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Kotaku: "Greedfall's Detailed Role-Playing can't make up for its unpleasant setting"


why is it that all sjws sound the same?
Is there a sjw bootcamp or just gender studies degree?



Like this JUST came out this morning.

And what the fuck does she mean she doesn't think games need a player to exist? At that point, it's called a movie. The entire point of the video game medium is interactivity. It's what truly separates games from motion pictures. The viewer interacts with the world they are in, rather than be an onlooker. God Kotaku is a joke with it's writers. It's obvious she wants to review movies or some shit with the belief that a video GAME doesn't have to have the game part. Again, at that point it's not a game, it's a video.


Neighbours from Hell
This is the same nutjob who ripped Spider-Man because the “cops were too nice” and therefore “not realistic.”

why is it that all sjws sound the same?
Is there a sjw bootcamp or just gender studies degree?

The reason so many of them avoid debates or are horrible at debating is because they can’t and don’t think for themselves. They all use the same pre-scripted counterpoints and cliches and circular logic and once they get backed into a corner and are forced to think in their feet, they can’t because they ran out of things they adopted from social media, so they resort to blocking or playing victim.
This articles was without a doubt one of the most insanely moronic things I've ever read in my life. This is not even something you can have a conversation about, it's gibberish. It's fucking nothing. The author should feel terrible and consider other professional options for her life. I know she won't feel ashamed and there's probably an audience of danger hair landwhales who would eat this shit up which is frankly scary, but this reflects poorly on the industry as a whole and I cannot wait for Kotaku to go under and for this person to be unemployed.


Havent read exactly what it's about, but is this the new Kingdom Come Deliverance esque shitstorm? Let me read up on it..

Twas a shame how that game was treated


Y’all really need to just let it go. Hot takes on the internet are everywhere. Not enough time in the day to address all of them. Remember, to many, it’s just “it started a conversation.” So, don’t let it. Just let it float away like a fart in the wind. You will be happier for it, and at the very least continue to enjoy your hobby.


I find it quite disheartening that people automatically discredit all her opinions just because she has a sjw type hair style. I remember an article from her about the AI in Red Dead 2 being there solely to entertain the player instead of trying to create a compelling virtual world. It was a very well thought-out article and really made me think and agree with her on just about everything. The tweets in the op are fine too. Video games are an art form so they can, and honestly should, contain more than just brainless entertainment. That is why games like Shadow of the Colossus and NieR are so great. Seriously just stop automatically condemning everything she says just because she has different colored hair, most of you sound like "Orange man bad" just on the opposite side.

Edit: I read through the article. She makes some interesting points. The hate she is getting is absolutely undeserved. Again.

I'll tuck in when there's an archived link, but no - she's been writing about herself at the hobby for years now. Give us the benefit of the doubt here - plently of us are well versed in her articles and just fed up or over it, not dismissing it beforehand over a haircut.
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I think this quote from the article makes the problem here obvious:

"The magical New World is mostly a playground for the player, not a means to examine complex issues. "

Evidently games aren't supposed to be a playground for the player, they're supposed to be a means to examine complex issues. Makes total sense now. I'm totally not rolling my eyes, trust me.


she is bitching about colonialism throughout this review, yet she gave a favorable review to the new Monster Hunter World DLC, even stating that colonization is a theme in that game. she mentions it briefly in a single sentence and never talks about it again. so it isn't like she is an equal opportunity offender who devotes half the MHW review to talking about the politics of killing & capturing monsters, in colonizing their habitats, on the political ramifications of normalizing any of that behavior. no. it's ignored entirely. that game gets a pass.

yet here, it ruins the game. she doesn't even consider it in the other game, but for this one, it's the focus of the review. it RUINS THE GAME. i guess it's cool to use colonization as a theme in a game and entirely ignore it when you want, and then otherwise let it ruin your game when you don't. that's really the problem here, an inconsistency of thought. someone being that intellectually dishonest and showing that kind of bias is obviously full of shit.
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So the whole Complain is that it doesnt beat you over the head with Slavery is bad and Non-Native Settlers arent all Completely Evil ?
I wonder how this Sjw ninja would rate BotW, 1/10 ?
I mean this game clearly promotes Patriarchy because you play as a male, rescuing a Woman.....


I think the most interesting aspect of this is that she doesn't appear to be an insightful enough critic to realize that the complaints she's making are due to the game narrative itself being fairly mediocre across the board and not due to some explicit decision by the developer. It's like when somebody goes way up their own ass critiquing a painting that was made by some dude rolling around naked in paint on a canvas.

Edit: Also from what I can tell her role at Kotaku basically exists to create clickbait trigger articles about currently trending games so if you're clicking on links to read them there then you're just contributing to her success
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Gold Member
Wow...just leeeeeave!!

I'm so sick of having to watch people try to justify what's in their games to people who are always trying to turn it into something more than it is. ITS A GOT DAMN GAAAAME!


