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Last surviving Rhinos killed in Mozambique

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Last rhinos in Mozambique killed by poachers


The last known rhinoceroses in Mozambique have been wiped out by poachers apparently working in cahoots with the game rangers responsible for protecting them, it has emerged.

The 15 threatened animals were shot dead for their horns last month in the Mozambican part of Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, which also covers South Africa and Zimbabwe.

They were thought to be the last of an estimated 300 that roamed through the special conservation area when it was established as "the world's greatest animal kingdom" in a treaty signed by the three countries' then presidents in 2002.

The latest deaths, and Mozambique's failure to tackle poaching, has prompted threats by South Africa to re-erect fences between their reserves.

Wildlife authorities believe the poachers were able to track the rhinoceroses with the help of game rangers working in the Limpopo National Park, as the Mozambican side of the reserve is known.

A total of 30 rangers are due in court in the coming weeks, charged with collusion in the creatures' deaths, according to the park's administrators.

Conservationists say the poorly-paid rangers were vulnerable to corruption by organised poaching gangs, who target rhinoceroses for their horns which are prized in Asia for their reputed aphrodisiac and cancer-curing properties.

The trade in rhino horn has seen the numbers of rhino killed spiral in recent years. Over the border in Kruger, the South African part of the transfrontier park, 180 have been killed so far this year, out of a national total of 249. Last year, 668 rhino were poached in South Africa, a 50 per cent increase over the previous year.

Kelvin Alie, from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said the fact that the rangers may have been turned while working on such an important conservation initiative "speaks volumes about the deadly intent of the wildlife trade".

"They will stop at nothing to get to their quarry," he said. "It is tragic beyond tears that we learn game rangers have now become the enemy in the fight to protect rhino from being poached for their horns."

A spokesman for South Africa's environment minister said she would be meeting her Mozambican counterpart in the coming weeks amid concerns that the country is not pulling its weight in the battle against poaching.

"Clearly the open fence agreement has become an open season for poachers," Albi Modise said. "Rangers in the Kruger National Park are engaged in daily battles with Mozambican poachers."

Dr Jo Shaw, from the World Wide Fund for Nature, said the rhinoceroses had probably crossed into Mozambique from Kruger.

Whereas killing a rhino in South Africa can attract stricter punishments than killing a person, in Mozambique offenders generally escape with a fine if they are prosecuted at all.

"Rhinos being killed in Kruger are mostly by Mozambican poachers who then move the horns out through their airports and seaports," she said. "With huge governance and corruption issues in Mozambique, it's a huge challenge."

Good job China.


The last known rhinoceroses in Mozambique have been wiped out by poachers apparently working in cahoots with the game rangers responsible for protecting them, it has emerged.

Well damn. If the guys protecting them don't give a shit...
I think poachers do not realize that killing off the animal that they make money from does not help them or the environment.


I seriously think we need to open a wildlife preserve on the grasslands of North America. It's the only chance.

Seriously this isn't enough:

Whereas killing a rhino in South Africa can attract stricter punishments than killing a person, in Mozambique offenders generally escape with a fine if they are prosecuted at all.
Fuck that, extinction is no joke. Kill the fuckers.

Someone should put a bounty on poachers.
But hey, with all the medicines that will come from their horns, people will be
fooled into thinking they're being
healed of their debilitating diseases!

Get modern already, Africa. You're making the rest humanity look bad.


Really Really Exciting Member!
They won't laugh once they realize that there is no more rhinos left because of them.

Or, being the assholes they are, they'll just go "Meh. We'll get our money elsewhere."


I think poachers do not realize that killing off the animal that they make money from does not help them or the environment.

This. How stupid can they be? Instead of letting them repopulate and having more to kill, not that I would advocate this, but now there are none left. You just depleted your supply.


goddammit, if I had the cash I'd open a massive reserve with guards 24/7. Its baffling that in this day and age people we can't do something to stop the extinction of a species.
This. How stupid can they be? Instead of letting them repopulate and having more to kill, not that I would advocate this, but now there are none left. You just depleted your supply.

They don't think like that. They see money. They make money. They will see the next opportunity to make money and take it.
We should put away the idea of cloning extinct animals and focus of cloning endangered or recent man made extinctions.
Cloning is not really a solution. Why waste an endangered animal's womb on an animal that's more likely to die, and will reduce the genetic variety of the remaining population?


Oh man, I read the thread title too fast and thought they were extinct somehow :(

Still, fuck these poachers man.


I read all sorts of fucked up stories all days and i'm completely numb to them, but this news piece made me pissed off.


This is so sad. Growing up, rhinos were probably my favorite animal (having since been replaced by leopards).

So tragic. Time to hunt down these poachers.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Killing off species because of something that isn't even proven to be factual.

Man, this made me more depressing :/

I wonder if the human race would eventually receive its karma.
I thought they cut off the horns of these rhinos anyway, especially of the biggest ones? If they're not doing that now, they should, once they are big enough not to be bothered by predators. It's not perfect and there's a real risk that poachers simply move to the smaller ones but at this point, I don't think you have much of a choice when more than half of your national stock got killed in one year.


Rhino's are fascinating to me, they look like some bizarre monster, i love it. This makes me sad...
But hey, with all the medicines that will come from their horns, people will be
fooled into thinking they're being
healed of their debilitating diseases!

Get modern already, Africa. You're making the rest humanity look bad.

Rhino horns go to China for medicine. African poachers tend to be poor people trying to get by.
It is so depressing to think that rhinos and tigers will probably go extinct in our lifetimes due to totally bogus medicinal beliefs.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wonder if "powdered middle-aged man kidneys" would sell as a miracle drug.

Then again, knowing Earth, it probably exists.
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