Oh man, poor zoomers.Hahaha. I know. Those pop culture info graphics I see sometimes have kinda a sliding scale to give you an idea of where you land. Like I definitely have different tastes that someone born even 5 years apart.
Oh man, poor zoomers.Hahaha. I know. Those pop culture info graphics I see sometimes have kinda a sliding scale to give you an idea of where you land. Like I definitely have different tastes that someone born even 5 years apart.
Yeah, that's thick with oppressive tension - very Silent Hill-esque, albeit first person. Definitely wish-listed. I hope the full release lives up to the vibe and atmosphere in the trailer.The atmosphere is palpable. Looking forward to playing this!
It's the *lack* of detail. The hazy, shimmering, dream-like qualities are easier to express without the fidelity.There’s something about this era of graphics that fits isolation-horror very well.
Come For the retro horror, stay for the 40 year olds arguing like 16 year olds.
Looks yummy. Is on switch or PS5? Mac? This is a windows free sacred home.
pc only afaik.... on the upside, should run on a calculatorLooks yummy. Is on switch or PS5? Mac? This is a windows free sacred home.
The World has entered The Latter Age Of The Dharma. Society is crumbling. War has spread throughout the country. Disease and famine have killed thousands, and demons walk the very earth itself. You are an Ashigaru, a footsoldier in the service of Lord Takeda Nobumitsu. Deceived by a powerful demon king, your lord led his army into an ambush. All perished except for you. Against your wishes your lord sacrificed his life to aid your escape from the battle. You have made a vow to track down the demon who betrayed your lord and end it's life. You take what could possibly be your final breaths on this mortal plane, and prepare yourself to enter… The Labyrinth Of the Demon King
Coming to PC and consoles in 2023.
Love the visuals but I turned the demo off after about 15 minutes. It just meanders too much. I'll try it again when I'm in a better mood.