I thought it might be fun to have this thread so we can review everything after tonight.
Here are a few snippets, though the full piece is much longer: http://kotaku.com/its-reckoning-day-for-nintendo-switch-rumor-reporters-1791120192
Laura Kate Dale:
Emily Rogers:
Tom Phillips (Eurogamer):
Here are a few snippets, though the full piece is much longer: http://kotaku.com/its-reckoning-day-for-nintendo-switch-rumor-reporters-1791120192
Laura Kate Dale:
Kotaku said:Few people are as nervous for tonight as Laura Kate Dale, a UK-based reporter and prolific tweeter who has cultivated a reputation for sharing Nintendo rumors in the lead-up to Switch. Dale, who is 25, has been a full-time reporter since late 2014 but started making a name for herself last year with a series of tweets and reports full of Switch details both major and minor. Tonight, she may be vindicated. Or embarrassed. Or a combination of both.
I am constantly worried about that, Dale told me during a recent interview. That is honestly the most tiring thing about doing leaks, is the sitting and waiting and wondering, Am I gonna lose all credibility because all of this is gonna turn out wrong?
Sharing information can be somewhat addictive, Dale said. Its something that, while it does have its stresses attached to it, there is also something very rewarding about doing it. And I know there are times where I have probably said things that were either granular or I didnt need to say, because sometimes you just wanna say, Hey I know a few more things, so that when information starts coming out its obvious that OK, yeah, you did know more.
Kotaku said:Tonights event may be the coda to what has been a wild, leaky year for Nintendo. Dales cavalcade of Nintendo reports follows several major rumors that hit throughout 2016. In February, a NeoGAF poster called Trevelyan9999also known as SuperMetalDavepublished a list of upcoming 3DS games and marketing budgets that turned out to be real. It mostly consisted of codenames and didnt offer any useful information, but it was accurate.
Later, SuperMetalDave reported a number of NX rumors on his YouTube channel that proved to be very much false, including a claim that the NX would use AMDs x86 architecture and be more powerful than the PlayStation 4. If youre wondering about the discrepancy: According to one person familiar with the situation, SuperMetalDave got his hands on that 3DS marketing plan because of an e-mail that was accidentally sent to a large group of people, then passed along to him. He didnt have any real inside information beyond that e-mail, which might help explain why his subsequent reports were off the mark.
Emily Rogers:
Kotaku said:Look at Emily Rogers, for example. Rogers, who has a long and polarizing history within the Nintendo fan community, has been sharing rumors and leaks since around 2011. Back then, she had a reputation for being wrong more often than not. She made several outlandish claims and had a tendency to delete tweets and posts every few months after things stopped panning out. But in the Switch era, shes been on the ball, correctly reporting on some hardware details (plus the existence of Paper Mario for Wii U) as well as others that may or may not pan out tonight. (Rogers declined to comment on this story.)
Tom Phillips (Eurogamer):
Kotaku said:Although Phillips falls into a different category than Dale or Rogersas a full-time reporter for Eurogamer, he tends to be more careful about corroboration, and he prefers to post his stories on his website rather than on Twitterhes also eagerly waiting to see what happens tonight.
Im confident in my own reporting, but things do change, Phillips said. It has been fascinating, following the Switch line-up so closely over the past six months, to see how late things get finalised. I think theres a belief that release dates and announcement timings get nailed down months in advance when actually they are incredibly fluid. So yes, there have been times when Ive read things and thought, Hmm, that doesnt sound like its the case anymore. And its certainly kept me on my toesthe biggest example has been Zeldas release datenow back on for March but previously pencilled in for summer.