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Koch donor network will give GOP $400M for 2018 *only if* ACA is repealed+tax reforms


If you are wondering why the Republicans continue to attempt to enforce policies (recently with the disastrous Graham Cassidy bill) that repeal the ACA and making tax 'reforms' that benefit the rich, here's one reason why:

At a weekend donor retreat attended by at least 18 elected officials, the Koch brothers warned that time is running out to push their agenda, most notably healthcare and tax reform, through Congress.

One Texas-based donor warned Republican lawmakers that his ”Dallas piggy bank" was now closed, until he saw legislative progress.

”Get Obamacare repealed and replaced, get tax reform passed," said Doug Deason. ”Get it done and we'll open it back up."

Nonetheless, Koch officials said that the network's midterm budget for policy and politics is between $300m and $400m.

There is urgency," said Tim Phillips, who leads Koch network's political arm, Americans for Prosperity, at the industrialist brothers' retreat in Colorado Springs. ”We believe we have a window of about 12 months to get as much of it accomplished as possible before the 2018 elections grind policy to a halt."

The window for action may be even smaller, some Koch allies warned at the weekend retreat that drew roughly 400 participants to the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The price for admission for most was a pledge to give at least $100,000 this year to the Kochs' broad policy and political network.

There were also at least 18 elected officials on hand. Some hosted private policy discussions with donors while others simply mingled.

In between meetings, Dave Brat, a Virginia Republican representative, predicted dire consequences in next year's midterm elections should his party fail to deliver on its repeated promises.

”If we don't get healthcare, none of us are coming back," he said in a brief interview. ”We said for seven years you're gonna repeal Obamacare. It's nowhere near repealed."



Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If your one of those people who say "money in politics" doesn't affect politicians, your looking at proof right here to the detriment of America and the world.


Putting money over the lives of tens of millions of Americans. Sounds about right for Republicans.

Anyone who passes healthcare reform for donor cash is scum.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The fact it can be so openly discussed and be seen as fine by every mainstream news organisation is the worst part about it all.

Everyone gets paid by their donors in Washington. Democrats, Republicans. Clinton said it herself, everyone gets paid by special interests, that's how the US government is currently run.

The media rubs arms with establishment types like this all the time, hence why the hosts in TV are fine toeing the line their corporate handlers stake out in regards to coverage and topics that they don't attack, and narratives they use. Its a well oiled machine at this point designed to keep people disarmed about what is happening around them.

Citizens united says hi

This was happening long before citizens united, all that did was say you can spend as much money as you want on political ads through any sort of PAC affiliation.


Imagine being that rich and still going out of your way to fuck over everyone less fortunate. Oh and they probably act like they're good christians too, donating what they earn every minute to church and all.


Like, at some point we're going to have to realize it is morally acceptable to kill rich people like the Kocks and redistribute their wealth. Hopefully that point isn't after they've killed as many people as possible through legislation.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
But Soros is the boogeyman, lol.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Everyone gets paid by their donors in Washington. Democrats, Republicans. Clinton said it herself, everyone gets paid by special interests, that's how the US government is currently run.

The media rubs arms with establishment types like this all the time, hence why the hosts in TV are fine toeing the line their corporate handlers stake out in regards to coverage and topics that they don't attack, and narratives they use. Its a well oiled machine at this point designed to keep people disarmed about what is happening around them.

You can't compare $2400 donations from people who work on wall street to this. It's disingenuous.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Are you suggesting that Democrats are free from big money / corporation influencing their behaviors?

There is a dramatic difference at the minimum.

You are welcome to find some giant super pacs with influence over Democrats.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
You can't compare $2400 donations from people who work on wall street to this. It's disingenuous.

No, we're talking about revolving door pay to play, that large institutions give to people of interest as payment in regards to playing ball. There is nothing more that correlates directly to this than that.

It doesn't matter if its the koch brothers trying to destroy healthcare for millions of people for their friends in the health insurance lobby, or lobbyists from tyson foods couching politicians on weaker food regulations, or lobbyists from gas and oil companies directly influencing the Minerals Management Service's oversight on policy which was one reason for the Deepwater horizon spill.

