Hmmm, just ran
across this bit of info...Well, looks like I might have give some bad advice to a family member. I remembered this story about people with early Xbox 360s getting replacements due to the update, but thought it was much more widespread. My brother has an old one that he stopped playing years ago, due to no good games, so I told him to dig it back up and and try see if it qualifies for free replacement. Damn thing wouldn't even start normally; it freezes with blinking red lights around its eye. I recommended he put it in a warm oven for a few minutes, which did help. Next problem was that the thing would not update the dashboard without a storage device, but his neighbor's kids stole the original hard drive to hawk at a pawn shop. Yesterday he got a loaner drive and finally updated the dash. But no email yet gifting a replacement unit. Tonight he just sent me a message that he thought to go rent a new xbox dvd to try out, LA Noire. But I don't even think that one came out since the dvd format was adopted.
Anyways, I guess this was a waste of time. Personally, I didn't even want him to have a new Xbox --- I just figured it would hurt Microsoft's margins in a small, small way.