sounds like you should be studying instead of prolifically posting. Remember-- if you don't pass the Bar, it was likely Kobe's fault.![]()
bionic77 said::lol
It is my 3rd year, all I care about right now is getting a job and my client for clinic. Plus, thanks to Kobe I get to review all sorts of criminal laws that i had forgotten! Rape, custodial interrogation, now what did you ever learn from watching Jordan?![]()
DarienA said:I know for a fact that Shaq has pay'd out women... but not with money with threats... "you rat me out and you'll be forced to watch Kazaam and Steel...over and over and over... and in between you're intermissions will be filled with the soothing music of my rap albums... ya been warned b*tch."
bionic77 said:Now remember it has been awhile since I took Crim Pro, but I believe the test is something like "when a reasonable person would not think they are free to leave", at that point you are considered to be in custody and the police are supposed to give you your Miranda rights.
It is of course totally debateable whether or not that was the case.
Shinobi said:When you're willing to put your balls on the line to fry for your friends (a hard thing to do) instead of simply giving up anything you know about anyone just to save your ass (which is the easy thing to do), you gain respect. Not for doing the right thing...but for doing the hard thing.
And if you're gonna tell me that you wouldn't do everything in your power to keep a family member you know out of jail even though you knew they probably did something, then I'd say there's something wrong with you. Blood comes first in my eyes.
Nerevar said:Hell, I knew they didnt' have to read him Miranda in the first place. When police investigate a complaint, they are not taking a person into custody. At any point Kobe has the right to say "I'm not going to say any more, so either arrest me or leave." Just because a person doesn't know their rights doesn't mean the police have to change their investigation.
levious said:they are an excellent starting point, giving you the leading cases on a particular issue along with reference to leading commentary on the issue. It saves you the ridiculous amount of money Lexis/Westlaw charge per month for what amounts to the same service. From there, any local law library will provide adequate resources for further research.
levious said:Thing is, you can't count on having those resources at you fingertips throughout your career. Not all firms pony up for online research, and most only pay the minimum (federal case searches only). Even more suckage, not all firms have much of an in office library. I just think, if you're gonna be a lawyer for 30 plus years, never get rid of resources.
Plus, who's gonna hire you when I got more books behind MY desk?
O'Neal, in an expletive-laced response, said he apparently is more important to Bryant than Bryant is to him.
"He (messed) up in Colorado doing what he did, and what's the first name that comes out of his mouth? My name," O'Neal said Thursday. "That should tell you I'm important to this cat.
"A lot of people ask me, 'What do you think about him?' This dude's a clown. He's a... clown. You're out there (messing) up and you're saying, 'He did it.' He did what? You don't even know me. I promise you we never hung out. We were never in any clubs together. He never did nothing with the team. I don't even know this kid. But I knew he was a weirdo."O'Neal said Bryant's recent troubles revealed the man behind the image.
"There's fairy-tale life and there's real life," O'Neal said. "He just showed his colors in real life."
O'Neal, who often refers to himself as Diesel, at one time considered himself a mentor to Bryant, who entered the NBA directly from high school.
"But he's a... child.... Just like I told (ESPN), he's the only one buying love right now, the (stuff) he has to do to get out of a jam. Diesel don't do that."
O'Neal, in describing Bryant "buying love," was referring to the $4 million diamond ring Bryant bought for his wife after being charged with sexual assault.
Cloudy said:Can't wait to see Shaq and the Heat destroyed on Christmas day....
Ninja Scooter said:all Kobe has to do is say the word. I'll take care of Shaquille.
DMczaf said:No dont do it!
Ripclawe said:"A lot of people ask me, 'What do you think about him?' This dude's a clown. He's a... clown. You're out there (messing) up and you're saying, 'He did it.' He did what? You don't even know me. I promise you we never hung out. We were never in any clubs together. He never did nothing with the team. I don't even know this kid. But I knew he was a weirdo."O'Neal said Bryant's recent troubles revealed the man behind the image.
"There's fairy-tale life and there's real life," O'Neal said. "He just showed his colors in real life."
"Kobe has other issues he has to deal with. This had nothing to do with me or the basketball game played on Friday evening."