It can be as simple as a paid speech to a person aiming to be in a position of power, or a payment to someone out of power as a golden parachute for playing ball while in power

Whenever money is concerned, it always goes back to the same issue. And its dangerous to say otherwise. In regards to money, Democrats can be and have been influenced many times just as much as the GOP has been by this. Its a non partisan issue with how broken our political system is.


There is a dramatic difference at the minimum.

You are welcome to find some giant super pacs with influence over Democrats.
Well your conclusion would be even worse namely that democrats are so economically rightwing out of their own merit lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Democrats do it too. Booker with pharmaceutical companies, Obama with Wall Street, etc,

What wall street super pacs donated to Obama?

I'm not familiar enough with Booker to say if Superpacs donated to his campaign or not.

Edit: When I say donated too, I mean ran ads in favor of.

Well your conclusion would be even worse namely that democrats are so economically rightwing out of their own merit lol

So no examples then?

Just boogie men in your imagination so you can play both sides politics?


That makes it much better I guess?

lol no, just pointing out that this isn't exclusive to the GOP as what your post seemed to suggest. There is a structural or systematic fault in the politics of the US, as it shows in how money influence politics aka corruption.


Die you old fuckers.. Seriously why do they care. 77 and 81 and rich as fuck. Their children's children will never want for anything, and yet they want more.


Open bribery. But it's okay and every party should only be so lucky, because it's not illegal or something.


I mean shit how much more quid pro quo do you want? Legalised bribery on full display.

The fact that quid pro quo must be proven for people to believe bribery is happening and not just normal practices of this democracy represents a sad state of affairs.

This open bribery can happen, because people are okay with the rest of the blood money being distributed.

This is only more egregious because of how openly it is reported as some kind of call to action. Like William Randolph Hearst buying a war.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
There is a dramatic difference at the minimum.

You are welcome to find some giant super pacs with influence over Democrats.

You being serious right now?


The problem is, as long as powerful interests like the Kochs can pull strings to get what they want to any degree, it doesn't matter what party is in power if the politicians in question are open to playing that game. I wish people would stop with this hypocritical "playing for a team" BS and acknowledge the problem we face that is bigger than partisan politics, bigger than any individual politician or party.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You being serious right now?


The problem is, as long as these guys can pull strings to get what they want to any degree, it doesn't matter what party is in power if the politicians in question are open to playing that game. I wish people would stop with this hypocritical "playing for a team" BS and acknowledge the problem we face that is bigger than partisan politics, bigger than any individual politician or party.

Uh, please try reading again.

I am talking about Superpac Money, this is in a thread about Superpac money.

But good job finding an anti-hillary article to try to disprove a point I was not arguing.

Also, Lee Fang is an epic fuck head.

Oh, and you are talking about literally .01% of the amount of money here.
Quit trying to both sides something that is not feasibly both sides.

Edit: Holy fuck that article you linked is embarrassing, you should feel bad for sharing it.

I mean look at this fucking quote
All this underscores a very significant point: Clinton, no matter her rhetoric, is a pro-corporate Democrat who has significant ties to Koch Industries executives and lobbyists, and has allowed Koch Industries members to influence the policies of Democrats for decades.

You actually had the gall to share that in THIS THREAD.


Die you old fuckers.. Seriously why do they care. 77 and 81 and rich as fuck. Their children's children will never want for anything, and yet they want more.

Yep. I will never, ever, ever understand the mentality this type of person has. It's truly a sickness. More money than they could spend in 100 lifetimes, and near the end of their lives, and they'll still pull the plug on millions of sick and poor so they can add another 0 to their bank account before they kick it. It's unreal.

If I ever got my hands on the money to stop working I'd peace out to a beach for the rest of my life. I do not understand this drive to be an evil prick.


Warring partisan donors is the true political battle of our time.

What used to be too dirty for the bright lights can now step out from the shadows and really thrive.

Which political leech on the government is more righteous? Which side is the money on?

Are you a Koch/Trump Republican or more of a Zuckerberg/Bezos/Soros Democrat?

Which industry destroying monopolist sells better to the hearts and minds of my political base?

The true heroes of our political future are the billionaire boot-strapping set.


You being serious right now?


The problem is, as long as powerful interests like the Kochs can pull strings to get what they want to any degree, it doesn't matter what party is in power if the politicians in question are open to playing that game. I wish people would stop with this hypocritical "playing for a team" BS and acknowledge the problem we face that is bigger than partisan politics, bigger than any individual politician or party.