Unconfirmed Member
I find it quite disheartening that people automatically discredit all her opinions just because she has a sjw type hair style. I remember an article from her about the AI in Red Dead 2 being there solely to entertain the player instead of trying to create a compelling virtual world. It was a very well thought-out article and really made me think and agree with her on just about everything. The tweets in the op are fine too. Video games are an art form so they can, and honestly should, contain more than just brainless entertainment. That is why games like Shadow of the Colossus and NieR are so great. Seriously just stop automatically condemning everything she says just because she has different colored hair, most of you sound like "Orange man bad" just on the opposite side.

Edit: I read through the article. She makes some interesting points. The hate she is getting is absolutely undeserved. Again.

Heather said:
There’s no polite way of saying it. Greedfall is kind of fucked up. Wrapping yourself in the pageantry of the 18th century means recreating the iconography of colonial expansion and native slaughter. It means emulating a time when supposedly great men failed to do what was morally right, opting instead to do what was politically expedient. To merely call this a tension of Greedfall does it a disservice. It’s not just a momentary tension. It’s the entire game.
The visual language at play in this game harkens back to some vile shit. That isn’t to say that no art could use a setting like this, but it needs to be used with an awareness of what this setting actually means. Greedfall doesn’t demonstrate that level of care. The magical New World is mostly a playground for the player, not a means to examine complex issues. Greedfall wears a costume, perhaps not ignorant to what the costume means, but seemingly unwilling to do anything too powerful with it.
From what I read it seems that danger hair is mad about the fact that this game is based on the 1800s and things WE ALL KNOW were wrong aren't being condemned enough or being dug into to the point the entire game isn't good because of it.


When's the last time you saw an article like this about a popular novel? Probably never. That industry is too established to allow wannabes to come in and try to turn it into their own personal platform.

You might want to look into that, it's pretty common for books to be taken to task over shit like this.
As an example, Google The Black Witch by Laurie Forest.
Or, rather, the drama around it.
she is bitching about colonialism throughout this review, yet she gave a favorable review to the new Monster Hunter World DLC, even stating that colonization is a theme in that game. she mentions it briefly in a single sentence and never talks about it again. so it isn't like she is an equal opportunity offender who devotes half the MHW review to talking about the politics of killing & capturing monsters, in colonizing their habitats, on the political ramifications of normalizing any of that behavior. no. it's ignored entirely. that game gets a pass.

yet here, it ruins the game. she doesn't even consider it in the other game, but for this one, it's the focus of the review. it RUINS THE GAME. i guess it's cool to use colonization as a theme in a game and entirely ignore it when you want, and then otherwise let it ruin your game when you don't. that's really the problem here, an inconsistency of thought. someone being that intellectually dishonest and showing that kind of bias is obviously full of shit.

It also sounds like the game lets you go "Dances With Wargs" with the elves, so. . .that is a definite anti-colonial route.

What she is really butthurt about is player choice.


Whatever. 'It' will probably give a low 60 because the game didn't tell the player that colonization is bad and no alphabet representation and yada yada.


Her paid job is cultural critic, so that is what she does. There must be a demand for this service, otherwise why are there so many?

cm osi

i would love to throw back in time those people and observe how they would act in that kind of setting
it's EZ to be the shining beacon of justice behind a keyboard


Others have pretty much said what I wanted to say.

I'm tired of the new mentality that games should and must be used as propaganda tools. I've seen a few different devs this year saying something along those same lines.
I think this quote from the article makes the problem here obvious:

"The magical New World is mostly a playground for the player, not a means to examine complex issues. "

Evidently games aren't supposed to be a playground for the player, they're supposed to be a means to examine complex issues. Makes total sense now. I'm totally not rolling my eyes, trust me.
And it's not just merely examining complex issues. Games must examine the "right" complex issues and tackle them the "correct way".
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Xaero Gravity

If Bonerlands 3 wasn't coming out this week, I'd easily pick this up. Maybe next week, but thanks for the recommendation Cucktaku :D
I am a devout liberal but this criticism is ridiculous.

You're playing within a system, you can't change the whole setting or world in this game or any other. I'm not pissed at GTA because I can't stop the violence and cultural rot that it portrays in the first 10 hours. You can't do that at all. At least in this game it sounds like you CAN be subversive. This dude just didn't want to have the negative effects of taking those actions. Welcome to the real world you don't get a cookie for pushing back on power structures, that's why they're power structures. When you push, they push back pretty fucking hard.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ.


Gold Member
I don't mind that this type of criticism of games exists. I don't agree with all of it, but there's room for games to grow in all directions. What bothers me is that games journalism as a clique has universally decided that this style of criticism is more valid than any others, and that readers who don't like it are inherently evil, and that their peers who might want to criticize games differently be made to fall in line.
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