I'm not making anything up. THat's exactly how it works, and we're describing the same thing.
You're making bets, both on real life NFL game results and real NFL prop bets. If you hit those game results or you hit those prop bets, or of you parlay a certain amount of wins correctly (20, 24, and 32, right?) then you get rewarded with coins.
"Oh but I earn coins by playing Solo Challenges (what EA calls "grinding solos" in their "Grinders Guide") and I get predictor cards by grinding solo challenges, so it's not gambling because I'm not using real money!"
Coins, in MUT, have a exchange rate in relation to points, points have an exchange rate in relation to dollars. You use predictor cards (sorry I called them "tokens" they look like tokens on the card) which reward you with coins (which have a monetary value) which you can spend on expiring digital items which are delivered to you via packs, where some packs have good value and some packs have not good value.
This is the basic fundamentals of gambling, and it preys on gambling instincts.
Thanks for the info86 overall would make your created character slightly above average, compared to other players in the NBA. He'd be a mid-level starter in NBA 2K18. Because spending VC scales up to cost more and more as you improve, going from 86 to say 95 or so (comparable to the top stars in the NBA), you'd probably have to spend much, much more time.
I'm sure it scales based on the settings you play with, but hypothetically, if each game takes 40 minutes, then that's about 8,000 minutes, or about 133 hours, or about 5 1/2 days... To create a mid-level character. And that's only if you focus on maximizing your players rating. If you want to customize the character for him to look like you or wear the clothes that you like ro might wear, then that will take much, much longer.
Or you could spend $99 and get that character now.
200 games is a lot of games, and sports games aren't like MMOs that might be released once every 3 or 4 years, or like GTA which might be released once every 5 years. They have an annual release cycle as they try to mimic real life, which has new seasons, rosters, teams, rules, and so on, every year.
EVERYONE in this thread that says "I don't care" and willingly pays for this type of shit, you are ruining this industry.
The worst part about this is that, if it goes uncontested, developers like Take-Two will likely throw them into games like Red Dead Redemption 2 in a more egregious and intrusive manner than their current state in 2K18.
These decisions don't exist in a vacuum.
The worst part about this is that, if it goes uncontested, developers like Take-Two will likely throw them into games like Red Dead Redemption 2 in a more egregious and intrusive manner than their current state in 2K18.
These decisions don't exist in a vacuum.
Update: In discussion with 2K Games, weve temporarily removed the score pending a statement with regard to our criticisms, at which point it will be reinstated. Additionally, a draft conclusion was posted that incorrectly characterised our score as a protest vote, and has been reworded to reflect that our criticisms are rooted in the effect that VC and microtransactions have on the gameplay.
Happy to see the pushback to the "games are expensive to make and it's only cosmetics responses." I'm not trying to throw anyone under the bus in this thread, I'm just really sick of this shit. 2K16 will remain the last 2K game I buy and it's a shame because each year I get more and more into NBA.
I'm guessing 2K threatened blacklisting them if they didn't change it? I can't think of any other reason why they'd be in discussion with 2K.So according to Opencritic, TheSixthAxis game this game 3/10 because of microtransactions
But later the score disappeared
So according to Opencritic, TheSixthAxis game this game 3/10 because of microtransactions
But later the score disappeared
I'm guessing 2K threatened blacklisting them if they didn't change it? I can't think of any other reason why they'd be in discussion with 2K.
Yeah that certainly does sound that they're been lent on.I don't see what the big deal is? Review told the truth. The gameplay is good, but the microtransactions and VC requirements heavily detract from the game's value at $60. Fuck off 2K.
it certainly makes sense to put them in games that are mainstream popular like GTA and NBA 2k. I kind of can't blame them. It's a lame practice that promotes bad game design, but some of those things really don't matter to their core audience.
Yeah that certainly does sound that they're been lent on.
