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Kuju to bring Sensible games to Java enabled cell phones

Funky Papa

Just because nobody posted it

27th July 2004, London, UK. Kuju Wireless Publishing Limited, the flourishing mobile phone game publishing arm of Kuju PLC (KUJ: AIM) has signed a deal with respected British publisher Codemasters, to bring the all-time classic hits Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder to Java enabled mobile phones.

A clearly delighted Kevin Holloway, Managing Director of Kuju Wireless Publishing commented, 'We're very excited to be working on these titles. Sensible Software was highly regarded for creating supremely playable and inventive games. They were the game developer equivalent to the Beatles in the 16-bit era. Like great music, great gameplay never goes out of fashion.' He continued, 'These titles will add to our existing portfolio of titles and continue to strengthen our position as a leading wireless games publisher.'

Pramesh Chauhan, Business Development Manager at Kuju Wireless Publishing continued, 'Both Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder are real classics. In particular, Sensible Soccer completely revolutionised football games when it was first released on the Amiga and Atari ST, due to its superb gameplay. We're convinced it will do the same on mobile phones.'

Kuju Wireless Publishing will publish Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder alongside other major titles including the recent hit Pat Cash Pro Tennis and forthcoming titles Judge Dredd, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure via major operators and portals.

Sexy. I wouldn't mind a N-Gage version :)
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