After the merger some people left
Director of FFXII left during dev
FFXIV 1.0 was heavily outsourced iirc and tanaka left too
I think the company was trying way too hard with ff13 vs13 agito13
Whats that bias thing called? like when u invest too much but u keep investing to save it. But it ends up even bigger mess.
FF15 was cut up way too hard way too many scenes from trailer (im not talking vs13) did not make the game
And tabata got lucky with Crisis Core and agito 13 being ported because maybe i think we where thirsty for squeenix
Nice avatar btw
Ohh wait and also Yoichi Wada the company ceo wanted to re-use assets
Thats why X-2 happened. iirc and maybe thats why 13x3 happened?