Hello. Reviewer here. After review went live I've had no direct contact with 2K, instead their PR is chatting with my editor. All I know is that 2K are to issue a statement of some sort regarding issues raised in the review. Of course the real issue is what updates the 2K18's VC system gets.
Just think of this as a review now in progress. If things remain unchanged so will my opinion.
Hello. Reviewer here. After review went live I've had no direct contact with 2K, instead their PR is chatting with my editor. All I know is that 2K are to issue a statement of some sort regarding issues raised in the review. Of course the real issue is what updates the 2K18's VC system gets.
Just think of this as a review now in progress. If things remain unchanged so will my opinion.
You gotta realize the people buying the vc aint the people complaining, they lap that shit up every year.I hear this EVERY YEAR with NBA2K yet people still buy it. Vote with your wallet and stop buying this trash.
Hello. Reviewer here. After review went live I've had no direct contact with 2K, instead their PR is chatting with my editor. All I know is that 2K are to issue a statement of some sort regarding issues raised in the review. Of course the real issue is what updates the 2K18's VC system gets.
Just think of this as a review now in progress. If things remain unchanged so will my opinion.
Hello. Reviewer here. After review went live I've had no direct contact with 2K, instead their PR is chatting with my editor. All I know is that 2K are to issue a statement of some sort regarding issues raised in the review. Of course the real issue is what updates the 2K18's VC system gets.
Just think of this as a review now in progress. If things remain unchanged so will my opinion.
Dont get your hopes up man, they arent gonna hurt themselves making more money.good shit Jonty, really interested in what they do with the VC system. Maybe they double VC gains......being where 1k is average salary and you get roughly 1500k per game based on performance......would make it by far a much better experience.
When you hear stuff like Acti making over 3 billion from MT's last year you have to wonder if the vocal minority actually didn't buy the game, which is pretty much the only way to combat this stuff, would the decrease in sales even matter in their eyes
It might not impact a regular season mode, but it seriously impacts the MyPlayer or MyTeam modes (I think they're called that). My son loves the 2k games, but last year when he started the MyTeam mode he lasted less than a week before he had no money left to buy contracts for the players in his lineups. It didn't seem like there was any good way to just play the the game to accumulate VC without buying bundles.This seems acceptable to me.
Or maybe someone could explain how it would impact an average joe just taking his or her favorite squad through a season, which is how I typically play sports games (when I do) and how I envision most of everybody else doing it.
If I'm trying to take the Celtics to the 2018 championship, does this get in my way?
So according to Opencritic, TheSixthAxis game this game 3/10 because of microtransactions
But later the score disappeared
Well, how many people bitching about this are going to skip the next Red Dead game?
Take Two/2K can keep doing this because they know everyone will keep buying their games no matter how much we complain.
When you hear stuff like Acti making over 3 billion from MT's last year you have to wonder if the vocal minority actually didn't buy the game, which is pretty much the only way to combat this stuff, would the decrease in sales even matter in their eyes
Hello. Reviewer here. After review went live I've had no direct contact with 2K, instead their PR is chatting with my editor. All I know is that 2K are to issue a statement of some sort regarding issues raised in the review. Of course the real issue is what updates the 2K18's VC system gets.
Just think of this as a review now in progress. If things remain unchanged so will my opinion.
The average joe is the one to blame.
Even though this shit has been bad for years I'm glad people are finally picking up on it, even though it's not negatively affecting review scores enough.
Now, if motherfuckers on Youtube can stop buying 100,000 VC for packs/loot box openings, that would be grand.
When you hear stuff like Acti making over 3 billion from MT's last year you have to wonder if the vocal minority actually didn't buy the game, which is pretty much the only way to combat this stuff, would the decrease in sales even matter in their eyes
Jesus, looks like they got to Open Critic too otherwise the score wouldn't have been deleted. Metacritic says Review in Progress too, I wonder if the score was deleted off there too.So according to Opencritic, TheSixthAxis game this game 3/10 because of microtransactions
But later the score disappeared