Is this a joke post? Did you seriously just post that article to make a point? Holy shit. This is why Trump won.


*Slams the "BOTH SIDES" alert button*

I think we can all say fuck the GOP and their huge donors who are set on destroying this country in the name of lowering their own taxes, and also say this is a huge problem that must be stopped in a way that limits all parties from this shit.

The only problem is that Republicans would never be for regulations, because they are ahead. It's like asking the USA to reduce their nuclear arsenal. No one is going to give away their advantage and the Democrats have to compete in this flawed system.

It doesn't mean people shouldn't say it's bad across the board. Call out the excesses and corruption with a focus on the most egregious examples while not letting the system itself off the hook.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Uh, please try reading again.

I am talking about Superpac Money, this is in a thread about Superpac money.

But good job finding an anti-hillary article to try to disprove a point I was not arguing.

Also, Lee Fang is an epic fuck head.

...that is not an argument against anything i have posted.

Secondly....Clinton had tons of superpacs that indirectly or(most importantly) directly coordinated with her campaign. She had tons of lobbyists in her campaign staff as well.






Again, if you guys actually think that the democrats are free of public corruption, your being obtuse on purpose. Nobody is trying to deflect blame from the GOP, merely attempting to get you to realize the truth of the matter which extends beyond the two parties.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
...that is not an argument against anything i have posted.

Secondly....Clinton had tons of superpacs that indirectly or(most importantly) directly coordinated with her campaign. She had tons of lobbyists in her campaign staff as well.




Did you bother to actually read any of the stuff you linked?

Or did you just google "Hillary Superpac" and post the results you found?

Because obviously this is comparable to the 400M in the OP:

Clinton also has received super PAC support from labor unions. Working for Working Americans, a super PAC funded by a variety of unions, gave $5 million to Priorities USA Action. Other union contributions came from the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters ($4 million), Laborers International Union ($4 million), American Federation of Teachers ($2.5 million), International Union of Operating Engineers ($2 million), National Air Traffic Controllers ($1.85 million), Teamsters Union ($1.5 million) and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees ($1 million).


Fred Eychaner, a media mogul and LGBTQ rights supporter, donated $10 million. The media-shy Democratic megadonor has been a major backer of the party’s super PACs. He hosted Clinton for at least one fundraiser this election.


The largest super PAC donor supporting Clinton’s election is hedge fund billionaire S. Donald Sussman. The Virgin Islands resident and longtime Democratic donor has put $20 million into Priorities USA Action so far this election. He recently told The Washington Post that his main goal in political giving is his deeply ironic desire to overturn Citizens United and its related decisions to get rid of super PACs.

Please try harder, you are embarrassing yourself.
Your hate of Democrats and wanting to be superior to them and being "above the fray" is causing you to be unable to make rational comparisons. Or in this case, trying to make a comparison that can't be made.

I'm out for tonight, I'll reply further tomorrow.

Is this a joke post? Did you seriously just post that article to make a point? Holy shit. This is why Trump won.

One of the reasons, no doubt. Both sides was pushed pretty hard by the media, and people, either out of wanting to feel superior, or out of ignorance bought into the narrative.
In the US do you have anything similar to the UK's electoral commission?

Its basically an independent watchdog which all parties need to report all spending to, the data is then published online for citizens to look at. They don't have to report anything less than £200 though.

Also, we have spending limits. For the general election it tends to be about £30,000 per seat (a seat is basically a constituency) so if they're after every seat it works out at around £19,000,000 as the total legal spend.

That being said, I think the 2015 election had spending of about £37,000,000 ($50m) for all parties.

What was the US election? $6.8 billion?

You also never really see TV ads, we have 'party political broadcasts' on BBC One in the lead-up to elections but they come preceded by 'This is a party political broadcast by the Conservative Party.' What this does mean is that our politicians spend ages walking around various shit towns across the country pointing at things, eating local cuisine (bacon sandwiches, pasties, etc...) and being condescending towards locals.

Its a very different system. I'm not saying there's not corruption but it blows my mind that these people are so brazenly bribing your politicians with 8x the amount of money another Western, First World country spends on their elections.
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